Videos from Pacific Coast Church Services with Dr. Marc Gafni

Videos from Pacific Coast Church Services with Dr. Marc Gafni2023-06-22T08:06:11-07:00

Open Up: The Practices of Love

Open Up: The Practices of Love2023-06-22T08:06:12-07:00

Lighten Up: Integrate Your Shadow

Lighten Up: Integrate Your Shadow2023-06-22T08:06:12-07:00

Show Up: Answering the Call – World Spirituality Practices

Show Up: Answering the Call – World Spirituality Practices2023-06-22T08:06:12-07:00

Wake Up: Chant as a Practice of Fullness

Wake Up: Chant as a Practice of Fullness2023-06-22T08:06:12-07:00

Integral Religion by Dr. Marc Gafni

Integral Religion by Dr. Marc Gafni2023-06-22T08:06:12-07:00

Enlightenment of Fullness: An Article by Dr. Marc Gafni

Enlightenment of Fullness: An Article by Dr. Marc Gafni2023-06-22T08:06:12-07:00

World Spirituality Practice: Wake Up, Grow Up, Show Up…

In World Spirituality we use practices from all different traditions as well as modern psychology and postmodern perspective taking. Basically, those practices can be divided into practices to wake up, grow up, show up, lighten up, and open up. Make sure that you practice in every of those areas since that ensures a harmonious development for you and also acts like a cross-training–boosting your overall development in all those areas.

Further down, you’ll find 3 videos with transcripts that Marc Gafni has made as introductions to these terms and areas of practice. For a deeper understanding read his Article on the World Spirituality Essentials.

But let’s start with our Ten Commitments of World Spirituality Based on Integral Principles.

Ten Commitments of World Spirituality Based on Integral Principles

The Commitment to the Enlightenment of Fullness:

The journey begins with a recognition of the fullness and depth of reality and to the specific experience and innate dignity of every human life. Every human being has an innate right to participate with joy in the fullness and depth of reality.

The Commitment to Awakened Heart:

Awakened heart is a set of meditative practices which open the practitioner to the subtle dimensions of the heart, fostering the fullness of love and compassion.

The Commitment to Unique Self:

Unique Self is a set of enlightenment principles and practices containing teaching maps and technologies which allow a person to identify the nature of their Unique Self.

Unique Self is the recognition that you are the personal face of essence, that God is having a You experience, that God loves you so much that His love signature is written all over you. Unique Self is the recognition that God lives in you, as you, and through you in the fullness of your being and becoming and that to love God is to let God see through your eyes.

The Commitment to Answering the Call:

Your Unique Self creates your Unique Perspective, which is in effect your unique love intelligence seeing the world through it’s own eyes. Unique Perspective creates Unique Gifts, which can be given only by you. Giving those gifts is your Unique Obligation. In doing so, you identify and embrace the Unique Life Mission for which you were born on this planet in this time and this place. That is what it means to answer the call.

The Commitment to Shadow Work:

Shadow Work is an intensive surfacing and cleansing practice, which shatters the lies of shadow and allows the person to once again tell the truth about who they really are. World Spirituality shadow work directly causes a person to reconnect, evolve, purify, or simply reclaim the dis-owned shadow dimension of their authentic and Unique Self. It is based on the 3-2-1-0 practice, which follows Unique Shadow back to Unique Self.

The Commitment to Awakened Eros:

Awakened Eros is an embodiment practice in which the full power, aliveness, and wisdom of the human body is accessed and integrated into the fullness of the person’s life. The four faces of Eros, interiority, presence, yearning, and wholeness–which are embodied in daily living–are the core of Eros. The failure of Eros always leads to a collapse of ethos. So we realize that in source, Ethos and Eros are one.

The Commitment to Wake Up and Grow Up–State and Stage Evolution:

States and Stages are both an experiential and mapping practice. To wake up is to awaken to your highest state and to grow up is to evolve to your highest potential stage. In state practice, a person gains access to state experiences, which tells the person something important about their true nature and mission in the world. In stage practice, a person studies the trajectory of human evolution in the life of the individual and in the lifespan of human history and culture along the major lines of development. In so doing, one is able to identify both their own location and to set concrete goals for the next stage of their evolution.

The Commitment to Social Activism:

Social Service practice is the commitment of World Spirituality and of individuals to commit significant time to the betterment of the lives of others. In the experience of wholeness, you cannot be satisfied if someone else is starving. This is a violation of Eros.

The Commitment to Integrity and Skillful Means:

Integrity is an evolutionary quality. In understanding this, an individual recognizes that integrity and not mere survival is the lodestone of human existence. Skillful means practice is a set of understandings, insights, and technologies that foster effective communication, teamwork, and relationship building skills, which all serve the larger integrity of the system or individual.

The Commitment to Devotion:

Devotional Work Practice serves the Divine within us and beyond us by recognizing, praising, honoring, connecting, and disclosing that very divinity. The commitment to devotion is a commitment to fall in love with reality time and again.

Marc Gafni on Wake up, Grow up, Show up, Lighten up, Open up-Part 1


World Spirituality Practice: Wake Up, Grow Up, Show Up…2024-09-18T06:39:50-07:00

Integral God: An excerpt from Marc Gafni’s new book on Tears

Integral God: An excerpt from Marc Gafni’s new book on Tears2023-06-22T08:06:12-07:00

Practices to Wake Up, Grow Up, & Show Up to Your Unique Self

Practices to Wake Up, Grow Up, & Show Up to Your Unique Self2023-09-12T10:31:59-07:00

Love Incorrect: Never Marry for Love

Love Incorrect: Never Marry for Love2023-06-22T08:06:13-07:00

Unique Self and Shadow: An Introduction

Unique Self and Shadow: An Introduction2025-01-08T10:21:09-08:00

Defining the Enlightenment of Fullness

Defining the Enlightenment of Fullness2023-06-22T08:06:40-07:00

Enlightenment of Fullness — Yetzir and Yetzirah, Part III

Enlightenment of Fullness — Yetzir and Yetzirah, Part III2023-06-22T08:06:40-07:00

Enlightenment of Fullness — Yetzir and Yetzirah, Part II

Enlightenment of Fullness — Yetzir and Yetzirah, Part II2023-06-22T08:06:40-07:00
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