Ervin Laszlo & Marc Gafni: 10-Part Video Dialogue on Evolutionary Love 2014

For this dialogue, Ervin Laszlo and Marc Gafni met in Tuscany and talked about the topic of Evolutionary Love–envisioning a new Renaissance that will take us to the future.

In the dialogue they touched on a wide array of subjects (click on the links for separate posts with the single videos and transcripts):

  1. Introduction, The New Renaissance, & Love as an Erotic Force
  2. The Second Shock of Existence
  3. Evolutionary Love, The True Nature of Reality & Unique Self Enlightenment
  4. Supercoherence
  5. Self-Organization, the Ability to Receive Information from the Larger System, & the Spiritual Dimension
  6. How to Open the Eye of the Spirit & The Unique Self Symphony
  7. Evolutionary Love – Personal and Cosmic Love Are One – the Personal as a Quality of Essence
  8. Appearing as the One – Unending Symphony
  9. Prayer
  10. Death and Reincarnation  

Enjoy the dialogue here:

Ervin Laszlo & Marc Gafni: 10-Part Video Dialogue on Evolutionary Love 20142023-06-19T10:38:14-07:00

Conscious Evolution Meets Integral Unique Self & the Evolution of Love

When Barbara Marx Hubbard, the Grande Dame of Conscious Evolution, and Marc Gafni met, it was truly a meeting of hearts, minds, souls, and Evolutionary Unique Selves.

Since then Barbara has joined the executive board of the center and Marc, Barbara, and Daniel Schmachtenberger have joined forces to work on a ground breaking new book The Conscious Universe: Participating in the Evolution of Love. You can track their collaboration in our new CIW Portal on the Foundation for Conscious Evolution.

“The next stage in evolution is ‘Unique Selves’ joining Genius.”

~ Barbara Marx Hubbard

Enjoy the dialogue here:

Conscious Evolution Meets Integral Unique Self & the Evolution of Love2023-09-12T09:57:47-07:00

Wisdom for Your Week: Success 3.0 Dialogue with John Mackey & Marc Gafni

Watch and listen to John Mackey, CEO of Whole Foods and author of Conscious Capitalism (together with Raj Sisodia), and Marc Gafni, Director of the Center for Integral Wisdom and author of many books including Your Unique Self, talk about a new vision of Success for the new millennium.

They track back the many meanings of the word Success and its literature to the beginning of mankind until they conclude that, in the words of Marc Gafni from the dialogue, “it has to be inclusive and at the same time have a hierarchy, meaning it’s got to include the best of traditional, the best of modern, the best of postmodern, the best of 0, 1.0 and 2.0, and yet it’s got to offer something larger.”

Marc Gafni in the dialogue:

“So that’s where we are, success 3.0, an Integral view that’s got to be compelling. It’s got to be an evolutionary attractor. … It’s got to be powerful. It’s got to have alluring quality. It’s got to be an invitation. It’s got to be a myth that’s worthy. It’s got to be a new vision of what the Jedi Knight is. So, Integral 3.0, what might that look like?”

Visit our Conscious Entrepreneur Portal here

Stream the video here and read the transcript below:


Marc:  John, good to see you.

John:  Good to see you too, Marc.

Marc:  Success 3.0. So we’re here to kind of map what success might look like, and I was thinking about it this morning as I got up. Do you remember Citizen Kane, that movie, Orson Welles?

John:  Yeah.


Wisdom for Your Week: Success 3.0 Dialogue with John Mackey & Marc Gafni2023-06-19T10:47:14-07:00

Agape International Spiritual Center: Introduction and Media

Agape International Spiritual Center: Introduction and Media2023-06-22T08:06:06-07:00

Dr. Warren Farrell at CIW and Related Media

Dr. Warren Farrell at CIW and Related Media2023-06-22T07:58:09-07:00

Key Audios & Videos on World Spirituality

Key Audios & Videos on World Spirituality2023-06-22T08:06:06-07:00

Dr. Warren Farrell on Why Men Are the Way They Are

Dr. Warren Farrell on Why Men Are the Way They Are2023-06-22T07:58:10-07:00

Barbara Marx Hubbard & Marc Gafni: Awakening As Your Evolutionary Unique Self

When Barbara Marx Hubbard, the Grande Dame of Conscious Evolution, and Marc Gafni met, it was truly a meeting of hearts, minds, souls, and Evolutionary Unique Selves.

Since then, they have been joining forces for a couple of co-creative projects.

Barbara Marx Hubbard has been called “the voice for conscious evolution…” by Deepak Chopra. She is the subject of Neale Donald Walsch’s book The Mother of Invention. And many would agree she is the global ambassador for conscious change.

At her heart, Barbara Marx Hubbard is a visionary, a social innovator. She is an evolutionary thinker who believes that global change happens when we work collectively and selflessly for the greater good. She realizes that the lessons of evolution teach us that problems are evolutionary drivers, and crises precede transformation, giving a new way of seeing and responding to our global situation.

As a prolific author and educator, Barbara has written seven books on social and planetary evolution.  She has produced, hosted, and contributed to countless documentaries seen by millions of people around the world.  In conjunction with the Shift Network, Barbara co-produced the worldwide “Birth 2012″ multi-media event that was seen as a historic turning point in exposing the social, spiritual, scientific, and technological potential in humanity.

Her books include: The Hunger of Eve: One Woman’s Odyssey toward the Future; The Evolutionary Journey: Your Guide to a Positive Future; Revelation: Our Crisis is a Birth –An Evolutionary Interpretation of the New Testament; Conscious Evolution: Awakening the Power of our Social Potential; Emergence: The Shift from Ego to Essence; 52 Codes for Conscious Self Evolution and Birth 2012 and Beyond: Humanity’s Great Shift to the Age of Conscious Evolution.

Read more about her here>>>

Stay tuned for more to come and enjoy this five-part dialogue:

Barbara Marx Hubbard & Marc Gafni: Awakening As Your Evolutionary Unique Self2023-06-19T13:23:31-07:00

Dr. Warren Farrell at the Integral Spiritual Experience

Dr. Warren Farrell at the Integral Spiritual Experience2023-06-22T07:58:10-07:00

Iris Benrubi & Marc Gafni at the Passion and Intimacy Summit

Iris Benrubi & Marc Gafni at the Passion and Intimacy Summit2023-06-22T07:48:53-07:00

Dalai Lama Dialogue with Marc Gafni

Dalai Lama Dialogue with Marc Gafni2023-06-22T08:06:06-07:00
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