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Israel-Hamas: The Impossible Questions – Podcast Aubrey Marcus with Dr. Marc Gafni
Note to Listener from Aubrey Marcus and Dr. Marc Gafni: We are at a time between worlds, at a time between stories. We live in a world of outrageous pain. We live in a world of outrageous beauty. We live in a world of outrageous love. In this time between stories, we step beyond the old stories of good and evil in its primitive forms. But that does not mean that we are moral relativists or that value is not real. Indeed all of reality, all of life is Value. We can feel the truth of this in our bodies. [...]
Is Religion for the Happy-Minded? A Response to Harold Kushner
Download the PDF of this Article Written and published by Marc Gafni in 1986 for Tradition: A Journal of Orthodox Jewish Thought, Vol. 22, No. 3 (FALL 1986), pp. 54-65. In a very profound way, Harold Kushner’s When Bad Things Happen to Good People (Avon Books, 1981) and the themes it treats evoke in the reader feelings of warmth, compassion, and drawing one closer to all who suffer in this world. The tragic story of Aaron Kushner (the author’s son) and the very real depth with which his parents experienced suffering cannot but make one [...]
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The God Pod: Spiritual Evolution & A Vision of Value for Humanity with Dr. Marc Gafni and Luke Storey
This is what podcast host Luke Storey says about this episode: Today, we're going to find a way to navigate ourselves into a higher state of being, both individually and collectively, during this conversation with Dr. Marc Gafni. Dr. Marc is an incredible human, to say the least. He's a visionary, thinker, social activist, and passionate philosopher known for his source code teachings, including unique self theory, the five selves, the amorous cosmos, a politics of evolutionary love, a return to eros, and digital intimacy. I was introduced to Marc and his teachings through our mutual friend Aubrey Marcus, with [...]