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The God Pod: Spiritual Evolution & A Vision of Value for Humanity with Dr. Marc Gafni and Luke Storey

This is what podcast host Luke Storey says about this episode: Today, we're going to find a way to navigate ourselves into a higher state of being, both individually and collectively, during this conversation with Dr. Marc Gafni. Dr. Marc is an incredible human, to say the least. He's a visionary, thinker, social activist, and passionate philosopher known for his source code teachings, including unique self theory, the five selves, the amorous cosmos, a politics of evolutionary love, a return to eros, and digital intimacy. I was introduced to Marc and his teachings through our mutual friend Aubrey Marcus, with [...]

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The Meaning of Life | Lost & Found Podcast with Dr. Marc Gafni

This is what Sabri Gazail, host of the Lost and Found Podcast, who has since become a valued contributor to the Center, says about this episode: Wow! This conversation with Dr Marc Gafni blew my mind. I first heard Dr Marc on the @AubreyMarcusPod and felt so much truth in the explanation of self, God, love and life. We dive into - dealing with trauma and how the western therapeutic approach doesn't work, what is the self, what is desire, why we are here, what our purpose is, what God is, what our relationship to God is and our meaning [...]

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