A Special Gift from Our First Live Sacred Retreat: Truth and Laughter

Enjoy this beautiful excerpt on Truth and Laughter from our recent Sacred Retreat.

Register for Evolutionary Church Every Saturday 9-10 am PT Online
A Special Gift from Our First Live Sacred Retreat: Truth and Laughter2023-06-19T09:41:21-07:00

The Climax of the Summer Festival of Love 2015: Evolutionary Relationships, Unique Gender and the Unique Self Symphony

The Climax of the Summer Festival of Love 2015: Evolutionary Relationships, Unique Gender and the Unique Self Symphony2023-06-22T07:51:45-07:00

Esalen 2014: An Outrageous Love Story in 4 Acts – Act 4

Esalen 2014: An Outrageous Love Story in 4 Acts – Act 42023-09-22T06:47:44-07:00

Esalen 2014: An Outrageous Love Story in 4 Acts – Act 3

Esalen 2014: An Outrageous Love Story in 4 Acts – Act 32023-06-22T07:56:59-07:00

Esalen 2014: An Outrageous Love Story in 4 Acts – Act 2

Esalen 2014: An Outrageous Love Story in 4 Acts – Act 22023-06-22T07:56:59-07:00

Esalen 2014: An Outrageous Love Story in 4 Acts – Act 1

Esalen 2014: An Outrageous Love Story in 4 Acts – Act 12023-06-22T07:56:59-07:00

In the Media: Success 3.0 Summit and Center for Integral Wisdom

In the Media: Success 3.0 Summit and Center for Integral Wisdom2023-06-22T07:59:18-07:00

A Report from the Summer Festival of Outrageous Love 2014

A Report from the Summer Festival of Outrageous Love 20142023-06-22T07:56:59-07:00

World Spirituality Retreat Berkeley

World Spirituality Retreat Berkeley2024-11-01T07:06:13-07:00

Videos from Pacific Coast Church Services with Dr. Marc Gafni

Videos from Pacific Coast Church Services with Dr. Marc Gafni2023-06-22T08:06:11-07:00

Defining the Enlightenment of Fullness

Defining the Enlightenment of Fullness2023-06-22T08:06:40-07:00

Reporting on Stunning Tantra Teachings in Holland

haertmeditation_markgafniNews from The Seven Tastes of Sexing program at Venwoude Reteat Center, Feb 8-10, 2013

We are delighted to report that The Seven Tastes of Sexing Tantra Weekend (Feb 8-10, 2013) at our retreat center in Holland, the Venwoude Retreat Center, was simply stunning. Marc taught eight major dharma sessions with exercises and intimate move teachings offered beautifully by Leon Gras and Sujata van Overveld. Sujata and Leon did a wonderful job deepening the space through the practice of intimate moves, taking the dharma and making it embodied and alive and breathing in the very cells of all the participants.

Marc transmitted a dharma that he has been working with for the last four years which provides what we think is the most advanced dharmic understanding of the nature of sexuality. venwoude_winter

Marc outlined eight major forms of sexing, and led us on an embodied visionary journey to access the unique contours, tastes and substance of each of these forms of sexing. The net result of this tantric immersion was a profound transformation of the nature of the sacred sexual experience for every one of the participants.

Reporting on Stunning Tantra Teachings in Holland2023-06-21T07:13:59-07:00

Unique Self Dialogue: Ken Wilber & Marc Gafni, Part 7

Unique Self Dialogue: Ken Wilber & Marc Gafni, Part 72023-06-22T08:01:53-07:00
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