Eros Audio Series: Sacred Sexuality

Eros Audio Series: Sacred Sexuality2023-06-22T07:49:27-07:00

Eros Audio Series: The Pseudo-Eros Trap: Avoiding Emptiness

Eros Audio Series: The Pseudo-Eros Trap: Avoiding Emptiness2023-06-22T07:49:27-07:00

Eros Audio Series: What is Divine Speech?

Eros Audio Series: What is Divine Speech?2023-06-22T07:49:27-07:00

Finding God in Our Contraction by Dr. Marc Gafni

Finding God in Our Contraction by Dr. Marc Gafni2023-06-22T08:06:47-07:00

Crisis of Imagination, by Dr. Marc Gafni

Crisis of Imagination, by Dr. Marc Gafni2023-06-22T07:49:27-07:00

The Five Great Awakenings ~ by Dr. Marc Gafni

The Five Great Awakenings ~ by Dr. Marc Gafni2023-06-22T08:02:23-07:00

If You’re Still Lonely, Call Lola by Marc Gafni

If You’re Still Lonely, Call Lola by Marc Gafni2023-06-22T07:49:28-07:00

Turning the Bitter into the Sweet: Following the Darkness to the Light – 3-Part Audio Series: Part 3

Turning the Bitter into the Sweet: Following the Darkness to the Light – 3-Part Audio Series: Part 32023-06-22T08:07:38-07:00

Lilith: Re-Reading Feminine Shadow by Dr. Marc Gafni (Hebrew Version Co-Authored by Ohad Ezrahi – Modan, 2004)

Download an Unplugged, Raw Version of English Translation of the Book

In Lilith, Marc Gafni provides insights into the deep context in sources of Hebrew wisdom for this core idea that that the exile of the Shekinah is in one expression, the exile of the erotic into the sexual. This idea is possibly best expressed in the Raya Mehimna and Tiqunei Zohar literature. Based on the biblical verse “and a maidservant that inherits her mistress” (Proverbs 30:23), the Shekina in exile is said to be the state in which the maidservant has inherited her place.

This book represents an integration of ideas from Marc Gafni and Ohad Ezrahi. At his request the first writer during the physical writing was Ohad. It was co-authored by them and published with intention as a shared book reflecting their partnership at the time and the shared intellectual content in the core of the book. This is reflected in the joint publishing of the book, the shared content, and the signed contracts with the publishers and dozens of extant letters between the authors during the process. For more info, click here.

Download an Unplugged, Raw Version of English Translation of the Book
Lilith: Re-Reading Feminine Shadow by Dr. Marc Gafni (Hebrew Version Co-Authored by Ohad Ezrahi – Modan, 2004)2023-06-21T11:20:18-07:00

Tikkun Magazine Articles by Dr. Marc Gafni

Between 2000 and 2003, Tikkun Magazine published a series of articles by Dr. Marc Gafni. You can download and read them here:

Tikkun Mission Statement

Tikkun Magazine Articles by Dr. Marc Gafni2023-06-21T11:22:18-07:00

Dr. Marc Gafni in Azure 1996: On the Commandment to Question

In 1996, Azure published a paper by Dr. Marc Gafni titled “On the Commandment to Question.”

Download the PDF Version of the Paper HERE
Download the PDF Version of the Paper
Dr. Marc Gafni in Azure 1996: On the Commandment to Question2023-06-21T11:23:18-07:00

Parabola Article by Dr. Marc Gafni: The Path of Yearning

In 2006, Parabola Magazine published an Article by Dr. Marc Gafni called “The Path of Yearning.”

Download a PDF Version of the White Paper HERE
Download the PDF Version of the Paper
Parabola Article by Dr. Marc Gafni: The Path of Yearning2023-06-21T11:22:08-07:00
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