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Questions & Answers for Dr. Warren Farrell & Dr. Marc Gafni

The Boy Crisis Meets A Return to Eros – A Dialogue between Dr. Warren Farrell & Dr. Marc Gafni – Part 3 In this discussion between Marc Gafni, Warren Farrell, and the board members of the Center for Integral Wisdom we explore answers to several evolutionary questions such as: How do we eliminate male disposability? What impact has the charter school movement had on the boy crisis? Do you find a different number of women who are willing to be a champion for men, than willing to be a champion for boys? Kids that do the mass shootings are disproportionately white, is that fair [...]

Mystery School of Love 2018: An Island of Coherence in a Sea of Chaos

Our sixth Summer Festival AKA Mystery School of Love in Holland ended about four weeks ago and we are all finding back into day-to-day life. What a fantastic time we had. For me personally, the Festival and Dr. Marc Gafni's beautiful teachings reminded me again of the urgency of our work in the world. There is still a narrow window of time where we, as humanity, have a choice between, as Marc put it in the Festival, “the dystopian world à la Homo Deus/ Hunger Games/ Blade Runner and the realization of our beautiful vision of a Planetary Awakening in [...]

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