The Evolution of Divinity – From What Is Enlightenment Magazine – by Dr. Marc Gafni

A New Spiritual Vision for Our Time

Reprinted from What Is Enlightenment Magazine


Marc Gafni met Andrew Cohen through a mutual friend and student of Andrew’s in 2005. Andrew Cohen invited Marc Gafni to visit and teach in Andrew’s community to his senior students in Lenox, Massachusetts. Marc Gafni visited and taught and dialogued with Andrew Cohen in Fox Hollow several times. As a result of their shared interest in evolutionary spirituality, Marc and Andrew planned a teaching week and retreat in Israel together, which was hosted by Marc Gafni. This teaching week and weekend took place in late December 2005. During this period of time, this article was published in What Is Enlightenment.

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The Evolution of Divinity – From What Is Enlightenment Magazine – by Dr. Marc Gafni2023-06-18T07:54:28-07:00

7 Dharma Quotes for Living an Awakened Life

7 Dharma Quotes for Living an Awakened Life2023-06-22T08:06:05-07:00

A Special Gift from Our First Live Sacred Retreat: Truth and Laughter

Enjoy this beautiful excerpt on Truth and Laughter from our recent Sacred Retreat.

Register for Evolutionary Church Every Saturday 9-10 am PT Online
A Special Gift from Our First Live Sacred Retreat: Truth and Laughter2023-06-19T09:41:21-07:00

More than Ever We Need a Politics of Outrageous Love

More than Ever We Need a Politics of Outrageous Love2023-06-22T07:56:58-07:00

Audio Conversations from the Premium Course: Becoming Fully Human

Enjoy this powerful conversation between three evolutionary geniuses Barbara Marx Hubbard, Marc Gafni & Daniel Schmachtenberger. It provides a brief peek into the forthcoming Video Course “Becoming the New Human.”

This is the group discussion after a Module on Becoming Fully Human with Daniel Schmachtenberger.

In this lesson you will learn:

  • how human history can be traced through the lens of different approaches to reconciling the split between autonomy and communion

  • how Unique Self is the place where the split between autonomy and communion disappears and why we must optimize for both instead of choosing one over the other
  • how technology can address the neural net membrane and connectivity of the human imaginal cells around the world

  • why both Liberals and Fundamentalists don’t practice tantra very well

  • how certainty and uncertainty can be reconciled and how Barbara practices that in meditation

  • this course is a post-Liberal and post-Fundamentalist course, emergent by nature, which takes the best of both and integrates everything in a higher way

Listen to the audio and read the summary below.


Audio Conversations from the Premium Course: Becoming Fully Human2023-09-12T13:19:49-07:00

A Meditative Journey on the 5 Big Bangs

Listen to this 15 minute meditation on the 5 Big Bangs and the Evolution of Love, excerpted from the course, Awakening Your Unique Self, by Dr. Marc Gafni.

Barbara Rosson created the slide show with pictures and music. Here is what she wrote us:

When I did the AYUS transcription, I started seeing things.

Here’s a glimse of what I saw…

Watching it still makes me cry for joy, even after seeing it over and over and over!


A Meditative Journey on the 5 Big Bangs2023-12-17T07:00:12-08:00

Conscious Evolution Meets Integral Unique Self & the Evolution of Love

When Barbara Marx Hubbard, the Grande Dame of Conscious Evolution, and Marc Gafni met, it was truly a meeting of hearts, minds, souls, and Evolutionary Unique Selves.

Since then Barbara has joined the executive board of the center and Marc, Barbara, and Daniel Schmachtenberger have joined forces to work on a ground breaking new book The Conscious Universe: Participating in the Evolution of Love. You can track their collaboration in our new CIW Portal on the Foundation for Conscious Evolution.

“The next stage in evolution is ‘Unique Selves’ joining Genius.”

~ Barbara Marx Hubbard

Enjoy the dialogue here:

Conscious Evolution Meets Integral Unique Self & the Evolution of Love2023-09-12T09:57:47-07:00

Our Unique and our Authentic Self (Tom Steininger and Sonja Student in Dialogue; Translated by Kerstin Tuschik)

Our Unique and our Authentic Self (Tom Steininger and Sonja Student in Dialogue; Translated by Kerstin Tuschik)2023-09-12T10:34:02-07:00

Unique Self Dialogue: Ken Wilber & Marc Gafni, Part 6

Unique Self Dialogue: Ken Wilber & Marc Gafni, Part 62023-06-22T08:01:53-07:00

Unique Self Dialogue: Ken Wilber & Marc Gafni, Part 5

Unique Self Dialogue: Ken Wilber & Marc Gafni, Part 52023-06-22T08:01:53-07:00

Unique Self Video No. 12: Your Unique Self, The Book

Unique Self Video No. 12: Your Unique Self, The Book2023-06-22T08:03:06-07:00

Unique Self Video No. 11: On Evolutionary Mysticism

Unique Self Video No. 11: On Evolutionary Mysticism2023-06-22T08:03:06-07:00

Unique Self Video No. 10: What is the difference between Integral Spirituality, Evolutionary Spirituality, and World Spirituality?

Unique Self Video No. 10: What is the difference between Integral Spirituality, Evolutionary Spirituality, and World Spirituality?2023-06-22T08:03:06-07:00

Unique Self Video No. 9: Evolutionary We-Space, Part II

Unique Self Video No. 9: Evolutionary We-Space, Part II2023-06-22T08:03:07-07:00

Unique Self Video No. 6: Evolutionary We-Space

Unique Self Video No. 6: Evolutionary We-Space2023-06-22T08:03:07-07:00
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