Dr. Marc Gafni: True Self – Unique Self Meditation
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Video-Teaching with Dr. Marc Gafni: Sexuality & Shame
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Reclaiming Eros: The Inside of the Inside – Part 1
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Marc Gafni: What Is Dharma? – From the Summer Festival of Love 2012
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Becoming the New Human: Homo Co-Creator
Barbara Marx Hubbard, Marc Gafni & Daniel Schmachtenberger in Conversation
Enjoy this powerful conversation on the “Homo Co-Creator” between three new humans, Barbara Marx Hubbard, Marc Gafni & Daniel Schmachtenberger. It provides a brief peek into the forthcoming Video Course “Becoming the New Human” that is to be released in 2017.
This is the group discussion after a Module on the “Homo Co-Creator” with Barbara Marx Hubbard.
The full course is a call to action to play your full role in the birth of a new humanity. It asks the question:
Who do we need to become in order for humanity to make it through its current dangerous technological adolescence and to create a world that is truly commensurate with our full human, scientific, social, spiritual, and technological capabilities?
In this session you will learn how to:
Experience the fulfillment of knowing that your unique gifts are received by those who need them most
Find the delight, beauty and joy of being part of the Unique Self Symphony, which is your Evolutionary Family
- Expand your capacity to create loving partnerships without becoming “suprasexually promiscuous”
Enjoy this 15 minute dialogue:
Becoming the New Human: Homo Co-Creator Group Discussion
In this love-filled conversation, Barbara, Marc and Daniel spontaneously agree that they are part of an Evolutionary Family and delight in the joy of this! They continue to explore the themes of suprasex, the Co-creative Masculine, discovering vocation, and how to expand our love lists beyond romantic partners.
Daniel remarks that one of the great teachings of suprasex is the question it begs:
What am I committed to create in the world that is as significant as creating human life, that engages as much of my capacity, and that I am as committed to?
Call your extended Evolutionary Family together and have a family meeting.
A Special Gift from Our First Live Sacred Retreat: Truth and Laughter
Enjoy this beautiful excerpt on Truth and Laughter from our recent Sacred Retreat.
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Audio Conversations from the Premium Course: Becoming Fully Human
Enjoy this powerful conversation between three evolutionary geniuses Barbara Marx Hubbard, Marc Gafni & Daniel Schmachtenberger. It provides a brief peek into the forthcoming Video Course “Becoming the New Human.”
This is the group discussion after a Module on Becoming Fully Human with Daniel Schmachtenberger.
In this lesson you will learn:
how human history can be traced through the lens of different approaches to reconciling the split between autonomy and communion
- how Unique Self is the place where the split between autonomy and communion disappears and why we must optimize for both instead of choosing one over the other
how technology can address the neural net membrane and connectivity of the human imaginal cells around the world
why both Liberals and Fundamentalists don’t practice tantra very well
how certainty and uncertainty can be reconciled and how Barbara practices that in meditation
this course is a post-Liberal and post-Fundamentalist course, emergent by nature, which takes the best of both and integrates everything in a higher way
Listen to the audio and read the summary below.
Awakening Your Unique Self Telecourse Week 2
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JFKU Unique Self Course – Cut
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JFKU Unique Self Course – Truthclaims
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JFKU Unique Self Course – Laughter
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JFKU Unique Self Course – Dharma versus Dogma
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JFKU Unique Self Course – 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Person
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JFKU Unique Self Course – Gnosis
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JFKU Unique Self Course – Bliss
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JFKU Love and Eros Excerpt
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JFKU Unique Self Course
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JFKU World Spirituality Excerpts
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Three Faces of Love Telecourse Streaming Page
“Love has no other desire but to fulfill itself… –Khalil Gibran
What kind of love do you really long for? What kind of love do you yearn to give? What have you imagined for yourself and for those you care about? When was the last time you challenged yourself to confess what’s true – not as an ideal, but as your lived reality, as your life? Are you ready to challenge yourself to grow in and as love? Are you prepared to admit that your loving is stalled at the status quo, and that it is up to you to change it? Do you want to evolve your love consciously? What would happen if you committed to a conscious, developmental practice of Love – not sentimental, not overly emotional or personally fixated, but one of genuine transformation that changes you, those you love, and the world.
If you are longing for this, you are ready to join Diane Musho Hamilton and Dr. Marc Gafni in this recording from 2009 for a journey into intimacy, vulnerability, and the vast wilderness of the heart. Abandon limited self-discovery, and enter into a rapturous world where, through conscious engagement, you become an instrument of Love’s Evolution. “
Stream the audio here: