Daily Wisdom Post: Every moment …

What IS, as the mystical principle of constant creation teaches, changes every moment.  To go against what is in any given moment is therefore to lose touch with the God force of love in the cosmos.  All failures in love are rooted in losing touch with the love that is in the moment.

The mystery of love returns us to full presence. By doing so it reconnects us with the healing power of time. When we fully live in any moment we become powerful. We have complete presence and confidence. The infinity experienced in that time enriches us beyond measure. Indeed it is priceless.

The Mystery of Love
Dr. Marc Gafni
Page 293

Daily Wisdom Post: Every moment …2022-08-02T08:23:22-07:00

Shalom Mountain Develops Wisdom School


Shalom Mountain

We are delighted to announce that Shalom Mountain has developed a Wisdom School which is deeply rooted in the teachings of Unique Self Enlightenment, Eros, World Spirituality Teaching and the Enlightenment of Fullness.

Dr. Marc Gafni serves as the teacher in Residence. The next session- which will be the eight session of the Wisdom School will be March 8-11th at Shalom Mountain in upstate new york. The teaching is Sold Out however work is being done to make ten more spaces available so if you are interested register now or be put on a waiting list.

For more information click here. 

Shalom Mountain Develops Wisdom School2022-07-06T03:20:26-07:00

Daily Wisdom: Unique Self Is a Quality of Presence

Uniqueness is not a concept! Unique Self is a quality of presence that shows up when the ego is set aside””even temporarily””and our deeper being and becoming emerges in all of its resplendent beauty. When someone shows up in their Unique Self, you are aroused to love them and intensely desirous of being loved by them. In Christianity this exercises itself as the personal relationship with Jesus Christ that so many sectors of Christianity understand so profoundly””and which is so derided by New Age teachers caught in the impersonality of so much misunderstood Eastern teaching.

In Hinduism the goddesses hold you in radical personal embrace. In classical Judaism the G-o-d loves you and knows your name, while in Sufism and Kabbalah she is your most intimate erotic partner. None of this is dogma. It is the first and second personal realization that the interior face of the kosmos is the infinity of intimacy. And it is the revelation of the infinite, who yearns to love you personally and uniquely.

Dr. Marc Gafni
Your Unique Self
page 92

Daily Wisdom: Unique Self Is a Quality of Presence2022-08-02T08:23:22-07:00

Daily Wisdom: Radical Awakening, Evolutionary Obligation

At any point in which you are moved to respond to your evolutionary obligation, you can heal the past. You can heal the past with sincere right action or sincere right intention. There is no such thing as being too late.
The potential for radical awakening and change is present at every moment.

You are then radically shocked and wildly ecstatic when you realize the complete and total identity between your purpose and God’s purpose. This is the true meaning of evolutionary alignment with the ecstatic God-impulse that lives in you and calls you to service.

Your Unique Self
Dr. Marc Gafni
Pages 132, 133

Daily Wisdom: Radical Awakening, Evolutionary Obligation2022-08-02T08:23:22-07:00

Daily Wisdom: For and By My Unique Story

To be connected to your Unique Self means to know that your story is sufficiently important, significant, and wonderful, and that the entire world was created for its sake. The dignity of your story demands no less than that you get up every morning and know that your very next action has the power to shape the destiny of our collective future.

Your Unique Self,
Marc Gafni
page 161,162

Daily Wisdom: For and By My Unique Story2022-08-02T08:23:22-07:00

Daily Wisdom: One Love is Us!

Love, which previously was cloaked in third-person as an impersonal force, becomes obvious in second person and first person. This is the awesome realization that impersonal kosmic love and personal human love at their highest levels are one and the same. One love expresses itself all up and down the great chain of being, and all up and down the evolutionary ladder. We see love in action in our lives and feel love as Source from which we live. More than that, we are capable of articulating our first-person love and sharing it in second-person conversation and third-person reporting. This is the momentous evolutionary leap of love at the leading edge of human consciousness.

Your Unique Self
Dr. Marc Gafni
Page 122

Daily Wisdom: One Love is Us!2022-08-02T08:23:22-07:00

Daily Wisdom: The Eros of Living Your Story

Eros seduces man toward evolution, toward greater consciousness. Love seduces man to love. Eros is the inner animating quality of the ecstatic evolutionary impulse of the Ground of Being, evolving toward the most aware and noble expression of itself. It is love persuading us to ever-deeper levels of love.

Marc Gafni
Your Unique Self
p. 135

Daily Wisdom: The Eros of Living Your Story2022-08-02T08:23:22-07:00

Daily Wisdom: One Love

To really get the great esoteric teachings of one love, to know love as the strongest force in the Uni-verse, we first have to understand that love is not just a feeling. Rather, love is the motivating force driving and animating the entire Uni-verse. Love is not merely a human emotion. Love is both the currency of connection between human beings and the essential Eros that drives the evolutionary process as a whole. Love is the Eros of all relationship even as it is the very Eros of evolution itself. Personal and impersonal love are one. One Love. Evolutionary Love.”

Your Unique Self
Dr. Marc Gafni
Page 10

Daily Wisdom: One Love2022-08-02T08:23:22-07:00

Daily Wisdom: The Same Cloth and Utterly Unique

By Marc Gafni

From Your Unique Self:

Photo Credit: nathangibbs

We are, in the words of Kabbalist Luria, “cut from the same cloth and hewn from the same quarry, even as we each have an utterly unique soul expression and soul destiny.”
The great Buddhist way of describing this is the story of the water and the wave:

Two waves flowed toward shore. The larger wave was extremely depressed, while the small wave peacefully moved along.

“If you could see what I see from up here,” said the large wave to the small wave, “you would not be so happy.”

“What do you see?” asked the small wave.

“In not too long, we will crash into the shore, and that will be the end of us.”

“Oh, that,” said the small wave. “that’s OK.”

“What, are you crazy!?”

“I know a little secret that tells me that it’s OK,” said the small wave.

“Would you like me to share it with you?”

Our large-wave friend was both curious and suspicious:

“Will I have to pay a lot of money to learn it?” he asked.

“No, not at all.”

“Will I have to do zazen for thirty years in the lotus position?”

“No, not at all,” said the small wave.

“Really, the whole thing is only eight words.”

“Eight words!!! Then, tell me already!”

The small wave said, ever so gently, “You are not a wave. You are water.”

To which the Unique Self mystics add, “And you are also a Unique, beloved, and irreplaceable wave.”

Daily Wisdom: The Same Cloth and Utterly Unique2022-08-02T08:23:22-07:00

Daily Wisdom: Love breaks out…

“This movement of love and Eros, which is visible in third person from the simplest cellular level to the most advanced human level, is at all times felt in the second person as love. In the realized human being, love breaks out.  This is, finally, love revealed. Because evolution is the constant increase of complexity””paralleled on the interior by the constant increase of consciousness, whose inner relational quality is love””in the evolved human being who has reached the level of self-transcendence, the operation of love itself breaks into consciousness and becomes a prime motivator for individuals.”

Your Unique Self
Dr. Marc Gafni
Page 120

Daily Wisdom: Love breaks out…2022-08-02T08:23:22-07:00

Daily Wisdom Post: The Perception of Love

For some passages in the Zohar, the mysteries of the cherubs are virtually a synonym for unity consciousness.  The Zohar understands the union of the cherubs as symbolic of the union of all opposites.  This is what mystic Abraham Kook means when he writes, “While all qualities have their opposite, good and evil, life and death, and even holy and profane–there is no opposite to the Holy of Holies.”  The Holy of Holies is the place that overwhelms all distinctions.  That which unites opposites, writes Kook, is love.  It is love–the perception of the infinite Divine in all of reality–that allows us to embrace both paris in the opposition as glimmerings of the one.

The Chinese master Lao-tzu saw this clearly when he said all opposites arise simultaneously and mutually:

Is there a difference between yes and no?
Is there a difference between good and evil?
Must I fear what others fear?  What nonsense.
Having and not having arise together
Difficult and easy complement each other.

To suggest otherwise, writes Chuang Tzu, is not “to apprehend the great principles of the universe or the nature of creation.”

What does all this mean?  Ultimately reality is a unity of opposites.  What that means is that there are no real boundaries.  True wisdom is the sweetness of integration and union.  Ultimately the world of two does not exist in the deepest reality.  To love is to reach for the radical divine presence in all that is.  To love is to know that ultimately there are no boundaries.  And yet the road to the circle in which everything is on the inside is through the line. Ethics is the Hebrew mystic’s path to eros.

The Mystery of Love
Marc Gafni
Page 318, 319

Daily Wisdom Post: The Perception of Love2022-08-02T08:23:22-07:00

Daily Wisdom Post: Creation Stories

The trees are part of the Goddess’s erotic manifestation.  The central symbol of much of the ancient pagan cult in biblical Canaan was the Ashera tree.  The Ashera is the feminine earth goddess erotically expressed in the image of the Ashera tree.  In a wonderful phrase of Keats, “Even as the trees that whisper round the temple become soon as dear as the temple self.”  For the pagan, the hills were literally alive with the sound of music. Nature is the music of divinity undressed to the human ear.  Every hill, brook, tree, and blade of grass was invested with its own divine muse.

The Mystery of Love
Marc Gafni
Pages 190-192

Daily Wisdom Post: Creation Stories2022-08-02T08:23:22-07:00

Daily Wisdom Post: The Temple Mysteries and the Next Stage in the Evolution of Sex!

Dr. Marc Gafni teaches about the ancient Temple Mysteries, in accordance with great esoteric kabbalistic tradition. Gafni, through his unique mixture of love, transmission and esoteric teachings brings the temple mysteries to the modern and postmodern world.

At the center of the mystery are the two cherubs.

On the top of the Lost Ark in the Holy of Holies of the Jerusalem temple, there are two cherubs in radical sexual embrace! Why are love making cherubs the primary image in the holy of holies of the Jerusalem Temple. And why does the biblical tradition teach that God’s voice speaks from between the cherubs?

Daily Wisdom Post: The Temple Mysteries and the Next Stage in the Evolution of Sex!2022-08-02T08:23:22-07:00

Unique Self Process: Taught for the First Time Ever in Public — May 19 – 21, 2012

What: Unique Self Process: Taught for the First Time Ever in Public

When: May 19 – 21, 2012

Where: Venwoude Retreat Center in Holland. Inexpensive flights available.

Who: Dr. Marc Gafni and Mauk Pieper: Unique Self Process: First Three Days

Who: Dr. Marc Gafni and Chahat Corten, Pauline Botden

The Principles and Practices of Unique Self Enlightenment

The Democratization of Enlightenment Begins with You!

Principle and Practice 1: The Invitation and Responsibility of Unique Self

Unique Self: The Evolutionary Context
The Four Pillars of Unique Self
Two Tastes: Being and Becoming

Principle and Practice 2: The Glory of the Story

Personal and Impersonal Enlightenment
Live Your Story: Mythologize Don’t Pathologize
Details Matter: The Time Line and Trajectory of Your Life

Principle and Practice 3: False Core, False Self, and the Trajectory of Identity

Personality Types
False Core, False Self WHOLE WEEK ON THIS

Principle and Practice 4: Awakening: Evolution Beyond Ego

True Self, True Identity
Paths of Practice to Awaken Your Unique Self
Unique Self and Transcendence

Principle and Practice 5: Awakening: Evolution Beyond Ego

Five Differences Between Unique Self and Ego
The Democratization of Enlightenment
The New Enlightenment

Principle and Practice 6: Unique Wound and Unique Shadow

The Shadow: Three Steps Beyond Jung
Shadow and the New Enlightenment
Follow Your Shadow to Your Unique Self

Principle and Practice 7: Unique Gifts, Unique Delight and Unique Obligation

What is your Unique Self?
What are your Unique Gifts?
What is your Unique Purpose?

Principle and Practice 8: Evolutionary We Space

The creation of the Unique We
Five Principles and Practice which invoke the Miracle of We
Public Enlightenment: The Next Evolutionary Leap

Unique Self Process: Taught for the First Time Ever in Public — May 19 – 21, 20122022-07-06T03:20:27-07:00

Daily Wisdom Post: This life is a journey

Before God”.

To be in Temple consciousness is to be in God–eros pure and simple. This shift in consciousness is hidden within the folds of biblical myth text itself.

We have already seen that the biblical term Lifnei Hashem, which is usually translated as “before God,” can be more fruitfully understood as “on the inside of God’s face.” This allusion plants the seed for the much more radical move made by the mystic Isaac Luria in the sixteenth century. In Luria’s graphic and daring vision the world is not formed by a forward-thrusting male movement that creates outside itself. Quite the contrary–Divinity creates within itself the sacred void in the form of a circle. The creation not of the line masculine God but of the Goddess, of the Shechina! This is the Great Circle of Creation. The circle, unlike in the original biblical image, is within the Goddess. It is an act of love that moves the Goddess to withdraw and make room for the other–paradoxically within God.

The Mystery of Love
Marc Gafni
Page 192

Daily Wisdom Post: This life is a journey2022-08-02T08:23:22-07:00

Daily Wisdom Post: It depends on Love

The technology for shadow integration is love. Shadow causes a transformation of identity.  Love is the evolutionary force that transmutes shadow to light.

The inner magic and mechanism of love makes it the ultimate technology of Unique Shadow transformation.  The nature of that magic and mechanism is an essential sacred understanding necessary for your Unique Self enlightenment.

In order to integrate your shadow, your unlived life acting out and demanding attention, a transformation of your identity must occur. The key Aramaic phrase used by the Unique Self masters to describe the nature of this path is be’chavivut talya milta, “It depends on love.”

Your Unique Self
(In Press)
Dr. Marc Gafni
Page 265

Daily Wisdom Post: It depends on Love2022-08-02T08:23:22-07:00

Daily Wisdom Post: The Way of Becoming

After the evolution beyond ego and the identification with the impersonal, a new personal essence arises out of the very ground of the impersonal.

This is Unique Self. This Second Taste is dynamic, creative, and world transforming. There is urgency to the Second Taste. The God impulse of Second Taste is no less surging, ecstatic, and powerful than was the urge to merge in One Taste. In Second Taste, however, the ecstatic urgency is to emerge. This Second Taste ecstatic urgency aligns not with the eternal transcendent face of God, but with the evolutionary impulse of All That Is. The spiritual path that this ecstatic urge invites you to is the way of Becoming.

Meditation is not only the path into pure Being; it is also a key path to access the surging life force that is the evolutionary dance of unfolding.

In particular, certain forms of tantric or Kabbalistic meditation open the door to that ecstatic evolutionary impulse toward unfolding that lives uniquely in you, as you, and through you. It is the same impulse that utterly demands the creativity of the artist even as it moves the mother to ecstatically suffer the pain of childbirth.

Your Unique SelfӬ (In Press)
Dr. Marc Gafni
Page 95

Daily Wisdom Post: The Way of Becoming2022-08-02T08:23:22-07:00

Ken Wilber Supports Center for World Spirituality

Listen to Ken explain why CWS is one of the most important organizations in the world today.

Note: As of 2014 we have changed the name of our organization from The Center for World Spirituality (CWS) to Center for Integral Wisdom (CIW).

“The emergence of a World Spirituality based on integral principles is one of the great and urgent invitations for the evolution of consciousness in our time. The Center for World Spirituality is leading the way in this bold adventure. I am honored to be active as part of the leadership of CWS. I am convinced that over time CWS has a pivotal role to play in the evolution of consciousness through the development and dissemination of a World Spirituality based on Integral principles.”

Ken Wilber Supports Center for World Spirituality2022-07-14T06:37:55-07:00

Daily Wisdom Post: Being Held in Love

The experience of being held in love by the gaze of the divine feminine can be accessed in three primary ways. First, the gaze of another’s love can hold you in the gaze of the divine feminine. Second, in meditation, your own Big Heart/divine feminine can consciously hold your small self in the gaze of the divine feminine. Third, the gaze of the divine feminine is the experience of being held by the personal God who knows your name. This is what we referred to earlier as “God in the second person.” This is what Solomon alluded to in the Song of Songs when he wrote of the divine embrace, “Your left hand is under my head and your right hand embraces me.”  This is the experience that you are resting in the divine embrace, held in timeless time and placeless place.  This is the deep knowing that wherever you fall, you fall into the hands of God. It is precisely the knowing that you are thus held in love that affirms your goodness. Chant and prayer are the two major spiritual practices for this realization.

Your Unique Self
(In Press)
Dr. Marc Gafni
Page 275

Daily Wisdom Post: Being Held in Love2022-08-02T08:23:22-07:00

Daily Wisdom Post: Jagged Lines; Erotic Circles

The circle is more naturally erotic than the line. Recall that we identified four faces of the erotic: interiority, interconnectivity, yearning, and fullness of being. The circle evokes each of these qualities:

Interiority–The circle, unlike the line, has an inside and an outside. Its very essence is in the creation of an inner circle.

Interconnectivity–In the circle, all are interconnected.  All have a place.  No one is ahead or behind, above or below.  Because of this, the circle naturally invited cooperation instead of competition.

Yearning–Circles also bespeak our unquenchable longing.  It is not a line, where movement is pragmatic and linear.  In a circle one understands that no end will ever be reached.  This longing participates in the yearning force of being.

Fullness–The circle attracts us to the fullness of its curves.  Whether it be the round table, the swelling of a woman’s pregnant belly, the curvatures of thigh, breast, or shoulder, the gentle slopes of a lush countryside, circles vibrate with fullness and energy.

from The Mystery of Love
Marc Gafni
Page 190


Daily Wisdom Post: Jagged Lines; Erotic Circles2022-08-02T08:23:23-07:00
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