MarcGafniBurningManCampMystic2014-200x300Marc Gafni, together with Michael Ellsberg, Jennifer Russell and Robert Beinstock, organized a series of leading-edge cultural talks and panels at one of the most active Burning Man camps: Camp Mystic. This camp attracts an incredible group of well-known thought leaders, entrepreneurs, teachers, artists, musicians, and healers who are dedicated to continuing to evolve themselves and the people they interact with.

This year’s theme was ”The Emergent New Story of Humanity’s Evolution”, exploring topics like futurism and where humanity is heading, the history of evolution, conscious capitalist and post capitalist economies, post modern spirituality, evolutionary relationships, conscious sexuality, new paradigms of family, sex, and relationship, new paradigms of feminine leadership, the future of masculinity and femininity, how we can build a regenerative civilization, and much more!

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You can check out the complete 2014 speaker lineup online at