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Articulating a New Worldview in Response to Existential Risk:

From Homo Sapiens to Homo Amor

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Articulating a New Worldview in Response to Existential Risk:

From Homo Sapiens to Homo Amor

The Great Library of CosmoErotic Humanism

Our Vision
CosmoErotic Humanism
Our Mission

Worldwide book launch:

Our new book can now be ordered from the US and Canada via the links and buttons below. From Europe and other countries, please order from your country’s amazon. The book is available as Paperback, eBook, and Audiobook.


Forty-Two Propositions on CosmoErotic Humanism, the Meta-Crisis, and the World to Come

by David J. Temple


First Principles and First Values is the tip of the spear in the fight for a humane future. Establishing frameworks for a new school of thought called CosmoErotic Humanism, the book is built around forty-two propositions that provide new source code for the future of planetary culture.

Like Europe in the early Renaissance, humanity is in a time between worlds, at a time between stories. First Principles and First Values contains blueprints for the bridge needed to cross from this world to the next.

“The position argued for in this book is of vital importance . . . it needs urgently to be read.”
IAIN McGILCHRIST, author of The Master and His Emissary

David J. Temple is a pseudonym created for enabling ongoing collaborative authorship at the Center for World Philosophy and Religion, a leading international think tank whose mission is to address existential risk by articulating a shared universal Story of Value for global intimacy and global coordination. The Center focuses its work on a world philosophy, CosmoErotic Humanism, as the ground for a global vision of value, economics, politics, and spiritual coherence. The two primary authors behind David J. Temple are Marc Gafni and Zak Stein. For different projects specific writers will be named as part of the collaboration. In this volume Ken Wilber joins Dr. Gafni and Dr. Stein.

Order Here
Download Chapter 1-5
Read a Book Review by David Nicol

Upcoming Course in September

Eye of Value: Saving the Damsel in Distress

A course about the essence of a New Story of Value that can change the vector of civilization.

The Parallax Course: Value is Real Why Saying This Clearly May Save Civilization [and our Souls] – (with Marc Gafni and Zak Stein) takes place on Saturdays, September 7/14/21/28 – 2024. For more information:

Register for Course HERE

Documentary with Dr. Marc Gafni

In collaboration with Aubrey Marcus and the Unique Self Institute

In Dr. Gafni and Dr. Stein’s language: “We stand at a pivotal moment in history – a time between worlds and a time between stories  – poised between dystopia and utopia.” To bridge the gap between our external technologies and internal narratives of identity and purpose, every human and every epoch of humanity must evolve responses to three essential questions, what we refer to as the three great questions of CosmoErotic Humanism: “Who? Where? And What?”

Who am I? and Who are we?

Where am I? and Where are we?

What ought I do? and What ought we do?

In a profound analysis of our current meta-crisis and what he calls the “global intimacy disorder,” Dr. Marc Gafni draws from what he refers to as “the exterior and interior sciences” to deepen our responses to these three questions. The responses offer a new understanding of the Good, the True, and the Beautiful, and generate the beginning of “a universal grammar of value as a context for our diversity.”

“A universal grammar of value is grounded in eternal yet evolving First Principles and First Values, which are inherent in the Intimate Universe, in which we all participate. A new grammar articulates a potent Story of intrinsic Value, with the poignancy and power to respond to the meta-crisis. At the core of this Story of Value, called CosmoErotic Humanism, is a new narrative of identity, both personal and collective. Principles of Unique Self and Unique Self Symphony contribute to the shaping of a shared reality that is flawed and human, filled with holy and broken Hallelujahs. Yet, that Reality reaches insistently towards better tomorrows that are suffused with ever-deepening Eros and ethos, kindness, and creativity.”

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The Center for World Philosophy & Religion – Home2024-08-31T11:16:18-07:00

Reality Bites: Conspiracy Theories & Broken Information Ecology

On the Invisible Hands: Eros, Pseudo-Eros, and Missing First Principles

Featured Clip with Dr. Marc Gafni

This is the final installment of our great series on conspiracy theories. It is a great summation and up-leveling, connecting the dots in entirely new and exciting ways.

This final week was a recapitulation of the major points that Dr. Marc has made about conspiracy theories and their place in the world for the last seven or eight weeks.

We want to thank the many thousands of people who tuned in, sharing their appreciation, insight, and life force.

For a brief summation and some beautiful quotes from the clip, see below.

Watch & Share This Important Clip

If this or any of the other clips moved you, we invite you to join us for our next free Live Service on Sunday, 10 am PT, on Zoom.

These are very special intimate moments of deep study, coupled with the most beautiful practice, contemplation, and activism.

One Mountain, Many Paths is an independent initiative emergent from the Center and the Foundation for Conscious Evolution and their respective founders, Dr. Marc Gafni and Barbara Marx Hubbard. It the crucial next step of the Foundation for Conscious Evolution and we audaciously believe that this initiative – together with many other emergent initiatives around the world – is a crucial next step for in the Evolution of Love itself.

We believe this is the most potent and promising path to further the realization of the great vision of Barbara Marx Hubbard, Dr. Marc Gafni, and their colleagues, a “Planetary Awakening in Love through Unique Self Symphonies.”

For regular One Church: Many Paths, One Mountain participants, just use your usual Zoom link that send to you weekly.

If you are NEW to One Mountain, Many Paths register HERE:

One Mountain, Many Paths

Final Installment of Our Series on Conspiracy Theories

Join Dr. Marc Gafni in Unfolding in the Clip Above


Reality Bites: Conspiracy Theories & Broken Information Ecology2023-09-22T06:52:53-07:00

Dr. Marc Gafni: Short Notes on Sense Making in Crisis

Dr. Marc Gafni: Short Notes on Sense Making in Crisis2023-09-22T06:51:00-07:00

Spiritual Sense Making in Times of Crisis

Watch This Featured Clip by Dr. Marc Gafni



Welcome, everyone. It’s a hard time. It’s a painful time. We live in a world of outrageous pain, and the only response to outrageous pain is outrageous love. One of the things that we’re trying to do here at the Center for Integral Wisdom and the Foundation for Conscious Evolution and we’re also trying to do it in a broadcast program that’s its own world that spun off originally from the center and the foundation and is now an independent and beautiful movement which is called One Church: Many Paths, One Mountain—we broadcast every week and we’re together every week; it’s an incredible community of some 10,000 people around the world—what we’re trying to do is what I would call sensemaking. We live in a moment of decentralized sensemaking. We don’t rely at this point on the government or the church. Our information ecologies are broken. Our sense of larger patterns and larger worldviews has been fractured and fragmented.

So as we find ourselves in the middle of this outrageous pain, the pain of the coronavirus, which is now a collective pain across the world, I just read an amazing set of stories about five Italian doctors, heroes, heroes of outrageous love who died this week, and the stories abound across the world. And we don’t know what’s going to happen. We’re doing everything we can to flatten the curve, but we’re not doing enough. Will we be able to flatten the curve? What are the timeframes? There’s an enormous amount that needs to happen now.

But what I want to talk to you about in this moment is the sensemaking that we need to do. Now, sensemaking takes place in the context of action, so clearly the very first thing that needs to be done now is to heal the sick, to have enough ventilators, to have enough beds in hospitals, to not collapse the medical system, to not collapse the economy, because the economy is about people being able to buy basic necessities. It’s about survival in the most essential of ways. Let’s take the United States just as an example. Seventy percent of the families in the United States live from paycheck to paycheck.

So the amount of pain and dislocation and disruption and suffering is intense and real and we need to respond to it, and the only response to outrageous pain is outrageous love, and outrageous love means that there are outrageous acts of love to perform, and it’s not just the Italian doctors who are being the most incredible—this is a moment where Italy truly is filled with outrageous lovers, unbelievable beyond imagination—but it’s not just those Italian doctors. It’s all of us who need to be, in this moment, heroes. We need to protect our elderly who are more precious than precious. We need to provide every resource we can. We need to share our homes when it’s appropriate within the context of physical distancing. We need to share our resources, which means our money and our time. We need to share our hearts. We need to join hands. We need to respond to outrageous pain with outrageous love.


Spiritual Sense Making in Times of Crisis2023-06-17T13:51:24-07:00

Video: Gafni on Eros

Video: Gafni on Eros2023-09-22T06:50:33-07:00

Ervin Laszlo & Marc Gafni: Death and Reincarnation

Ervin Laszlo & Marc Gafni: Death and Reincarnation2023-06-22T07:53:26-07:00

Ervin Laszlo & Marc Gafni: Prayer

Ervin Laszlo & Marc Gafni: Prayer2023-06-22T07:53:26-07:00

Ervin Laszlo & Marc Gafni: Evolutionary Love – Personal and Cosmic Love Are One – The Personal as a Quality of Essence

Ervin Laszlo & Marc Gafni: Evolutionary Love – Personal and Cosmic Love Are One – The Personal as a Quality of Essence2023-06-22T07:53:26-07:00

Ervin Laszlo & Marc Gafni: Self-Organization, the Ability to Receive Information from the Larger System, & the Spiritual Dimension

Ervin Laszlo & Marc Gafni: Self-Organization, the Ability to Receive Information from the Larger System, & the Spiritual Dimension2023-06-22T07:53:26-07:00

Ervin Laszlo & Marc Gafni on Supercoherence

Watch and listen to this 7-minute video, the fourth part of a 10-part dialogue with Ervin Laszlo and Marc Gafni in Tuscany on the topic of Evolutionary Love–envisioning a new Renaissance that will take us to the future. Watch previous posts from this series:

Enjoy the fourth part of the dialogue here:


Dr. László: The idea is in us, I think. This is what I want to emphasize. You know, it’s been only last few years that I’ve kind of rediscovered that I’m a Platonist, I didn’t know that. I always thought of myself as more Aristotelian, but I discovered that in Plato, this idea that our deepest level, what Plato called the soul, or the spirit, it knows it all. It’s there. When we discover something, we rediscover it. The knowledge is there, because everything that we need in this world, everything that brought us here to be a complex species, endowed with consciousness, had to be in us, had to be a part of our heritage, otherwise we wouldn’t be here, so there is this drive towards complexity, diversity in this unity.

And this is part of the unfolding of this evolutionary trend in the world. It unfolds because systems become integrated with other systems. Each of them maintains its identity, each of them contributes to it. Now if you could contribute to it consciously, you can carry forward this evolutionary trend, this evolutionary drive, toward higher levels of integration. This individuality, diversity, this unity, we can carry it forward much more effectively, enhance this process. And to my mind, this is what I’m thinking now, and what am working on now. This is the ultimate meaning, if there is such a thing, I’m think there is, ultimate meaning of existence, of conscious existence. That we’re able to prehend, to comprehend, that we are part of this evolutionary unfolding symphony. Which is taking us, like you have pointed out, is taking us as unique irreducible selves, into a larger unity, into a larger whole.

We don’t have to worry about surrendering ourselves, because as conscious being, we maintain the universe in us. The whole universe is encompassed in our consciousness, because we can grasp it, we can prehend it, as Whitehead would say. So we are there, as an irreducible whole, in the universe, which is unfolding around us, and unfolding in us. We can describe it objectively, as the coherence of elements in higher level systems. We can describe is subjectively, but just as meaningfully, and perhaps even more meaningfully, as the sense of becoming part, part of larger and larger communities, communing with others, and this is the world around us. And that’s the idea, that’s the element that we have neglected. That’s the element in our deep consciousness, that we have to recover, through meditation, through prayer. That’s where spirituality, I think, helps, to us, to rediscover that we are part of a cosmic symphony unfolding.

We carry our individuality as a force, as an element, not by disregarding and subordinating the rest, but by cohering, embracing this. I talk, you know, about all embracing love. You mentioned loved could be subverted a little bit if it’s limited to two or more individuals.

Marc Gafni: That would be ordinary love, egoic love.

Dr. László: Egoic love, but we could have a deeper love, which is our sense of being a part of the cosmos. Now, this seems to be like a very big statement, but part of reality, if you have that sense, you start relating differently, then you start not using coal, but using solar, for example. Then you start acting in a way that you can co-evolve with others around you. I’m convinced that biologists have also pointed out, there is no evolution in the world, except co-evolution. There is nothing except in partnership with others around it. Coherence is ultimately supercoherence, as you mentioned. To my mind, supercoherence as a very simple definition, is the coherence among coherent systems.

We are a coherent system, in so far as we’re healthy. When we have disease, then we’re breaking down as a coherence, but as healthy beings we are coherent. Now, we are also coherent with our group, with our fellows, with our communities, with our families, with our ethnic group, with our culture, with our nation, et cetera, and ultimately with human kind. Then we are supercoherent. And there is nothing on this planet, on the web of life, that would not be supercoherent, except modern people, because they have forgotten this larger part of their coherence, and that’s the task before us, to recover this, to be, again, feel ourselves a part of the unfolding symphony of life, on this Earth. That’s the only way I think we can overcome our problems. That’s the best way we can move into a future where we can participate, where we can flourish, and have the rest of the system flourish as well.

Marc Gafni: Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. So there’s this dislocation, right, which is this unique dislocation modernity, and this dislocation, of course, has served initially the evolutionary process, because it has allowed for the emergence of self, and the self’s dignity, and the self’s right, so human rights and democracy and feminism, have been what’s emerged from the beginning of this dislocation, the beginning of the dislocation was, I’m not only defined in terms of my larger context, I actually have irreducibly, irreducible dignity independently. You’re following, everyone who’s listening, so this dislocation that Ervin’s describing begins as a health evolutionary movement forward, but then it pathologizes, because the beginning of it stated, I’m not only part of a larger context, I also have my own irreducible dignity, but then it lost, it forgot, of course, I’m part of a larger context, of course I’m located right in the larger context, it dislocated from any location other than the desiccated self. And then the desiccated self was unable to experience its own meaning, and its own sense of wholeness. It then absorbed, parasitically, everything into itself, whether as a nation, or as an individual, which began the massive consumption of energy regimes, which produced the second shock of existence. And as Ervin said, we’re telling the exact same story. You know, slightly different ways of telling the narrative, which makes it exciting, but it’s the same story.

>>> You can watch the whole 10-part dialogue here <<<

In their dialogue, Ervin Laszlo and Marc Gafni share about the Second Shock of Existence, the New Renaissance, Evolutionary Love, and Unique Self Enlightenment as well as cutting-edge topics like supercoherence, self-organization, and the Unique Self Symphony.

If you like the dialogue, you may be interested in our online course “Becoming a Future Human”

Becoming a Future Human, Barbara Marx Hubbard, Marc Gafni, Daniel SchmachtenbergerWho do we need to become in order for humanity to make it though its current dangerous technological adolescence and to create a world that is truly commensurate with our full human, scientific, social, spiritual, and technological capabilities? If you are here to embody your unique gift fully for the benefit of all life and play your role as a steward of the cosmos and the birth of a new humanity, then welcome! This course is for everyone that knows humanity is at the brink of an epochal shift, that believes we can create the world the great sages knew was possible, and that wants to be a part of co-creating that world together.

>>> Learn more about the course here <<<

Ervin Laszlo & Marc Gafni on Supercoherence2023-06-17T14:59:59-07:00

Third Part of Ten-Part Video Dialogue with Ervin Laszlo and Marc Gafni: Evolutionary Love, the True Nature of Reality, & Unique Self Enlightenment

Third Part of Ten-Part Video Dialogue with Ervin Laszlo and Marc Gafni: Evolutionary Love, the True Nature of Reality, & Unique Self Enlightenment2023-06-22T07:53:27-07:00

Ervin Laszlo & Marc Gafni: The Second Shock of Existence

Ervin Laszlo & Marc Gafni: The Second Shock of Existence2023-06-22T07:53:27-07:00

Questions & Answers for Dr. Warren Farrell & Dr. Marc Gafni

Questions & Answers for Dr. Warren Farrell & Dr. Marc Gafni2023-09-22T07:23:49-07:00

Marc Gafni: If You Ask You Must Surely Need

Marc Gafni: If You Ask You Must Surely Need2023-06-22T07:48:51-07:00

Reclaiming Eros: The Inside of the Inside – Part 1

Reclaiming Eros: The Inside of the Inside – Part 12023-06-22T07:48:52-07:00
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