Dharma Party January 2014 Audio

Dharma Party January 2014 Audio2023-06-22T07:56:13-07:00

Dharma Circle February 2013 Video: The Path of the Evolutionary Lover

Watch this beautiful video of an evening full of outrageous love about The Path of the Evolutionary Lover:

Dharma Circle February 2013 Video: The Path of the Evolutionary Lover2023-06-19T14:33:28-07:00

Harville Hendrix, Helen LaKelly Hunt, Lori Galperin & Marc Gafni: Imago, Unique Self, & the Crying God

Watch and listen to this gorgeous dialogue between four masters of their respective fields in the process of evolving the teaching of Unique Self, Unique We, Couplehood, Imago Therapy, and Unique Self Recovery:

Harville HendrixHarville Hendrix is a contemporary psychologist who co-founded Imago Relationship Therapy, along with his wife, Helen LaKelly Hunt.

Harville Hendrix was born in 1935 in Statesboro, Georgia. He was an ordained Baptist minister before he completed his BA at Mercer University in Georgia, in 1957, and his BD from Union Theological Seminary in 1961. He went on to receive both an MA and PhD in psychology and religion from the Divinity School at the University of Chicago.

Hendrix serves as a therapist, educator, and pastoral counselor. He has spent the last two decades practicing and teaching his own form of marriage and relationship therapy known as Imago Relationship Therapy in collaboration with his wife.

Helen LaKelly HuntHelen LaKelly Hunt (born 1949) is a daughter of H. L. Hunt. She is founder and president of The Sister Fund, which describes itself as “a private women’s fund dedicated to the social, political, economic, and spiritual empowerment of women and girls.”

Hunt currently lives in New York with her husband, Harville Hendrix, a self-help author.

Hunt was inducted into the National Women’s Hall of Fame, which cited her as a “[c]reative philanthropist who has used her own resources and others to create women’s funding institutions.”

Lori GalperinLori Galperin serves as a Member of the Board of the Center for Integral Wisdom.

She is a clinician, writer and teacher who began her 27 year career working in the area of sex & marital therapy. Training at Masters & Johnson Institute, she eventually became co-director, co-founded the first inpatient sexual trauma program in the country, and ultimately established and clinically co-directed three such programs. Her work spanned diverse populations including incest families, sex offenders, victims of sexual abuse and individuals struggling with sexual addiction.

Marc GafniDr. Marc Gafni is a philosopher, public intellectual and wisdom teacher. He holds his doctorate in philosophy from Oxford University, rabbinic certification from the chief rabbinate in Israel, as well private rabbinic ordination. He is also ordained and holds a doctorate in religious science. He is the initiating thought leader, together with Ken Wilber, of World Spirituality based on Integral principles, as well as the leading theorist and teacher of Unique Self Enlightenment. He is the director of Center for Integral Wisdom (formerly World Spirituality), a think tank he co-founded in 2011 with Ken Wilber, Sally Kempton, and Mariana Caplan (now also joined by Lori Galperin) which is creating a body of work to evolve the source code of human existence.

Harville Hendrix, Helen LaKelly Hunt, Lori Galperin & Marc Gafni: Imago, Unique Self, & the Crying God2023-09-12T09:58:37-07:00

ISE 3 Ken Wilber on Kosmic Creativity

ISE 3 Ken Wilber on Kosmic Creativity2023-06-22T07:48:53-07:00

Keynote with Dr. Marc Gafni on Video from the Integral Spiritual Experience 2: The Practices of Love

Keynote with Dr. Marc Gafni on Video from the Integral Spiritual Experience 2: The Practices of Love2023-06-22T07:48:53-07:00

Keynote with Dr. Marc Gafni on Video from the Integral Spiritual Experience 2: One Love – Keynote by Dr. Marc Gafni

Keynote with Dr. Marc Gafni on Video from the Integral Spiritual Experience 2: One Love – Keynote by Dr. Marc Gafni2023-06-22T07:48:53-07:00

Article & Keynote with Dr. Marc Gafni on Video from the Integral Spiritual Experience 2: Three Stations of Love

Article & Keynote with Dr. Marc Gafni on Video from the Integral Spiritual Experience 2: Three Stations of Love2023-06-22T07:48:53-07:00

World Spirituality Essentials

World Spirituality Essentials2023-06-22T08:06:08-07:00

Integral Applications

Integral Applications2023-06-22T07:50:42-07:00

Eros & Pseudo-Eros: An Excerpt from Your Unique Self

Eros & Pseudo-Eros: An Excerpt from Your Unique Self2023-06-22T07:48:53-07:00

Unique Self Emergence Process with Barbara Alexander & Claire Molinard

USE Logo White Background Final LargeKen Wilber’s Integral Theory integrated with the Unique Self dharma as articulated by Dr. Marc Gafni is the basis for the Unique Self Emergence Process. Its articulation of the human journey through the necessary individuation we call the separate self to the realization that we are part of the “seamless coat of the universe” to the recognition that we are each a unique expression of the Ultimate Reality provides an elegant and practical framework for growth.

The Unique Self is not a concept but a quality of presence that is embodied as we awaken to our interconnectedness and grow beyond our sense of separation. We believe it is the purpose for existence because it is from here that we can most fully offer our gifts to the world.

Researchers have given us irrefutable evidence that humans continue to grow throughout our lifetime. Spiritual teachers ancient and modern echo that truth. As our world becomes increasingly complex, it is imperative that we grow into deeper and wider stages of development in order to navigate and assist our world’s evolution.

Our desire to assist in the transformation of the world has resulted in the Unique Self Emergence Process as a powerful change technology that taps into Creative Source to engage your unique potential and facilitate its emergence as your Unique Self. Because the process facilitates getting to the heart of whom you are and how the creative impulse of Ultimate Reality wants to express through you, it has many applications. Whether you are seeking spiritual connection and development, wanting to understand why your life is no longer fulfilling or exploring your life’s purpose, this process will help.

Learn More about the Unique Self Emergence Process & Sign Up for Our Free Video Course

About Barbara and Claire

Barbara and Claire are long time spiritual practitioners who believe spiritual development is the cornerstone of human transformation. Individually we were coaching clients using the Integral Coaching approach, with an emphasis on spiritual development using the Unique Self Teachings. These teachings, offered by Marc Gafni and which Ken Wilber has called “a new key chapter in Integral Theory,” are deeply rooted in the wisdom of the world’s spiritual traditions and informed by modern psychology.

When we met we embarked on a journey of developing and synthesizing our work and the Unique Self Emergence Process was born. We knew we would offer it to other professionals, who like us, believe true transformation integrates both psychology and spirituality.

Learn More about the Unique Self Emergence Process & Sign Up for Our Free Video Course

The Unique Self Emergence Facilitator Training

The Unique Self Emergence Facilitator Training is a nine month certificate program. It is designed to support change agents who wish to deepen their experience of their own Unique Self while learning a practical and elegant process rooted in the Unique Self Teachings. Upon completion of this program, participants are certified to facilitate the Unique Self Emergence Process with individuals and groups and join a collective of amazing people from diverse background – coaches, consultants, spiritual directors, therapists and body workers whose vision is to facilitate the emergence of Unique Self in men and women of all ages so they may live happier, more successful and purposeful lives in service to the world.

Unique Self Emergence Process with Barbara Alexander & Claire Molinard2023-06-19T14:53:06-07:00

Audio Dialogue on Digital Intimacy: Why Google Hangouts?

Audio Dialogue on Digital Intimacy: Why Google Hangouts?2023-06-22T07:51:45-07:00

Our Invitation to You: Start Writing Outrageous Love Letters

Are you ready to play a larger game with love?

So here’s how:

Start writing Outrageous Love Letters.

Prayer?  Lovely!  Meditation? Sweet! You want to get there? Write Outrageous Love Letters!

So here’s now how it works:

In every moment, there’s a decision. Love the moment open or the moment stays close. So get this. When you write an Outrageous love Letters, you access your capacity to love the moment open. When you write an Outrageous Love Letters, what you are doing is, you are connecting to the initiating and animating Eros, the energy of All-That-Is. You are accessing the Love intelligence that lives in you, as you, and through you, that never was, is or will be ever again out in the way in lives in you.

And it’s from that unique love intelligence that drives your capacity to love the moment open in a way that no one that ever was, is, or will be can do in the way that you do. Writing Outrageous Love Letters exercises your heart muscle. It awakens your heart intelligence.

The ongoing practice of writing an Outrageous Love Letters empowers you to love the moment open instead of clenching, contracting and staying small.

That, my Loves, is a shift in identity that literally changes everything. We are not talking about an ordinary love; we are talking about outrageous love. Ordinary love is the strategy of the ego. Outrageous love is source itself coming alive in you, as you, and through you. We are only one heart and one love. That’s the love that it Source itself. That’s Outrageous Love. That’s powerful.

Are you ready to participate in the Evolution of Love? Outrageous Love needs you! Outrageous Love wants you now! Hey! Don’t let Rumi be the Outrageous Lover. You are the Outrageous Lover. Wake up and write an Outrageous Love Letter!

Dr. Marc Gafni

Are you ready to play a larger game with love? Come on, I’ll show how.

So here’s how:

Begin writing Outrageous Love Letters. No, really, begin writing Outrageous Love Letters.

Here’s a little background: In every moment we have the opportunity to be open or to be closed. In other words, we have the choice to love the moment open or we choose to remain closed, and the moment remains close.

When we love the moment open, something amazing happens. A new reality is born. A new goodness is born. A new idea is born. Something happens.

So get this: When we write an Outrageous Love Letters, we actually access the capacity to love the moment open.

From here we begin to connect with love; the love intelligence that lives in us, as us, and through us, uniquely. Cool! Yeah?

The ongoing practice of writing Outrageous Love Letters works out your love muscles instead of contracting and clenching and staying small.

It’s kind of like going to the gym and working out. Like an exercise of the heart. As you continue the practice of writing Outrageous Love Letters, you become aware, yes, you, love are outrageous love letters itself. Really! No, really! That, my loves, is a shift in identity that literally changes everything.

So, dear Lover, are you ready to step up and play a larger game? Outrageous Love wants you now!

(Whispering) Outrageous Love wants you now!

Dr. Kristina Kincaid

Our Invitation to You: Start Writing Outrageous Love Letters2023-06-19T14:58:08-07:00
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