The Seven Evolutionary Principles And Practices — For Being A Fully Alive, Whole Man with Marc Gafni and Fred Jealous

Gafni and Jealous

This Event is open to all Men and Women!
“Please come and join us even if you were not at part one … each session stands alone”

2 Remarkable Leaders – 2 Conversations About
Men and Love
Fred Jealous
Marc Gafni

The Seven Evolutionary Principles And Practices — For Being A Fully Alive, Whole Man

In this two-part workshop, Fred and Marc will be sharing a set of principles and practices which will invite and show you a way to your highest self — The Seven Evolutionary Principles and Practices for Being a Whole Man.

Sunday, November 3 and Sunday, December 1
1:00 – 4:00
Pacific Coast Church – 522 Central Ave. Pacific Grove
Suggested Donation – $20 per session
To Register Contact :  The Mindshop at 831- 372-2971

Gafni and Jealous 2

You can also find Dr. Marc Gafni on LinkedIn.

The Seven Evolutionary Principles And Practices — For Being A Fully Alive, Whole Man with Marc Gafni and Fred Jealous2022-07-06T03:20:16-07:00

Sex Without Shame Teleseries with Annie Lalla & Marc Gafni

Sex-without-Shame-banner2What is the right relationship between the experience of sex and the experience of pleasure? How does sex relate to power, love, fear and enlightenment? What does arousal have to do with divine aliveness, and how does the desire to dominate and to surrender alternate, in a whole and powerful way, with the desire for radical mutuality?

When I was first exploring these questions, there was no one to guide me through different forms of sexing. There was no one to tell me that the force of energy moving through me was sacred. No one said to me that sex is the force of evolutionary eros awake and alive in you. No one talked to me about the relationship between love, sex and eros. Really no one talked much about sex at all.

That’s why giving the gift of this 7-week “Sex Without Shame” tele-series is so important to me, and to my co-leader Annie Lalla.

Annie is a profound and engaging World Spirituality think tank scholar and brilliant “love coach.” A key area of my expertise, shame is also a deep study for Annie, who is doing some of the best work out there, especially on topics like sexuality and pleasure. We have each spent a lifetime evolving a leading-edge teaching on love, sex and intimacy.

For an introduction to the 7-week tele-series, we invite you to listen to the free Replay of a 90-minute “Sex Without Shame” teleclass that Annie and I recently co-led, online here:

In this class, Annie and I approach sexual space as a platform for writing new programs in the ‘source code’ of reality. Could your sexuality be the access point for all forms of success? What if moving past limiting beliefs around sexuality is the high leverage move that seeds your next level of development?

The 7-week program begins on Tuesday, Oct 29 at 12pm Pacific / 3pm Eastern (90 min). Course material will be delivered live by conference line (phone) and webcast, and all classes and live Q&A/coaching will be recorded, transcribed, and made available in a private log-in members area.

Through a set of powerful insights & maps, discussion, movement, live coaching and Q&A, we will guide you to discover a profound new framework within which to understand your own sex as well as to give you powerful tools to deal with the core obstacles to living with powerful aliveness, pleasure and presence in every facet of your your life — beginning with the sexual.

We will move beyond the old dichotomies of fallen and sacred sexuality and allow you to feel into seven different modes of sexing and six faces of self, all of which, when engaged appropriately, deserve an honored place in your being. Participants will study these modes sexing and self, taste them, dance with them, and integrate them in our being for the sake of the evolution of love, the evolution of eros, and the evolution of god.

The 7-week Sex Without Shame tele-series

We hope to see you there.

With Honor,
Marc Gafni

Sex Without Shame Teleseries with Annie Lalla & Marc Gafni2022-07-06T03:20:16-07:00

Daily Wisdom: Being an Insider

(c) 2011 photo courtesy of Exsodus

2011 photo courtesy of Exsodus

To be a person of Torah, to be enlightened, is to live from the inside. To be an insider, to feel ”” oh my God ”” I have a place. It’s important that I exist. I am called uniquely to do something in the world that nobody else in the world is capable of doing except myself. The experience of my irreplacability is the beginning of my joy. The experience of my replacability is the beginning of my depression. Life is about finding out, disclosing, revealing that I am an insider.

Now the reason this is important is not only because it makes me feel fully alive in the world, not only how I manifest my unique gorgeousness, but because if I don’t experience myself as an insider, my ethics, goodness, and integrity collapses.

The human being actually can’t live without the experience of being an insider. If I don’t feel that I am on the inside ”” and to be holy is to be on the inside, to be a lover is to feel from the inside. If I don’t experience my authentic experience as an insider, I try to steal that status. I draw a circle and put other people outside that circle to give myself the experience of being on the inside.

That’s an experience nobody can steal from me. Nobody can slander it away from me. It’s the essence of who I am, glimmering in the face of God. That’s myself, fully comfortable, fully alive, fully powerful, in the universe. When I don’t access it, I begin to put other people on the outside.

The Erotic & The Holy
Dr. Marc Gafni

Daily Wisdom: Being an Insider2022-07-06T03:20:16-07:00

Daily Wisdom: ….A Vast Net of Jewels

imgres-1“Mystic philosopher Teillhard de Chardin writes, ‘The farther we penetrate into matter by means of increasingly powerful  methods – the more we are overawed  by the interdependence of all the parts.’  In the beautiful image of Mahayana Buddhism,  speaking accurately for the Kabbalah as well, the universe can be likened to a vast net of jewels–the reflection from one jewel contained in each. In the words of Isaac of Homil, and countless Hebrew mystics over the ages downing whiskey in European shtetls or running ecstatically through Jerusalem’s ancient streets, ‘Alt is Gud v’Gud ist Alt — All is God and God is All!’

“The best image to describe the kabbalistic universe comes from mathematics in the form of fractals. Each fractal consists of all the other fractals.  What this all means is that the universe is erotic, an interconnected web of relations whose parts are only defined by their relation to the whole. Literally, we are living in, housed in, an ever spinning world-wide web!”

from Dr. Marc Gafni
The Erotic and the Holy

Daily Wisdom: ….A Vast Net of Jewels2022-07-06T03:20:16-07:00

Daily Wisdom: Eros and Ethics Merge

imgres-6The Hebrew phrase or koan of “loosen the reins” is too wonderful not to share with you. “Harpeh et HaMoshchot.” Harpeh, meaning “loosen,” is also the word for heal. There is something powerfully healing in letting go of the tightness – loosening the fixities. The word for reins, moshchot, also means attraction or desires. Let your desires breathe; your deepest attractions are wise. Listen to them.

Implicit in the sexual circle are three levels. Circle: unchecked raw sexuality.  Line: sexuality delimited and controlled by ethics.  Circle: The Secret of the Cherubs.  The sexual models but does not exhaust the erotic. This is not an abandonment of ethics. It is a higher ethic which has absorbed the sacred intrusions of the line even as it  reintegrates the primal longings of the circle. Eros and Ethics merge.

Dr. Marc Gafni
The Erotic and the Holy

Daily Wisdom: Eros and Ethics Merge2022-07-06T03:20:16-07:00

Daily Wisdom: The Identification of Genuine Need

imgres-7The practice of prayer is a teaching to the human being about the identification of genuine need. What is it that I truly desire? This is the sense of the popular aphorism, “Be careful what you pray for.” the prayers I choose to bring to God, the deep desire with which I pour out my heart like water before the living god, must be my most true, intimate, and genuine desire. Prayer is thus a spiritual exercise in the clarification of desire. Thus, side by side with spontaneous prayer and the creative prayer written by the individual who prays, there is also the prayer book written by the enlightened masters over the ages. It is not that their words necessarily contain mystical secrets to open the gates–although they well may–but rather it is that the prayer book is a great teaching on the identification of true desire.

Dr. Marc Gafni
The Dance of Tears
(in press)

Quote edited by Adael Bullock.

10362_563571473686712_1875177207_nElizabeth Helen Adael Bullock is a Center for Integral Wisdom Senior Editor and empowered Senior Teacher of Unique Self. Teachings-from-the-Holy-of-Holies-1Adael has been trained in Introductory and Advanced Shalom Retreat Leadership Process. Adael is currently editing the CIW think-tank book Teachings from the Holy of Holies: Daily Reflections on World Spirituality.

Daily Wisdom: The Identification of Genuine Need2022-07-06T03:20:16-07:00

Daily Wisdom: The Moment of Creation is One of Ecstasy

imgresOriginally, creation was said to have been a one-time event, an erotic, divine implosion in which the primal line bisected the primal circle and cosmos poured forth. This image was recast by post Renaissance Hebrew mystics in the light of the re-ascendancy of circle consciousness. Hebrew Mystic Levi Isaac, for example, opens his commentary with a radical assertion: creation is happening every second. The force of love which is divinity is constantly pouring through existence. Indeed, it is existence itself.

The moment of creation is one of ecstasy. Creation is an erotic outpouring, emerging from our ability to step fully inside, to touch what Levi Isaac calls ayin and Buddhists would call the void, to let the fullness of being pour through you.  Levi Isaac, seeker of Eros, simply cannot accept  the alienating masculine line image of creation common to the medieval schoolmen. For them, creation is a one-time event, which while originally caused by God, takes place outside of God.  Levi Isaac insists in a God who inheres in all of reality, in the ecstasy of creative union, replayed constantly in an eternal now. In his insistence, it becomes so. Thus for Levi Isaac, Luria’s image of circle being penetrated by line is the constant reality of existence. It is the yearning force of being – played over and over again.

We may at times lose touch with the interpenetration of line and circle, but is always present longing to be exposed.

~Dr. Marc Gafni
The Erotic and the Holy

Daily Wisdom: The Moment of Creation is One of Ecstasy2022-07-06T03:20:16-07:00

The Radical Path of the Outrageous Lover! A weekend workshop with Dr. Marc Gafni & Dr. Kristina Kincaid Oct. 4-6 in NYC

HeartAt this key time in history we are called to evolve and embody Love, Sex and Eros! The sexual is the ultimate spiritual master. Deep understanding of the sexual is the ultimate guide to accessing the spirit in every dimension of our reality. To be a great Lover ”” an Outrageous Lover in all facets of your being ”” you must listen deeply to the simple yet elegant spirit whisperings of the sexual.

This event is a co-production with our Teaching Center Institute of INTEGRAL EVOLUTIONARY TANTRA in New York City.

Workshop: Oct 4 – 6, 2013
Fri 7–9 (free evening session)
Sat + Sun 10–5:30

Free Dialogue Evening! LOVE, SEX & EROS
Friday, Oct. 4 from 7-9 pm between Dr. MARC GAFNI
and WARREN MOE, Director, Inst. of Core Energetics

Please download the Flyer here for info on how to register.


  • to deeply understand the powerful relationship between the erotic and the holy
  • the difference between ordinary and extraordinary sexing
  • to access the difference between Love, Sex and Eros
  • to liberate eros in every dimension of your sexual and nonsexual life
  • to radically submit and accept the sexual as your wisdom teacher
  • to access the full power of sexual fantasy as a tool for your liberation and empowerment
  • why hot sex is not secular but sacred
  • to navigate the razor’s edge between domination and submission and mutuality
  • the distinction between raunch and ravishing, submission and surrender
  • the 3 levels of consciousness and how they will change your entire sexual experience
  • why most sexual failure is not a crisis of technique but of imagination
  • how to move through the abuse of the sexual to sexual integrity (integration of the sexual)

JOIN US for a weekend of quivering tenderness, profound heart meditation, mind-bending experiences, embodied practices, ecstatic study, wild goodness, deep truth and radical personal transformation ”” and, if you dare, the evolution of your own enlightenment. Step up to play a larger game ”” that of the Outrageous Lover, which is no less than the evolution of love itself!

marc-gafni-100x100Dr. Marc Gafni is one of today’s most visionary scholars and spiritual teachers. He is Founding Director of the Center for World Spirituality and Wisdom Teacher In Residence at the Institute of Integral Evolutionary Tantra.

Dr. Kristina Kincaid is a Certified Core Energetics Practitioner and Brennan Healing Science Practitioner. A faculty member at the Institute of Core Energetics, Dr. Kincaid is also the Director at the Institute of Integral Evolutionary Tantra.

Download the Flyer and register here:

The Radical Path of the Outrageous Lover! A weekend workshop with Dr. Marc Gafni & Dr. Kristina Kincaid Oct. 4-6 in NYC2022-07-06T03:20:16-07:00

We are a Community of Virtual Presence and Evolutionary Love Gatherings

To register for our Wisdom School at Shalom Mountain Retreat Center, October 10-13:

“Evolutionary Intimacy and the New Enlightenment”: (more information below)
Register Now

To register for our 4th Annual World Spirituality Retreat, October 18-20:

“Falling in Love with the Divine – Devotion and Tantra of the Heart”: (more information below)
Register Now
Venwoude Summer Festival of Love 2013 © Chahat Corten

Venwoude Summer Festival of Love 2013 © Chahat Corten

The Center for Integral World Spirituality is a vibrant community of Virtual Presence and Evolutionary Love Gatherings. We share tremendous Holy Purpose in bringing Unique Self teachings into the world. The Eros that unites us is grounded in simple truths of Unique Self teachings with which we all deeply resonate.

Most fundamentally, I fully embrace Marc’s dharma that we are each an irreducibly Unique expression of God, and that at this time on our planet, everyone of us is needed to Answer our Call to bring our Unique Gifts to a world that desperately needs us. The more we awaken to Unique Self, we feel that Call within the very marrow our Being.

That Call is being strongly answered by individuals from around the world. We are intimately connected by that Call in our virtual sangha, and during those amazingly wonderful times when we gather together in at places like Venwoude and Shalom and Esalen, and so many others. In our gatherings, there is a concentration of Evolutionary Love that is clarifying, uplifting, and joyfully life-altering.

Mauk Pieper, Chahat Corten and Dr Marc at our Summer Festival of Love in Holland

Mauk Pieper, Chahat Corten and Dr Marc at the Summer Festival of Love

We have two radically wonderful gatherings immediately coming up in October, first in upstate New York, and the week after at Esalen in California. Especially if you have not experienced Marc’s dharma directly in person, we would love you to join us.

(Click here to read More)

We are a Community of Virtual Presence and Evolutionary Love Gatherings2022-07-06T03:20:16-07:00

Letter from Kristina Kincaid about the Recent Accelerate Event in Chicago with Marc Gafni

Hello Beloved Readers,

kristina_kincaid-100x100I just returned from the Accelerate event in Chicago this past weekend where Marc spoke to over 500 participants. In 90 minutes, like a Maestro, he brilliantly wove together the patterns that connect with great humor and humility, while transmitting, in the way only he can, the deepest and most profound teachings of Evolutionary Unique Self.

Like a match, he ignited a passionate flame in each heart, inspiring cutting-edge entrepreneurs to write outrageous love letters and commit outrageous acts of love in the world. Wow!

Stories were rewritten, poetry was made, tears ensued and Eros burned bright!!

He received an astounding, overwhelming, gratitude-filled five-minute standing ovation!

I stood in that room clapping, tears streaming, realizing I was witnessing love evolving and the very source code turning, manifesting through the form of each individual Unique Self in the room. There is, was, a gorgeous, seamless — but not featureless — whole!

Oh and PS one more thing!!

While standing at the coffee break and riding the elevator, numerous participants were heard saying Dr. Marc’s talk was the total highlight and best presentation of the entire seven day program!!

Deepest Bow to Dr. Marc for his unwavering devotion and tireless commitment for the evolution of love that lives as the God that is every human being!!

Outrageous Love,
Kristina Kincaid
Letter from Kristina Kincaid about the Recent Accelerate Event in Chicago with Marc Gafni2022-07-06T03:20:16-07:00

Unique Self Courses A Success!


Dear friends,

Love is all around, and this newsletter is dedicated to all those wondrous ways that love shows up in the world and in our work at the Center for World Spirituality.

3,000 people take Unique Self Mini-Course: Awakening
We are delighted to announce that 3,000 people have participated in the Unique Self Mini-Course.

The Mini Course is a four week course with fantastic supplemental materials and has been described by many people who participated as life changing. It offers a core shift in your experience of yourself and the way you are able to show up in the world. You can still take this course right now. It is absolutely free – our gift to you and the awakening of Your Unique Self.

Also join us on Facebook here>>>

Ten-Week Deluxe Unique Self Course in Full Swing:

UniqueSelf_H_FullC_00The ten week Unique Self course has also exceeded even our wildest dreams. Each week of this ten week course people have gathered from all over the world to directly participate together in the Awakening of Unique Self. For those of you who are in the teaching, you know that Unique Self is not about being an isolated individual. Rather, Unique Self is the great connector. Unique Self creates a powerful evolutionary we-space in which every irreducible Unique Self shows up in full splendor and commitment.  Each week the course deepens, and course participants and all involved in the course are consistently reporting genuine experiences of transformative insight, awakening and community. This past week’s theme has been love: Love as a Unique Self perception, Love as the very force that animates the whole cosmos, Love as the strange attractor driving evolution, and Love as the decision to open up in every moment, even in the midst of pain and fear. As Dr. Marc said in a beautiful meditation during the call:

Even though you have habits of closure, right now, in this moment, you can always practice opening to feel; open to feel what you are feeling now, whatever it is, and when you open to it, your heart opens and melts away that which is in the way.

You can still join the course, listen to the previous sessions, participate in the online portal and this awesome community of likeminded people, get feedback from Dr. Marc, and ask your questions in the next Q&A session. To jump in wholeheartedly, sign up here.

Love, particularly outrageous love in response to outrageous pain is the animating ethos and eros of the Center for World Spirituality. Love is not just a word. It is love in action.

Marc Gafni during a recent retreat at Shalom Mountain:

The one thing we all know is true
Every one of us in the room
Is that we live in a world of outrageous pain,
outrageous pain

Beyond imagination

The world’s an outrageously painful place
And the only response to outrageous pain
Is outrageous loving

Listen and read further>>>

CWS is an Activist Think-Tank dedicated to formulating and articulating a global ethics for a global civilization. We are committed to evolving the source code of human existence.

Our vehicle is our Activist Think-Tank, which is at this very moment working on a series of landmark projects in the areas of spirituality, conscious capitalism, Unique Self, Eros, gender, and relationships. We believe that these landmark projects, when taken together, will unfold–for the first time in the modern era–a genuine shared narrative of spirit, a genuine framework for a world spirituality or world philosophy.

We live in inescapable frameworks. Therefore, the articulation of a shared global framework of meaning and responsibility, which we all might relate to globally is an urgent need of our time.

Such a framework honors the singularity of every great wisdom tradition, even as it identifies the underlying depth structures and unique contributions of each. When take together, these begin to articulate an authentic “users guide to the universe.”

In deep love and connectedness,

The CWS team

Unique Self Courses A Success!2022-08-02T09:58:36-07:00

The Next Step in Transformation: Unique Self, Organizational Leadership and the Destiny of Nations

A 3-Part Web Tele-Series with Richard Barrett and Marc Gafni

Thought Leaders Marc GaRichard Barrett2fni and Richard Barrett will engage in a free, 3-part monthly tele-series in April, May and June. See below for dates, times, full descriptions of each session, and how to register.

Do not miss this provocative and complementary series of dialogues between two globally recognized transformational thought leaders, Richard Barrett and Dr. Marc Gafni. Richard and Marc will share their latest thinking and technologies for transforming yourself, your workplace and the larger community or society in which you live.

Combining theory and experiential learning, they will show how personal transformation, organizational transformation and societal transformation are driven by the same core principles, and how the application of these principles leads to transformative change. Understanding these principles gives you the keys you need to implement sustained change in your own life and in the lives of the organisations and communities/societies you lead.

Richard Barrett (FRSA) is an author, speaker and social commentator on the evolution of human values in business and society. He is the Founder and Chairman of the Barrett Values Centre and an internationally recognized thought leader on values, culture and leadership. He is the creator of the internationally recognized Cultural Transformation Tools (CTT) currently being used in 60 countries to support more than 4,000 organizations and leaders in their transformational journeys. He is a Fellow of the World Business Academy, and Former Values Coordinator at the World Bank.

Dialogue One, April 27 @ 10am PT (1pm ET):
“The Unique Self and Soul Activation: The Path of Personal Transformation”

In the first dialogue Marc and Richard will discuss:

1) The difference between Ego Self, False Self, True Self
2) What is Your Unique Self and why is it critical to leadership
3) Why is Unique Self radically different then merely having a healthy ego
4) How to connect with your Unique Self/Soul
5) How to hear the call of your soul
6) How to answer the call of your soul

This dialogue is based on Marc’s book Your Unique Self: The Radical Path to Personal Enlightenment and Richard’s book What My Soul Told Me: A Practical Guide to Soul Activation (2012).

Register Here—->
For your convenience, you will be registered for all three events. However, you can attend any or as many events as you would like.

Dialogue Two, May 18 @ 10am PT (1pm ET)
“The Unique Self and the Organizational Success: The Path of Organizational Transformation”

In the second dialogue Marc and Richard will discuss:

1) What is the Corporate Soul
2) How your Unique Self relates to the Corporate Soul
3) How the organisation develops its own sense of Unique Self
4) How developing the Unique Self of the organisation and liberating the Corporate Soul lead to improved performance
5) What every leader needs to know about employee engagement, the Unique Self and the Corporate Soul – The Four Conditions for Whole System Change

This dialogue is based on Marc’s book Your Unique Self: The Radical Path to Personal Enlightenment and Richard’s books Liberating the Corporate Soul (1998), Building a Values-Driven Organisation (2006), and The Values-Driven Organisation: Unleashing Human Potential for Performance and Profit (to be released in July 2013).

Register Here—->
For your convenience, you will be registered for all three events. However, you can attend any or as many events as you would like.

Dialogue Three, June 15 @ 10am PT (1pm ET)
“The Unique Self and Societal Development: The Path of Societal Transformation”

In the third dialogue Marc and Richard will discuss:

1) Does a community or nation have a Unique Self/Soul
2) The practical challenges in actualising the Unique Self of a nation
3) Building a values-driven community or nation
4) What contribution can business make to the unfoldment of the societal soul
5) The role of democracy in societal transformation

This dialogue is based on Marc’s book Your Unique Self: The Radical Path to Personal Enlightenment and Richard’s book Love, Fear and the Destiny of Nations: The Impact of the Evolution of Human Consciousness on World Affairs (2012).

Register Here—->
For your convenience, you will be registered for all three events. However, you can attend any or as many events as you would like.

We hope you will join us!

The Next Step in Transformation: Unique Self, Organizational Leadership and the Destiny of Nations2022-07-06T03:20:16-07:00

Spirit in the Public Square: Outrageous Love in Response to Outrageous Pain — Awakening Our Evolutionary Unique Selves

Join us in our response of Outrageous Love to Outrageous Pain

Broken HeartSquareJoin us as the Integral World Spirituality Community gathers to talk and act in Response to Outrageous Pain Anywhere and Everywhere in the World.

We live in a world of outrageous pain. Boston, Rwanda, Afghanistan, Congo, Kenya, Jerusalem, Manhattan, Bangladesh. Outrageous pain is everywhere.

The only response to outrageous pain is outrageous love.

haertmeditation_markgafniThere is an outrageous act of love that the worlds needs from you. No one else but you is capable of addressing that unique corner of Un-Love and healing it into Love.

This is why, in light of the recent tragedies in the U.S., we are holding a special, live, Public Square Phone Event next Tuesday, April 23, with Dr. Marc Gafni and Riane Eisler.

Full information here—>

Spirit in the Public Square: Outrageous Love in Response to Outrageous Pain — Awakening Our Evolutionary Unique Selves2022-07-06T03:20:16-07:00

Marc Gafni Live on “Vibrant Living” Radio for New Living Expo

Radio Show “Vibrant Living” with special guest Marc Gafni
Hosted by Glenn Brooks and Michael Russ

9-10 AM Pacific on KSJO 92.3 FM in San Francisco
Listen online at

Tune in for a lively conversation with Dr. Gafni about Outrageous Loving, Unique Self, and much more – including his upcoming presentation at the New Living Expo:

“Actualize: Awakening Your Unique Self”
Friday, April 26 at 8pm PT
San Francisco, Concourse Exhibition Center

The Podcast of this show will be made available at on iTunes at ”˜Vibrant Living Connection’

About Glenn Brooks and “Vibrant Living” Radio

glenn_brooksGlenn is a respected and acclaimed leader in wellness and lifestyle education.  As founder and CEO of the Vibrant Living Media, he has hosted ground-breaking radio and TV programs, both in syndication and in major US markets, for over 25 years.

Supported by his co-host, Michael Russ, and an international team of journalists, he has been hosting and producing visionary radio and television for 20 years. His own acclaimed radio show, Vibrant Living, has included interviews with such diverse luminaries as Deepak Chopra MD, Ram Dass, Byron Katie, Guy Finley (author of The Way of Wonder), Richard Moss MD (author of The Second Miracle), Yogi Don Stapleton, and physicist Peter Russell.

Glenn lives his life the way he preaches — there are no rules that can’t be broken. He became a nationally recognized and syndicated radio and television host with no formal training. He was in the room when the phrase “personal coaching” was coined, and has been doing it for years. He has received no degrees, yet he’s been a successful entrepreneur for over two decades.

He himself struggled, both with internal and external obstacles, but through creativity and determination, he has not only persevered but thrived.  Along the way, he’s learned how to help other entrepreneurs, consultants, authors and speakers unlock their personal expressions and get their message out through the magnificent vehicles of radio and TV.

Beyond the radio, he works with people to bring attention to the way they listen, to ignite and touch them beyond the intellect. Glenn has written several books, including Unscripted Power, about relational transformation and how to build a vibrant team around based on one’s immediate, spontaneous connections. His upcoming book, Divorce the Patterns Not Each Other, is about entering a new mindset of trust and connection.

Having pioneered a new approach to masterminding which includes the body, and in the world of career, this had led him to guide people to getting paid for who they are.

Please join Marc and Glenn for this conversation on Apr 20.

Marc Gafni Live on “Vibrant Living” Radio for New Living Expo2022-07-06T03:20:16-07:00

Marc Gafni and Riane Eisler Dialogue on “Unique Self and The Real Wealth of Nations”

Creating a Sustainable and Equitable Economics

Riane Eisler2Discover the potent synergies of the ӬPartnership Model with the ӬUnique Self Teachings in this free, live phone event:

“Unique Self and The Real Wealth of Nations”
Tuesday, April 23 at 6pm Pacific / 9pm Eastern

We are honored for the opportunity to invite you to join this rich, stimulating, and inspiring conversation with two accomplished scholars about the groundbreaking ideas in their latest books.

Riane Eisler, Ph.D. has published six books and co-authored four others. She notably wrote The Chalice and the Blade in 1988. Most recently, Riane authored The Real Wealth of Nations: Creating A Caring Economics. This powerful book shows that the great problems of our time – such as poverty, inequality, war, terrorism, and environmental degradation – are due largely to flawed economic systems that set the wrong priorities and misallocate resources. Conventional economic models fail to value and support the most essential human work: caring and caregiving. So basic human needs are increasingly neglected, despair and ecological destruction escalate, and the resulting social tensions fuel many of the conflicts we face today.

Marc and Riane will discuss the issues of an inequitable economic system in the context of Unique Self Realization and the Rise of World Spirituality. Are we able to shift collective consciousness towards a more Conscious Capitalism, and create a more sustainable and equitable global economy?

Marc Gafni and Riane Eisler Dialogue on “Unique Self and The Real Wealth of Nations”2022-07-06T03:20:17-07:00

The Three Great Skills of Loving: How to Love Even When You Don’t Feel Like It


Marc Gafni and Sally Kempton workshop at Pacific Coast Church

Everyone of us wants to be a lover. We want to love the people in our lives. We want to love ourselves. And we want to love the world. But, what does it really mean to live as a lover? And is love something we can practice?

In this workshop, we’ll explore three powerful and necessary skills that let us receive and give love–in any and all circumstances. Powered by Marc’s revolutionary insights and concept-busting humor, Sally’s gift for bringing meditation alive, and Marc and Sally’s shared capacity for heart-to-heart transmission, this workshop will be illuminating, heart-softening, dynamic and fun.

Where: Pacific Coast Church, Pacific Grove, CA
When: Sunday, April 14, 2013 1:00PM to 4:00PM
Cost: $50.00 at the door

The Three Great Skills of Loving: How to Love Even When You Don’t Feel Like It2022-07-06T03:20:17-07:00

Daily Wisdom: Greater is the Light That Comes from the Darkness


by Marc Gafni

Carl Gustav Jung offered a profound direction in understanding shadow. His core teaching, drawn from many sources, is that we cannot be whole human beings without recognizing and incorporating our shadow energy. Jung has an expression that he uses constantly to express this idea: “In the Shadow is the Gold.” By this, he means to say that most of what is valuable in the human personality””the gold””can be mined only from the shadow. But what does that mean, and why should it be so? It is to this all-important question that we now turn our attention. We will seek to fundamentally evolve what shadow means and how shadow work is done! At this point, I am going to unpack directly from the original tantric sources a radical new teaching on shadow integration.

So let us begin. In the book of Genesis, one of the oldest texts of Unique Self teachings, the creation myth is expressed in the words, “God said, Let there be Light. And there was light.”

Light, with its unique frequency for every person, is””as we have already noted””one of the primary mystical symbols for Unique Self. In the third-century mystical esoteric texts on Genesis, it is taught that this original light that initiated the creative process was too much for the world to bear, so “God hid the original light. The light will be revealed to the righteous in the world of becoming.” In a similar way, contemporary neuroscience suggests that we deploy only a fraction of our mind’s potential for consciousness.

Some centuries later, the Zohar picks up the thread of the earlier teaching. “Where was the original light of creation hidden?” ask the masters. To which the masters respond, “The original light was hidden in the darkness!” “Where does the original light still appear in the world?” ask the masters once more. “In the person of the enlightened ones,” responds the text. And who are the enlightened ones? The enlightened ones, the righteous ones, according to the masters of Tantric Kabbalah, are the ones who have incarnated their Unique Self. The implication of the text is this: to realize your Unique Self, you must follow the path of the light hidden in the darkness.

From: Your Unique Self

Daily Wisdom: Greater is the Light That Comes from the Darkness2022-07-06T03:20:17-07:00

Dr. Russ Volckmann and Dr. Marc Gafni Dialogue on Leadership and Unique Self

Russ Volckmann

Dr. Russ Volkmann and Dr. Marc Gafni will discuss “Unique Self and Leadership” on Monday, April 1, at 6:00PM PDT (9:00PM EDT). Free.

Register here:

The term “integral leadership” was first used (in the 1980s) by Ken Wilber, who has written 30 books on integral theory. A comprehensive way to consider Integral Leadership is to view it as a perspective (or understanding) of the entire arena of leadership studies and the myriad practices of leadership (in all their forms). This perspective or understanding is accomplished through an integral frame of reference that draws on the two interrelated fields of integral studies and practice.

Thousands of persons interested in integral theory and/or leadership theory have been exposed to the notion of integral leadership, and hundreds have attended conferences, trainings, and certification programs to learn about it. Russ Volckmann is the Editor of the flagship peer-reviewed journal, Integral Leadership Review, bringing his depth of knowledge and Wisdom to the evolution of Integral Leadership literature.

Russ writes:

“In my work and teaching, I have worked with clients and students to examine the clarity of their thinking, and how to work toward being more impactful, proficient and aligned with what matters most in their work. As an organization development consultant and executive coach for over 30 years, I hope to discuss with Marc how his approach in Your Unique Self can contribute to our ongoing conversation about leadership, individually and collectively.”

Russ has scheduled a Special Publication of Integral Leadership Review to consider Leadership in the context of Unique Self. Marc is thrilled to be invited to this participation with Russ in both the Dialogue and the Special ILR Publication.

Dr. Russ Volckmann and Dr. Marc Gafni Dialogue on Leadership and Unique Self2022-07-06T03:20:17-07:00

Daily Wisdom: I NEED YOU

imgres-1Still more daring is the assertion of divine dependency on man which is made in the Talmudic masters audacious  interpretation of a verse in the prophet Isaiah, “You are my witnesses says the Lord, and I am your God.” Explain the masters, “when you are my witnesses I am God, and when you are not my witnesses I am not God.”

The key gift the lover gives to the beloved is to need the  beloved. And the converse. The gift of the beloved to the lover is to allow herself to need her lover. And of course the roles of lover and beloved are forever interchanging between the partners. This is the great gift of love for it fills the most basic and essential need of the human being; the need to be needed.

It is in being needed that we realize our humanity.  In being needed by God we disclose our divinity as well. There is no more ultimate need than to be needed by God. There is no more ultimate human dignity than to need and be needed by God.  What the mutuality of the covenant teaches us is that our need of him is but an echo, a reflection of his need of us. The great goal of spiritual work is turn God’s need – not into a merely human obligation – but into a genuine human need.  In doing so the human paradoxically begins to realize his divinity.

Dr. Marc Gafni
The Dance of Tears
(page 379, in press)

Daily Wisdom: I NEED YOU2022-07-06T03:20:17-07:00

Monterey Peninsula Events March 15 to April 5, 2013

shalom_march2013We have two exciting teachings on the Peninsula coming up on March 17 and April 5.

Marc and Sally are now in the third class in their series of nine monthly classes at Pacific Coast Church, “Loving Your Way to Enlightenment: Living the Way of the Lover.” Last month, Sally shared her wonderful wisdom on Hindu feminine deities based upon her newest book, Awakening Shakti, and led us in a deeply warm contemplation and communication with our Inner Beloved.

On this Sunday, March 17, Marc will be returning from teaching at the Wisdom School of Shalom Mountain, and leading us along the “The Path of Outrageous Love.” Deep Loving Your Way To Enlightenment flyer for March 17thanks to Dr. Bill Little and the staff and members of Pacific Coast Church. (click flyer to enlarge)

We are delighted that Marc has been invited to share an evening hosted by The Pilgrim’s Way Bookstore on Friday, April 5th, 7;00pm, with the talk held across the street at the Carmel Art Foundation, on Dolores between 5th and 6th. The title of the evening talk is “The Seven Levels of Pleasure in Unique Self-Realization.” Life is meant to be pleasurable, and we will explore Pleasure as Spiritual Practice. Marc’s recent book, Your Unique Self: The Radical Path to Personal Enlightenment, won the 2012 USA Best Book Award in the General Spiritual category.


USA Best Book Seal 2012

Monterey Peninsula Events March 15 to April 5, 20132022-07-06T03:20:17-07:00
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