The Universe: A Love Story Video Series with Barbara Marx Hubbard & Dr. Marc Gafni – 2. Evolving the Source Code

The Universe: A Love Story Video Series with Barbara Marx Hubbard & Dr. Marc Gafni – 2. Evolving the Source Code2023-06-22T08:05:17-07:00

The Universe: A Love Story Video Series with Barbara Marx Hubbard & Dr. Marc Gafni – 1. The Universe: A Love Story

The Universe: A Love Story Video Series with Barbara Marx Hubbard & Dr. Marc Gafni – 1. The Universe: A Love Story2023-06-22T08:05:17-07:00

Barbara Marx Hubbard & Marc Gafni: Building Upon the World of Evolutionary Pioneers – Emerging into Evolutionary Spirituality

Barbara Marx Hubbard & Marc Gafni: Building Upon the World of Evolutionary Pioneers – Emerging into Evolutionary Spirituality2023-09-22T06:42:38-07:00

Ervin Laszlo & Marc Gafni: 10-Part Video Dialogue on Evolutionary Love 2014

For this dialogue, Ervin Laszlo and Marc Gafni met in Tuscany and talked about the topic of Evolutionary Love–envisioning a new Renaissance that will take us to the future.

In the dialogue they touched on a wide array of subjects (click on the links for separate posts with the single videos and transcripts):

  1. Introduction, The New Renaissance, & Love as an Erotic Force
  2. The Second Shock of Existence
  3. Evolutionary Love, The True Nature of Reality & Unique Self Enlightenment
  4. Supercoherence
  5. Self-Organization, the Ability to Receive Information from the Larger System, & the Spiritual Dimension
  6. How to Open the Eye of the Spirit & The Unique Self Symphony
  7. Evolutionary Love – Personal and Cosmic Love Are One – the Personal as a Quality of Essence
  8. Appearing as the One – Unending Symphony
  9. Prayer
  10. Death and Reincarnation  

Enjoy the dialogue here:

Ervin Laszlo & Marc Gafni: 10-Part Video Dialogue on Evolutionary Love 20142023-06-19T10:38:14-07:00

World Spirituality Practices: Sacred Text Study – An Excerpt from The Mystery of Love by Marc Gafni

World Spirituality Practices: Sacred Text Study – An Excerpt from The Mystery of Love by Marc Gafni2023-06-22T08:06:05-07:00

Zak Stein: Integral Meta-Theory – The What and Why

Zak Stein: Integral Meta-Theory – The What and Why2023-06-22T07:43:43-07:00

Ken Wilber on Integral Business

Ken Wilber on Integral Business2023-06-22T07:58:09-07:00

Venwoude Circle 2014: The Dharma on Re-Virgination

Venwoude Circle 2014: The Dharma on Re-Virgination2023-06-22T07:51:45-07:00

Venwoude Circle 2015: Eulogy

Venwoude Circle 2015: Eulogy2023-06-22T07:51:45-07:00

Dharma Party January 2014 Videos

Dharma Party January 2014 Videos2023-06-22T07:56:13-07:00

The Vision and Mission of the Foundation for Conscious Evolution

The ultimate goal of the Foundation for Conscious Evolution is the awakening of the spiritual, social, and scientific potential of humanity, in harmony with nature for the highest good of all life.

The Mission of the Foundation for Conscious Evolution

  • To educate people in the worldview of Conscious Evolution and how to apply it in their lives, personally and socially.
  • To network, connect and align individuals and groups, making visible the vast movement for positive change that is arising everywhere, and to further cooperate toward our common goal of a compassionate, sustainable future.

The initiatives of the Foundation for Conscious Evolution offer a context and container for connecting and empowering the vast global movement arising for positive change, making the efforts of this movement visible to engender greater coherence and synergy. We work on the premise that small islands of coherence in a sea of social chaos can jump the system as a whole to a higher degree of harmony and order.

By connecting and communicating what’s working, positive and innovative, the Foundation for Conscious Evolution is helping to build a new path—a “golden bridge”—to the next stage of human evolution. On that path, we look beyond the current confusion and crises to see the new capacities that are arising. We hold our unprecedented power as the means for restoring the earth, freeing ourselves from illness, hunger and war, and fulfilling the deepest aspirations of the human heart. We envision humanity arising to cocreate a future equal to our vast potential.

Read more about Conscious Evolution and the Foundation
The Vision and Mission of the Foundation for Conscious Evolution2023-06-19T12:26:04-07:00

Barbara Marx Hubbard about Reading Self by Marc Gafni

Barbara Marx Hubbard about Reading Self by Marc Gafni2023-06-22T08:01:13-07:00

New Preface by Barbara Marx Hubbard for Dr. Marc Gafni’s Your Unique Self

Deep from the heart of the cosmos comes the signal: be born as the universe in person! Manifest cosmogenesis as your own divine expression of creation. Bring cosmogenesis – the evolution of the cosmos — into form as you, as co creators of a new culture in which each human being is an expression of the Impulse of Creation.

In Your Unique Self Marc Gafni speaks for the evolutionary impulse during our time of radical shift on Earth from one form of growth, one form of self, one form of species, and one form of society to the next. He speaks for the Culture of Cocreators, each of us as a Unique Self, a divine expression of the Creator creating.

With great erudition and sensitivity to all the major traditions of the past, he offers us a new Source Code for the evolution of our species, a vital memetic code to guide us forward.

If you want to be excited, if you yearn to experience the reality of your divine destiny, Read this book! Live this book! Write this book into your life. It urges you to shine on the God force AS YOU.

I love this book. It affirms everything I have worked toward all my life. I have been writing lines of this book in 185 volumes of Journal since the age of 18. It is the deepening my own discovery of Conscious Evolution. We are living through the evolution of evolution itself. The great breakthrough in the 13.8 billion years of evolution, in this labor of love, is that evolution has become conscious of itself in and as us, Unique Selves.

The crises we are facing on Earth are evolutionary drivers awakening in us the Unique Self. When we infuse the rapidly growing genius of human capacity to understand nature’s processes of creation – the atom, the gene, the brain, our sciences and technology, with evolutionary love, with teleros, the love of higher purpose, what do we see? We see the birth of an emerging species. a universal humanity born into a universe of billions of other planets, just opening our collective eyes.

Let us con-celebrate with Life the great privilege of being born at this cross-over point from Homo sapiens sapiens to Homo Cocreator. Thank you Marc for inspiring us to find the way.

Barbara Marx Hubbard has been called “the voice for conscious evolution…” by Deepak Chopra. She is the subject of Neale Donald Walsch’s book The Mother of Invention. And many would agree she is the global ambassador for conscious change.

At her heart, Barbara Marx Hubbard is a visionary, a social innovator. She is an evolutionary thinker who believes that global change happens when we work collectively and selflessly for the greater good. She realizes that the lessons of evolution teach us that problems are evolutionary drivers, and crises precede transformation, giving a new way of seeing and responding to our global situation.

As a prolific author and educator, Barbara has written seven books on social and planetary evolution. She has produced, hosted, and contributed to countless documentaries seen by millions of people around the world. In conjunction with the Shift Network, Barbara co-produced the worldwide “Birth 2012″ multi-media event that was seen as a historic turning point in exposing the social, spiritual, scientific, and technological potential in humanity.

New Preface by Barbara Marx Hubbard for Dr. Marc Gafni’s Your Unique Self2023-09-12T10:12:04-07:00
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