Dr. Marc Gafni: Evolutionary Unique Self & the Unique Self Symphony

The Law of Feeling and Healing

The Law of Feeling and Healing, while simple in explanation, is quite profound. As the gateway to a seemingly impossible evolutionary shift, this law is our access to the divinity and untold amounts of love, joy, and connection.

Fifty years ago, God was experienced by the great realizers and religions as both all knowing and all potent and powerful. Only God knew of the immense pain in the world. Today, boundaries around knowledge cease to exist and images of unbearable suffering penetrateour hearts, bodies and minds hourly. Consequently, there is an enormous amount of Promethean talk about humans becoming God-like with the power we wield. Ignoring the fact that such talk does not take into account the infinite power of cosmos, these erroneous conversations forget divinity is not merely the infinity of power but also the infinity of pain. As our power of knowledge increases so does our awareness of the depth of suffering. In one way, we are potent likegods; we have the never previously known ability to acquire depths of understanding and graphic detail about the horrific pain happening across the planet. Yet, while we know an enormous amount about the reality of suffering around the globe, we experience ourselves as impotent. We feel powerless. Unlike the gods, we are rendered powerless to heal the hurt surrounding us. For most of us, the only way we are capable of responding is to close our hearts.

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The text in this document was taken from a first draft text of the forthcoming book The Path and Practice of Outrageous Love by Dr. Marc Gafni and Dr. Kristina Kincaid. This article elaborates on a critical advancement of the Unique Self Dharma that Marc has developed after Your Unique Self was published.

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Dr. Marc Gafni: Evolutionary Unique Self & the Unique Self Symphony2023-06-17T14:20:30-07:00

A Gift from the CIW Board Retreat 2017: Introduction by Dr. Marc Gafni: Never Bypass the Personal

Enjoy this beautiful introduction and story by Dr. Marc Gafni from our 2017 CIW Board Retreat:

The Story of Levi Isaac of Berdichev Told by Dr. Marc Gafni

from the book Your Unique Self  by Dr. Marc Gafni

When you fail to hold the personal, you may begin to engage in manipulation or possibly even psychological abuse. When you begin to see yourself as aligned with the process, which was the great teaching of Hegel, you may inadvertently give birth to the worst evils of Fascism, Communism, and Nazism, all of which were very heavily influenced by Hegel’s teaching that demanded that the individual must awaken and identify with the great evolutionary process of divine unfolding in absolute spirit. In Hegel’s powerful clarion call to align with the ecstatic impulse of historically unfolding evolutionary God, the holiness of the individual was somehow crushed in all the grand rhetoric, with devastating results for God and humans. The process must always remain personal.

For me it was always the Hasidic master Levi Isaac of Berdichev who radically reminded me of the primacy of the personal even when in the throes of evolutionary ecstasy. Levi Isaac was once leading the prayers at the close of Yom Kippur services. Yom Kippur is a fast day and the holiest day in the Hebrew calendar. The twilight hours at the end of the fast are filled with potency. According to the evolutionary mystics of Kabbalah, the enlightened prayer leader, during that time may potentially enter the virtual source code of reality and effect a tikkun; that is, effect a momentous leap in the evolution of consciousness for the sake of all sentient beings, in all generations. This is precisely what Levi Isaac—greatest of all enlightened evolutionary prayer leaders—was doing on that Yom Kippur. Night had already fallen, the fast was officially over, but the ecstasy of Levi Isaac was rippling through all the upper worlds. All beings held their breath in awe of the evolutionary power of Levi Isaac’s consciousness. All of reality was pulsating with him towards an ecstatic evolutionary crescendo. Just as the great breakthrough was about to happen at the leading edge, Levi Isaac spotted out of the corner of his eye an old man who was thirsty. The fast had been very long and the old man needed to drink. So in the midst of his ecstasy, Levi Isaac brought the whole evolutionary process to a halt. He immediately ended the fast and personally brought the old man a drink of water.

A Gift from the CIW Board Retreat 2017: Introduction by Dr. Marc Gafni: Never Bypass the Personal2023-09-12T09:54:34-07:00

Audio Conversations from the Premium Course: Becoming Fully Human

Enjoy this powerful conversation between three evolutionary geniuses Barbara Marx Hubbard, Marc Gafni & Daniel Schmachtenberger. It provides a brief peek into the forthcoming Video Course “Becoming the New Human.”

This is the group discussion after a Module on Becoming Fully Human with Daniel Schmachtenberger.

In this lesson you will learn:

  • how human history can be traced through the lens of different approaches to reconciling the split between autonomy and communion

  • how Unique Self is the place where the split between autonomy and communion disappears and why we must optimize for both instead of choosing one over the other
  • how technology can address the neural net membrane and connectivity of the human imaginal cells around the world

  • why both Liberals and Fundamentalists don’t practice tantra very well

  • how certainty and uncertainty can be reconciled and how Barbara practices that in meditation

  • this course is a post-Liberal and post-Fundamentalist course, emergent by nature, which takes the best of both and integrates everything in a higher way

Listen to the audio and read the summary below.


Audio Conversations from the Premium Course: Becoming Fully Human2023-09-12T13:19:49-07:00

Barbara Marx Hubbard and Marc Gafni in Video Dialogue: Becoming the New Human by Joining Genius as Unique Selves

Barbara Marx Hubbard and Marc Gafni in Dialogue during her Evolutionary Testament Webinar

We are excited to share with you the recording of this exciting webinar from Barbara Marx Hubbard’s online course about her newest book The Evolutionary Testament of Co-Creation: The Promise Will Be Kept. CIW-Founder Marc Gafni was invited as a guest speaker.

In this webinar, you will learn:

  • Why God is not only the infinity of power but also the infinity of intimacy
  • How YOU are God’s or evolution’s unique intimacy
  • Why God (or reality or the universe) needs YOUR service
  • How evolution creates newness through joining separate parts into a larger whole
  • Why your birthday is the day when God decided that She couldn’t do without you
  • How to Become the New Human by joining genius as Unique Selves
  • What happens in the “tomb of metamorphosis”
  • How Sacred Text Study can be recovered as an essential part of our Evolutionary Spirituality Practices

Within a lively Question and Answer section, Barbara and Marc express their desire to work together more deeply for the sake of the Planetary Awakening and the Unique Self Symphony coming alive.

Watch and listen to the webinar here:

The Three Levels of Sacred Text Study

  1. Hach’na’ah = Submission: A total surrender to the text, where we read the text as if it was written directly by God to us. This is the way fundamentalists read sacred text as the only valid way. In Evolutionary Spirituality we recover Stage 1 as an important but not exclusive practice.
  2. Havdalah = Separation: Here we take a step back and separate from the text to analyze it. We look at the historic context. We compare it to other pieces. We ask ourselves: “What might that mean?” This level is the scientific way of reading the text.
  3. Hamtaka = Sweetness: This level transcends and includes the first two. The reader penetrates the text while simultaneously fully receiving the text. In the non-dual merger between the reader and text, new revelation is born. This is the way of the evolutionary mystic.

Read more about Sacred Text Study here.

Barbara Marx Hubbard and Marc Gafni in Video Dialogue: Becoming the New Human by Joining Genius as Unique Selves2023-06-19T10:10:32-07:00

A Report from the Summer Festival of Outrageous Love 2014

A Report from the Summer Festival of Outrageous Love 20142023-06-22T07:56:59-07:00
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