The Salon: Responding to Existential Risk

Healing the Global Intimacy Disorder

with Dr. Marc Gafni

The Salons were gatherings organized by Shareef Malnik & Gabrielle Anwar, former Co-Chairs of the Think Tank of the Center for Integral Wisdom, together with the President of the Think Tank, Dr. Marc Gafni.

Dr. Marc Gafni did eight incredible Salons online, which were framed around a powerful set of responses to the realization of  “it is not too big to fail” – aka, catastrophic and existential risk.
It is our imperative and joy – part of our commitment to our children and to ourselves – to take our seat at the table – in enacting the covenant between generations – through the Center for Integral Wisdom, beginning with these Salons.
Part of that vision is to insure that there will be a flourishing tomorrow for our children. That is our commitment to the covenant between generations. We begin in this salon by pointing towards the risk and then responding with great hope through the vision of what Dr. Marc calls, the New Story of CosmoErotic Humanism.
It is our great joy to share the recordings of these special gatherings of The Salons with you.

Salon 1 – Facing Catastrophic and Existential Risk: The Need for a New Story

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Salon 2 – Only a New Shared Story of Value Will Create Global Coherence

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Salon 3 – Reality Is the Progressive Deepening of Intimacies: The Global Intimacy Disorder and the Intimate Universe

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Salon 4 – The New Existential Risk: Not the Death of Humanity but the Death of Our Humanity: Between Social Self, Separate Self and Unique Self

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Salon 5 – My Story is Chapter and Verse in The Universe: A Love Story

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Salon 6 – The Three Primordial Principles of Cosmos: First Person, Second Person and Third Person

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Salon 7 – Introducing the Three Eyes: The Eye the Senses, the Eye of the Mind and the Eye of the Heart

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Salon 8 – She comes in Threes: The Prepersonal, the Personal and the Transpersonal

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The Salon: Responding to Existential Risk2023-06-17T08:09:46-07:00

Dr. Marc Gafni: Our First Steps as “Homo amor” – FREE Abridged Course

This 27-Part Video series is part of the 7-week Online Video Course:


A 7-Week Online Video Course with Dr. Marc Gafni

When looking at the state of the world today, if your head is not in the sand, you feel a sense of urgency. There is outrageous beauty and goodness. But there is also outrageous pain. But not of the ordinary kind. There is the pain of dislocation as we enter a phase shift in human history where all of the old narratives of identity are collapsing. In this 11th hour, as we are poised between utopia and dystopia, we have no authentic sense of who we are and what is our personal place in this pivotal moment in human history.

This playlist is a short introduction to the 7-week Online Video Course: “the First Steps as Homo Amor” with Dr. Marc Gafni.

Enjoy the FREE Series HERE:

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We are at a pivotal moment – in the 11th hour poised between dystopia and utopia – between the capacity to create heaven on earth or unleash, especially for the most vulnerable two billion people on the planet, a hell of suffering and death. We are at a tipping point, where our next steps can either usher in heaven on earth or all hell break loose. We are faced with global challenges at an existential level – threats to our very existence.

Global challenges can only be met with concerted global action. But we suffer a global action paralysis or rampant global action confusion. The global action paralysis is rooted not merely in political struggle but in something far more fundamental. Our global action paralysis is rooted in a global intimacy disorder.

Therefore, in order to move towards collective mutual action that can take us to the next level, we need to heal the global intimacy disorder that is at the root of our crisis.

Intimacy disorders – personal and collective – are always rooted in one root cause: living in different stories of reality. Intimacy disorders are only healed when partners, beloveds, parents and children, or tribes and societies, experience themselves as living in a shared story, with a shared vision and values. Whenever there is alienation, it is because there is a breakdown in our own story.

The purpose of this offering is to locate you in the most accurate, good, true, and beautiful story of the universe and your personal life that is available at this moment in time. This is the great eternal, evolutionary story of cosmo-erotic humanism in which you are personally implicated. This is the most urgent question of your identity. Who Are You? The truth of your identity is that you are Homo amor.

As such, your personal love story is implicated in the evolutionary story. But for REAL. This course is about YOUR transfiguration into Homo amor, a term we use to describe the New Human and the New Humanity, that is the evolutionary fulfillment of Homo sapiens.

In this program, Dr. Marc Gafni will take you deep into a new vision that understands the progressive deepening of intimacies as the core evolutionary driver. You will begin to birth the new human in your own being.

This is a personal invitation. Your response to this invitation may well be pivotal in activating Homo amor.

Welcome to this extraordinary journey that will show you the way to activate your identity as Homo amor.

Read More About the Full Course HERE
Dr. Marc Gafni: Our First Steps as “Homo amor” – FREE Abridged Course2024-02-28T06:13:30-08:00

Evolutionary Meditation with Barbara Marx Hubbard

A Guided Meditation with Barbara Marx Hubbard

Follow along with this evolutionary meditation below:

Read Along with Barbara Marx Hubbard’s Evolutionary Meditation

Let’s take a meditative moment now. You can do this anytime, every day. Just place your attention at the origin of creation, in the mind of the divine, in the infinite, and just breathe up the core of that spiral of evolution. Universe, up through all the billions of galaxies. The planet Earth. The coming forth of life on earth, animal life of human life.

Now place that core of the spiral in your lowest Chakra, and let it be the source of security, the process of evolution within you. Now breathe the core of the spiral up through your generative organs. And realize, invite the core of the spiral to shift those cells within you from degeneration toward regeneration. Since you are a future human with evermore to express.

Now, bring that core of the spiral up into your solar plexus. Feel the yearning to empower, to give forth your power in all its fullest, holding that core of the spiral within it, and then let it go out and express the full radiance of your being.

Now let’s bring the core of the spiral up into your heart and feel within yourself the love of the process of creation itself, of the divine intention, of the impulse of evolution in your heart. And breathing it in for a moment, feel a person that you deeply love, and allow that impulse to go into the heart of that person. And then ask that person to let that impulse go into the people they love. And then, allow them to express that impulse to the people they love.

And allow the impulsive of love to spread further and further into the world. Each of us is only six degrees of separation from anyone in the world. And in this meditation let’s allow the impulse of creation to reach through our hearts, to those we love, to those they love, to all love one another.

And infuse the noosphere, the thinking layer of earth, with that energy that will bring our entire planetary consciousness alive, awake and aware of the emerging humanity that we are becoming.

And then, now just come back to center. Feeling yourself to be a member of a planetary communion, of pioneering souls everywhere on earth, arising, awakening, and feeling their connectivity throughout the planet. For this is actually the truth. It is happening now. Thank you.

This is an excerpt from the online course “Becoming a Future Human.”

Becoming a Future Human, Barbara Marx Hubbard, Marc Gafni, Daniel SchmachtenbergerWho do we need to become in order for humanity to make it though its current dangerous technological adolescence and to create a world that is truly commensurate with our full human, scientific, social, spiritual, and technological capabilities? If you are here to embody your unique gift fully for the benefit of all life and play your role as a steward of the cosmos and the birth of a new humanity, then welcome! This course is for everyone that knows humanity is at the brink of an epochal shift, that believes we can create the world the great sages knew was possible, and that wants to be a part of co-creating that world together.

>>> Learn more about the course here <<<

Evolutionary Meditation with Barbara Marx Hubbard2023-09-22T07:23:58-07:00

Barbara Marx Hubbard and Marc Gafni in Video Dialogue: Becoming the New Human by Joining Genius as Unique Selves

Barbara Marx Hubbard and Marc Gafni in Dialogue during her Evolutionary Testament Webinar

We are excited to share with you the recording of this exciting webinar from Barbara Marx Hubbard’s online course about her newest book The Evolutionary Testament of Co-Creation: The Promise Will Be Kept. CIW-Founder Marc Gafni was invited as a guest speaker.

In this webinar, you will learn:

  • Why God is not only the infinity of power but also the infinity of intimacy
  • How YOU are God’s or evolution’s unique intimacy
  • Why God (or reality or the universe) needs YOUR service
  • How evolution creates newness through joining separate parts into a larger whole
  • Why your birthday is the day when God decided that She couldn’t do without you
  • How to Become the New Human by joining genius as Unique Selves
  • What happens in the “tomb of metamorphosis”
  • How Sacred Text Study can be recovered as an essential part of our Evolutionary Spirituality Practices

Within a lively Question and Answer section, Barbara and Marc express their desire to work together more deeply for the sake of the Planetary Awakening and the Unique Self Symphony coming alive.

Watch and listen to the webinar here:

The Three Levels of Sacred Text Study

  1. Hach’na’ah = Submission: A total surrender to the text, where we read the text as if it was written directly by God to us. This is the way fundamentalists read sacred text as the only valid way. In Evolutionary Spirituality we recover Stage 1 as an important but not exclusive practice.
  2. Havdalah = Separation: Here we take a step back and separate from the text to analyze it. We look at the historic context. We compare it to other pieces. We ask ourselves: “What might that mean?” This level is the scientific way of reading the text.
  3. Hamtaka = Sweetness: This level transcends and includes the first two. The reader penetrates the text while simultaneously fully receiving the text. In the non-dual merger between the reader and text, new revelation is born. This is the way of the evolutionary mystic.

Read more about Sacred Text Study here.

Barbara Marx Hubbard and Marc Gafni in Video Dialogue: Becoming the New Human by Joining Genius as Unique Selves2023-06-19T10:10:32-07:00
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