The Greatest Story Ever Told: Audio Series with Barbara Marx Hubbard & Marc Gafni

The Greatest Story Ever Told

with Barbara Marx Hubbard & Marc Gafni

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Listen to the Audio Series with Barbara Marx Hubbard & Marc Gafni above.

Or listen to and read the transcripts of the twenty Audio Sessions in this Series!

In the words of Dr. Marc Gafni:

We are gathered around the campfire of culture in order to unpack the new universe story: The new vision of the patterns that connect… the inescapable framework, in which we live, which tells us about who we are… why we’re here… where we came from, and where we’re going…

There’s no human being who doesn’t live in a framework. And having the best framework, having the most accurate framework, most accurate worldview, the prism through which we see, is what lets us out of prison. It’s only a new worldview that changes the story… that changes reality.

We’re here to tell the story that is the best understanding we have, integrating the best wisdom of all the traditional period of the entire modern period and the entire postmodern period. Integrating all that wisdom into one narrative stream.

What is the best universe story available to us today?

Why does that matter? It matters because we live inside of our story, but our story’s not just a creation, it’s a discovery. It’s a revelation of the best wisdom we have about the nature of reality, and what our place is in that story.

We’re interested not just in a theoretical universe story, but how are we personally implicated in that story? Knowing the story that I live in tells me why I’m alive.

Who are you? You are an irreducible, unique expression of the love, intelligence and love beauty, that is the animating and initiating eros of all that is, that lives in you, as you and through you. That never was, is or will be ever again other than through you lady Barbara. As such, Barbara has and Marc has and… Every single person listening, each of us has an irreducibly unique perspective, and we have an irreducibly unique taste which is our unique quality of intimacy. That irreducibly unique perspective and taste and quality of intimacy manifests our unique capacity to give our unique gift, and our unique gift addresses a unique need. A unique need in us and a unique need in our circle of intimacy and influence that can be addressed by us and us alone, by no one else that ever was, is or will be, ever in history of reality.

Giving that unique gift and being that unique self, right, it’s about the giving of the gift and it’s the being, the incarnating of our unique quality of intimacy, that is the eros and telos of our lives, it’s the kilos and the eros of our lives. To live a telerotic life is to be incarnating your unique self but with one more step. As part of the unique self symphony, as part of the larger context, right, the great unique self symphony which is the basic structure of a new politics of evolutionary love.


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The Greatest Story Ever Told: Audio Series with Barbara Marx Hubbard & Marc Gafni2023-06-17T14:37:54-07:00

Barbara Marx Hubbard & Marc Gafni: Building Upon the World of Evolutionary Pioneers – Emerging into Evolutionary Spirituality

Barbara Marx Hubbard & Marc Gafni: Building Upon the World of Evolutionary Pioneers – Emerging into Evolutionary Spirituality2023-09-22T06:42:38-07:00

Helen & Harville Hendrix & Marc Gafni on Paradox

Helen & Harville Hendrix & Marc Gafni on Paradox2023-09-12T10:13:43-07:00

Mia Cara & Marc Gafni: Domination & Submission

Mia Cara & Marc Gafni: Domination & Submission2023-06-22T07:48:53-07:00

John Mackey & Marc Gafni: Future of Love

John Mackey & Marc Gafni: Future of Love2024-02-09T09:52:32-08:00

Audio Dialogue with Ervin Laszlo & Marc Gafni: Evolutionary Love

Listen to this audio dialogue between Ervin Laslo & Marc Gafni. The topic is Evolutionary Love.

Ervin Laszlo is a Hungarian philosopher of science, systems theorist, integral theorist, originally a classical pianist. He is the Founder and President of The Club of Budapest, Director and Co-Founder of the Ervin Laszlo Institute for Advanced Study (ELIAS) and of the Laszlo New-Paradigm Leadership Center (Italy)… He is the author or co-author of fifty-four books translated into as many as twenty-three languages, and the editor of another thirty volumes including a four-volume encyclopedia.

Marc Gafni is the Co-Founder and President of the Center for Integral Wisdom, the author of many books including the award winning Your Unique Self, a visionary scholar and integral wisdom teacher.

Ervin Laszlo: “…everything that happens from the original Big Bang in this universe or in prior universes, when things fall together and move together and create wholes, larger and larger, more and more complex wholes which more and more interact, more and more communicate with each other, and they are really entangled as a physicist would say.

That’s because there is built into each element of this universe, each particle, each atom, each cell in a living organism, its belonging to the others, its coherence with this larger whole, which comes through in spirituality. It comes through in a deeper philosophy. It comes through in a deeper, honest theology. And this is basically what the motor is. If this universe was not built in such a way, was not created with its laws of nature and development in such a way that things pull together to create wholes, then we wouldn’t be here to ask these questions and the universe would still be a random concourse of perhaps carbon – but carbon is already highly integrated – so photons or initial particles, neutrons and electrons, and that wouldn’t be much more than that. Even creating an atom calls for pulling together the elements of the nucleus and the electrons that go around it. So, evolution is what happens, is the essence of things, and evolution is based on the attraction, on the relation of the parts to each other.”

Marc Gafni: “Allurement… you’re describing a core allurement that exists between all things. You just stated it, of course, so beautifully and so musically and poetically. So let’s try and enter into it for our listeners – and there’ll be tens of thousands of listeners on this set of calls – so I really want to try and break it down for people. So when we talk about – the phrase you use is, not evolutionary love, the formal phrase you use is an all-embracing love, which is a beautiful phrase, which is the force of – and I’m borrowing Thomas Berry’s word – allurement that coheres everything together. Let’s try, if we can, if I could invite just to show people three or four just simple examples. Although you mentioned a couple implicitly even in your first opening, but just as we come deeper into the symphony to get a sense of where do we see that? Where can an average, intelligent layperson see that as it’s unfolding in the evolutionary ascension?”

Stream the audio and read the transcript here:

Download the Transcript here: Evolutionary Love: Ervin Laszlo and Marc Gafni in Dialogue Aug. 5, 2013

Audio Dialogue with Ervin Laszlo & Marc Gafni: Evolutionary Love2025-03-13T10:31:19-07:00

Ken Wilber, Andrew Cohen & Marc Gafni: Kosmic Creativity

Ken Wilber, Andrew Cohen & Marc Gafni: Kosmic Creativity2023-06-22T08:06:09-07:00

Andrew Cohen & Marc Gafni: Future of Love

Andrew Cohen & Marc Gafni: Future of Love2023-06-22T07:48:54-07:00

Clint Fuhs & Marc Gafni: Future of Love

Clint Fuhs & Marc Gafni: Future of Love2023-06-22T07:48:55-07:00

Daniel Pinchbeck & Marc Gafni in Dialogue 2

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Daniel Pinchbeck & Marc Gafni in Dialogue 1

Daniel Pinchbeck & Marc Gafni in Dialogue 12023-06-22T07:48:55-07:00

Daphne Rose Kingma & Marc Gafni in Dialogue

Daphne Rose Kingma & Marc Gafni in Dialogue2023-06-22T07:48:55-07:00

Gabriel Cousens & Marc Gafni: Future of Love

Gabriel Cousens & Marc Gafni: Future of Love2023-06-22T07:48:55-07:00

Gangaji, Eli Saxon-Bear & Marc Gafni: Future of Love

Gangaji, Eli Saxon-Bear & Marc Gafni: Future of Love2023-06-22T07:48:55-07:00
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