You are here to be the poem only you can be.
You are here to sing the song only you can sing.
You are here to be the Unique Presence of Being and Becoming in the world that no one else but YOU can be!
Classical enlightenment, the old enlightenment, viewed uniqueness as the enemy. The belief was that your experience of uniqueness would obscure the realization of your identity with All-That-Is. That ego or separate self is something to be surrendered, pushed aside, utterly dissolved in the timeless Absolute. There is an element of truth to this””the ego must be trance-ended. You must end the trance of the ego.
You will always experience yourself in part as a separate self””that is as it should be. If you did not, you would be psychotic or otherwise deranged. What you need to trance-end is your exclusive identification with your egoic separate self. For it is your sense of being, but a skin-encapsulated ego, that creates the sense of suffocation, fear, and drabness that passes as your life. This fundamental error in identity is the root of virtually all suffering. Your disconnection from your larger context, and the aliveness it holds for you, gives birth to every form of egoic grasping and addiction.
But the ego contains within it more than a glimmer of truth. As we’ll see later, the ego bears gifts that require clarification.
Clarification takes place through contact with the transcendent, resulting in the revelation of the larger whole of which the separate self ego is but a part. The gifts of the ego, which are the intimations of your infinitely valuable uniqueness, can then flower in your higher realization as Unique Self.
We must love and nourish our egos, not destroy them altogether. Ego prefigures and points toward Unique Self.
Dr. Marc Gafni
Your Unique Self, The Radical Path to Personal Enlightenment
page 9 and page 16
Also Sharing With You this awesome audio/music clip from Dr. Marc Gafni that tells us that the only answer to outrageous pain is outrageous LOVE.