Ego Story or Unique Self Story Reloaded – Ego and Unique Self Distinction #25

by Dr. Marc Gafni from Your Unique Self

Your egoic story can be taken away by the circumstances of life. Your Unique Self story can never be taken away from you.

Ego can be taken away from you. Unique Self can never be taken away from you.

Further discussion:

In his book Your Unique Self Dr. Marc continues with a beautiful, very personal, and deeply touching story, which shall be reserved for its readers. Another example for this would be the story of the great Rebbe of Piaseczno, who has found and lived his Unique Self story in the midst of the greatest destruction, so beautifully told by Dr. Marc in this video series.

For the conclusion of our series on the distinctions between Unique Self and Ego, it remains to be said: It is time to put it all to work in our daily lives, in our personal Unique Self stories.

And in all our striving and yearning that is an essential part of waking up and growing up to our full realization of our Unique Self, let’s never forget that in essence, Unique Self is who we truly are and always have been. So, in a way, we can relax into our own everlasting being and becoming. Uniqueness and Oneness are all around as well as within us–for those who have eyes to see and ears to hear. To awaken to our infinitely gorgeous Unique Selves simply means to become conscious of that and to realize it in our own being–and in the world.

To show up as Unique Self means–as Dr. Marc so often reminds us–to incarnate as the Personal Face of Essence, of the Love-Beauty and Love-Intelligence of the Cosmos, to give our Unique gifts, and to respond to an authentic need that we are aware of in our world. It means to “Love Thy Neighbor as Thyself,” to see the neighbor even in the stranger, to become outrageous lovers, and to write outrageous loveletters to the universe.

Join us in our caravan of love!

Come back to these distinctions as often as you like and share with us your path of learning and discovery–here or on one of our FB-pages:

  1. Special or Not Special
  2. Action or Reaction 
  3. Imitation or Originality
  4. Satisfaction and Greed
  5. Enough or More
  6. Ego or Unique Self Story
  7. Joy or Fear
  8. Open Heart or Closed Heart
  9. Eros or Grasping
  10. Authentic Freedom or Pseudofreedom
  11. King or Servant
  12. Victim or Player
  13. Betrayal or Loyalty
  14. Authentic Friendship or Pseudofriendship
  15. Bigger or Smaller
  16. Yes or No
  17. Justice or Injustice
  18. Responsibility or Excuse
  19. Paradox or Splitting
  20. Past or Present
  21. Special Relationship or Open as Love
  22. Love or Fear
  23. Eternity or Death
  24. Pleasure: Delusion or Divine

Let’s finish this series with Rumi:

Come, come, whoever you are.
Wanderer, worshiper, lover of leaving.
It doesn’t matter.

Ours is not a caravan of despair.
Come, even if you have broken your vows a thousand times.
Come, yet again, come, come.

Ego Story or Unique Self Story Reloaded – Ego and Unique Self Distinction #252024-07-05T12:26:31-07:00

Common Ground: Your Unique Self: What It Means to Be a Lover … from God’s Eyes

buddha-lilyBy Marc Gafni

Note: The following article appeared in the December 2012/January 2013 issue of Common Ground Magazine.

The true nature of your values is always revealed in death. In eulogies, both in what is spoken and unspoken, there is something of the essential nature of your life and loyalties. Sometimes, however, before you die you are strangely privileged to declare where your ultimate loyalty lies.

It was September 11, 2001. The planes had just crashed into the Twin Towers in Manhattan. Victims had moments to use their cellphones. No one called asking for revenge. No one offered philosophical explanations or profound insights into the nature of reality. People did one thing and one thing only: they called the people close to their hearts to say, “I love you.”

“I love you” is our declaration of faith. Implicit in those words is everything holy. Yet we no longer know what we mean when we say it.

It used to mean, “I am committed to you. I will live with you forever.” Or it might have meant, “You are the most important person in my life.”

But it no longer seems to mean that. And when you no longer understand your own deepest declarations of love, you are lost. You become alienated from love, which is your home. Despair, addiction, and numbness become your constant companions.

To read the entire article, download it as a PDF file.

Common Ground: Your Unique Self: What It Means to Be a Lover … from God’s Eyes2023-09-12T10:03:27-07:00
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