Article & Keynote with Dr. Marc Gafni on Video from the Integral Spiritual Experience 2: Three Stations of Love

Article & Keynote with Dr. Marc Gafni on Video from the Integral Spiritual Experience 2: Three Stations of Love2023-06-22T07:48:53-07:00

Our Invitation to You: Start Writing Outrageous Love Letters

Are you ready to play a larger game with love?

So here’s how:

Start writing Outrageous Love Letters.

Prayer?  Lovely!  Meditation? Sweet! You want to get there? Write Outrageous Love Letters!

So here’s now how it works:

In every moment, there’s a decision. Love the moment open or the moment stays close. So get this. When you write an Outrageous love Letters, you access your capacity to love the moment open. When you write an Outrageous Love Letters, what you are doing is, you are connecting to the initiating and animating Eros, the energy of All-That-Is. You are accessing the Love intelligence that lives in you, as you, and through you, that never was, is or will be ever again out in the way in lives in you.

And it’s from that unique love intelligence that drives your capacity to love the moment open in a way that no one that ever was, is, or will be can do in the way that you do. Writing Outrageous Love Letters exercises your heart muscle. It awakens your heart intelligence.

The ongoing practice of writing an Outrageous Love Letters empowers you to love the moment open instead of clenching, contracting and staying small.

That, my Loves, is a shift in identity that literally changes everything. We are not talking about an ordinary love; we are talking about outrageous love. Ordinary love is the strategy of the ego. Outrageous love is source itself coming alive in you, as you, and through you. We are only one heart and one love. That’s the love that it Source itself. That’s Outrageous Love. That’s powerful.

Are you ready to participate in the Evolution of Love? Outrageous Love needs you! Outrageous Love wants you now! Hey! Don’t let Rumi be the Outrageous Lover. You are the Outrageous Lover. Wake up and write an Outrageous Love Letter!

Dr. Marc Gafni

Are you ready to play a larger game with love? Come on, I’ll show how.

So here’s how:

Begin writing Outrageous Love Letters. No, really, begin writing Outrageous Love Letters.

Here’s a little background: In every moment we have the opportunity to be open or to be closed. In other words, we have the choice to love the moment open or we choose to remain closed, and the moment remains close.

When we love the moment open, something amazing happens. A new reality is born. A new goodness is born. A new idea is born. Something happens.

So get this: When we write an Outrageous Love Letters, we actually access the capacity to love the moment open.

From here we begin to connect with love; the love intelligence that lives in us, as us, and through us, uniquely. Cool! Yeah?

The ongoing practice of writing Outrageous Love Letters works out your love muscles instead of contracting and clenching and staying small.

It’s kind of like going to the gym and working out. Like an exercise of the heart. As you continue the practice of writing Outrageous Love Letters, you become aware, yes, you, love are outrageous love letters itself. Really! No, really! That, my loves, is a shift in identity that literally changes everything.

So, dear Lover, are you ready to step up and play a larger game? Outrageous Love wants you now!

(Whispering) Outrageous Love wants you now!

Dr. Kristina Kincaid

Our Invitation to You: Start Writing Outrageous Love Letters2023-06-19T14:58:08-07:00

Integral Spiritual Experience 1: Shadow Keynote

Integral Spiritual Experience 1: Shadow Keynote2023-09-12T10:17:48-07:00

ISE 2: Sally Kempton Introducing Marc Gafni

Watch Sally Kempton introducing Dr. Marc Gafni at the Integral Spiritual Experience 2.

The second Integral Spiritual Experience event, attracting about 500 participants from around the world, centered on The Future of Love as part of an Integral approach to spirituality.

Stream the video here:


Let me say a little bit, not to introduce our speaker, because he needs no introduction, but really, to honor him. It’s a great privilege to be able to honor your friends, and really to speak on behalf of all of us on the Integral Spiritual Experience team and for all of us in this room, just to recognize the place that Marc Gafni holds for us. He is, as I said before, the master of the revels—revels, not rebels, although there’s that as well in the heart of all great heart masters.

He’s the intellectual center of Integral Spiritual Experience. He’s the one who has held the vision of this event, which we can’t call a conference, this extraordinary space between the worlds that we occupy here. He’s also a cutting-edge spiritual teacher, as Tammy Simon, his publisher, said. He’s a visionary genius, love muffin. He’s one of the most brilliant Integral evolutionary philosophers around. Like Ken and Deepak, he has that capacity to see through into the patterns of existence, and he has the courage and audacity to speak the new paradigms.

Last summer, I was having lunch with Marc and Michael Murphy, the founder of Esalen, who’s also one of the cutting-edge prophets or heart master Integral evolutionary theorists of his generation. He said, very rarely do you meet someone who changes the game. Marc, he said, you are changing the game. Part of what we are experiencing here in this evolution through the three stages of love, which is the conversation that he has brought into the Integral discourse in the past year, as he brought the conversation on Unique Self into the Integral conversation in the years before.

So with all that, the deepest truth that I experience about Mark, as Diane said this morning, is that he does really have the most robust heart of anyone I know. I come from a lineage of heart masters, and I pride myself on being able to recognize one when I see one. So when I tell you, as I think you already know, that Marc is a heart master, I know what I’m talking about. So, I’d like you to join me in welcoming our heart master, Marc Gafni.

ISE 2: Sally Kempton Introducing Marc Gafni2023-11-15T14:04:09-08:00

Venwoude Circle 2011: The Kiss – Skype Video

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Venwoude Circle 2011: The Mother – Skype Video

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Venwoude Valentine’s Day Talk 2013 on Outrageous Love

Venwoude Valentine’s Day Talk 2013 on Outrageous Love2023-06-22T07:56:13-07:00

Castlewood Pleasure Teaching

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Awakening Your Unique Self Telecourse Week 2

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The Unique Self Recovery Process

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A Renaissance of Mystical Judaism: The Living Wisdom of Body, Mind, and Spirit: A Video Dialogue from the Integral Spiritual Center

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Integral Spiritual Center

Integral Spiritual Center2023-06-22T08:08:11-07:00

Michael Murphy & Marc Gafni: A Passport for Dual Citizenship 2010

Michael Murphy, Founder of Esalen, in conversation with Marc Gafni, explore the role of World Spirituality in the evolution of the Kosmos. Marc brings new insights to Murphy’s Seekers and Sages dialogue series from the Kabbalistic perspectives of Abraham Kuk, a visionary, mystical authority on the Kabbalah (as well as an orthodox rabbi who was important to the formation of modern Israel). Kuk’s reading of the Kabbalah emphasizes the evolutionary possibilities latent in the human mind, heart and body. And it is these key evolutionary possibilities that lay the foundation for a truly World Spirituality to emerge.

Stream the video here:

Michael Murphy & Marc Gafni: A Passport for Dual Citizenship 20102024-09-08T13:33:17-07:00

JFKU Keynote by Dr. Marc Gafni on Unique Self

JFKU Keynote by Dr. Marc Gafni on Unique Self2023-06-22T08:01:18-07:00

WedX Talk 2013 with Dr. Marc Gafni

WedX Talk 2013 with Dr. Marc Gafni2023-06-22T07:48:56-07:00

Opening CWS 2011: Sally Kempton Meditation

Opening CWS 2011: Sally Kempton Meditation2023-06-22T08:08:13-07:00
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