Our New Courses Site: CIWPrograms.com
We are happy to announce our new Courses Site: CIWPrograms.com.
Eight wonderful courses are ready to be taken. Whether we are new to the dharma or deeply cooked in it, these courses offer a fantastic opportunity to deepen our understanding and engage in our own transformation from the comfort of our homes.
Learn more about the courses by clicking on the graphics or links below!
The Evolution of Love: Activating Evolutionary Relationships & Unique Gender
An 8-Week Online Video Course with Dr. Marc Gafni
The Evolution of Love, Relationships, & Gender in 8 Steps
- Session 1: The Principles of Transformation, The Evolution of Love, & The 3 Levels of Relationships
- Session 2: Unique Self & Unique Self Symphony, Love Languages, The Six Big Bangs, & The Emergence of Evolutionary Relationships
- Session 3: From Man/Woman through Genderqueer to Unique Gender – Lines & Circles All the Way Up & All the Way Down
- Session 4: Light & Shadow, Hierarchy & Status, & the Beauty of the Line
- Session 5: The Universe: A Love Story – Entering the World of Lines
- Session 6: Take Responsibility for Your Own Arousal & Embrace Your Unique Risk
- Session 7: The World of the Circle: Enlightenment Is Intimacy with All Things
- Session 8: Potent Precision, & Spacious Expansion: The Higher Integration of Lines & Circles – Liberation from Loneliness through Evolutionary Relationships
>>> Learn More about The Evolution of Love <<<
Becoming a Future Human: Changing the Source Code of Reality
A 9-Week, Self-Paced, Online Video Course with Barbara Marx Hubbard, Dr. Marc Gafni, and Daniel Schmachtenberger
A Gift and a Call To Play Your Full Role in the Birth of a New Humanity
Who do we need to become in order for humanity to make it though its current dangerous technological adolescence and to create a world that is truly commensurate with our full human, scientific, social, spiritual, and technological capabilities? If you are here to embody your unique gift fully for the benefit of all life and play your role as a steward of the cosmos and the birth of a new humanity, then welcome! This course is for everyone that knows humanity is at the brink of an epochal shift, that believes we can create the world the great sages knew was possible, and that wants to be a part of co-creating that world together.
>>> Learn More about Becoming a Future Human <<<
God Is Eros: Seven Tastes of Sexing
with Dr. Marc Gafni
In order to create the bright future that we yearn for, we need a bold vision of the deepest and most Outrageous LOVE that will prompt us to “be and become” the greatest possible version of ourselves.
The key to our joy and personal fulfillment is to engage erotically in all areas of our lives…
Discover the Secret of Eros in Order to…
- Experience pleasure, adventure, and freedom in your life
- Live passionately in your life, all of your relationships, and the work you do in the world
- Return to innocence but on a whole new level
- Cultivate an enlightened sexuality that enhances your ability to live more powerfully in all areas of your life
- Receive the power to live epically & be powerful in the face of challenge
>>> Learn More about God Is Eros <<<
Reclaiming Eros
with Dr. Marc Gafni
Imagine being fully expressed with an unstoppable life force that aligned you with the will, the desire, the knowledge and the creative impulse to engage ALL areas of your life full-on; without fear or shame stopping you from moving forward. Imagine the transformative power and positive impact you’d have on your personal relationships and potentially be a major influence in the world.
Uncover the Secret Powers of Eros in Order to…
- Become fully alive, fulfilled, and at home in your own life
- Live a life of passion, purpose, and integrity to fulfill your most important goals
- Discover a new relationship to sexuality as teaching you how to live erotically in all the non-sexual dimensions of your life
- Enrich not just our personal existence but our whole society
- Find the power to kindle radical Outrageous Love in your life for your loved ones and beyond
- Reimagine your life and all of the reality to create the world that works for everyone
- Find joy, vitality, and success in every area of your life
This is the ideal companion to our think tank book A Return to Eros by Dr. Marc Gafni and Dr. Kristina Kincaid.
>>> Learn More about Reclaiming Eros <<<
Loving Your Way to Enlightenment
with Dr. Marc Gafni
In this video course, professionally filmed on location during the First Festival of Love in Holland, you will learn in just 8 weeks, how to
- Live an epic life of passion and purpose
- Play a larger game in your life and your relationships
- Find healing in the embrace of the Divine Mother
- Move beyond loneliness
- See with God’s Eyes in order to Love and keep your heart open under all circumstances
- Experience deep connection and shared purpose in your relationships
Participate in the evolution of love itself and become a force of healing and transformation in the world
>>> Learn More about Loving Your Way to Enlightenment <<<
Pleasure Map
with Adam Gilad and Dr. Marc Gafni
The universe is sending you unique gifts of pleasure every second!
Are you receiving them?
With The Pleasure Map, you will not only gain the skills of experiencing pleasure completely, but also you will discover how this allows you deeper love, purpose, inner peace and impact on the world beyond your dreams.
This program, delivered in over 50 short video lessons, gives you both a Map and accompanying practices to help you re-chart your life from pleasure. In the end, this opens for you a whole new integrated dharma of love.
>>> Learn More about the Pleasure Map <<<
Awakening Your Unique Self
with Dr. Marc Gafni
In just 10 weeks, learn a simple step-by-step process to awaken and activate the full potential of your life. The program takes you on a journey of waking up, growing up, and showing up as your most gorgeous Unique Self.
In order to do that, the course uses one of the most powerful psychoactive technologies to facilitate your awakening.
Through that, you discover your life’s purpose and learn how to bring an awakened, heart-centered intelligence to the sobering challenges facing our rapidly evolving world through world service and lived purpose.
>>> Learn More about Awakening Your Unique Self <<<
Wake Up – Grow Up – Show Up: Up-Level Your Consciousness
A 4 Week Online Self-Study Course with Dr. Marc Gafni
In this course, Dr. Marc Gafni takes you through a psychoactive process to up-level your own consciousness. By participating in this short course you will be directly participating in the evolution of consciousness which is the evolution of love.
Donate Through Tithe.ly
Good news! Many of our One Mountain, Many Paths attendees have requested an alternative to Paypal to make donations. We are now using the Tithe.ly app for Evolutionary Church offerings and other donations.
***One Mountain, Many Paths is ALWAYS free of charge, and we never turn away anyone because of financial hardship.***
Donations are simply an option for those who feel called to give in this particular way.
Here is the tutorial on how to download the Tithe.ly app on your phone so that you can make your donation:
- Find Tithe.ly in your App Store
- Install it
- Open it
- Search for Center for Integral Wisdom
- Click Give Now
- Add a payment method (if you haven’t already)
- Create your donation and choose a project to donate to
- There is also a possibility to create a recurring donation
Or simply use this link:
The Next Step For Evolutionary Church
It’s hard to believe that Evolutionary Church is quickly approaching its 1 year anniversary! Together, with your love and support we’ve initiated a grassroots movement that’s responding to our times of global uncertainty, crisis and breakdown with outrageous love.
We are a virtual, global Unique-Self Symphony of 6,000 people (and growing) who are answering the evolutionary call to create a world equal to our potential… and it’s exciting to feel the depth and breadth of goodness, truth and beauty that’s expressed in, through and as US every Saturday.
Our weekly live broadcasts of Evolutionary Church will always remain free of charge to anyone who wishes to join us! We now have a Facebook Page for Evolutionary Church! Please take 2 seconds to “like” our page here: www.facebook.com/EvolutionaryChurch!
Now is the time to deepen our commitment to a planetary awakening in love through a Unique Self Symphony by giving YOU a home to actively participate in creating a world equal to our potential.
And that’s why we created the Evolutionary Church Collective.
>> Learn More About The Evolutionary Church Collective <<
The Evolutionary Church Collective is for you if:
- You’re pioneering soul who’s committed to activating a new set of potentials within humanity.
- You’re ready to cross the evolutionary threshold with others who are on the same path.
- You have a burning desire participate in creating a sustainable solution for a radically new way of living.
To celebrate this new step forward, we’re offering membership to the Evolutionary Church Collective for a very low, monthly rate which you can cancel at anytime. And the best part is that we’re giving you the first month for only $2.99, so there’s absolutely no risk in joining!
>> Learn More About The Evolutionary Church Collective <<
When you join the Evolutionary Church Collective you’ll:
Receive immediate access to Barbara Marx Hubbard and Marc Gafni’s mini-course: The 5 Key’s to Activate a New Humanity
- Get on-demand access to all Evolutionary Church replays
- Receive special discounts on self-study programs offered through the Foundation for Conscious Evolution and the Center for Integral Wisdom that are not available to the public
- Have the opportunity to attend monthly Q&A sessions with Barbara and Marc via Facebook Live in our private Facebook group.
- And much more…
>> Learn More About The Evolutionary Church Collective <<
This offer will only be available for a limited time, so I encourage you to join now if you feel the evolutionary YES activated within you :)
With love,
Lisa Engles
Marketing Director, Center for Integral Wisdom | Executive Producer, Evolutionary Church
Unique Self Emergence Workshop with Barbara Alexander
This workshop will introduce the Unique Self Emergence Process through practices that are immediately applicable in your life. You will leave this intensive with a clear map to guide your own Unique Self emergence, one you can work with immediately. By engaging in a series of core practices, participants will gain an embodied experience of the three states of consciousness that characterize the journey from Separate Self to Unique Self. You will also gain a vision for how the Unique Self Emergence Process might be used to facilitate emergence in individuals, couples and groups.
In this two day workshop you will:
- learn the basic principles of the Unique Self Teachings.
- explore how Integral Theory, Developmental Psychology, the Enneagram, neuroscience, as well as the ancient and modern spiritual traditions, are woven into the process
- discover how the USEP’s core practices facilitate the journey from Separate Self to Unique Self.
Join us in an experience that will open your heart & imagination to the creative possibilities of the process.
WHO: Change Agents (coaches, therapists, consultants, spiritual directors & clergy) who are interested in the USEP and in the certification program that begins in January 2018.
WHEN: Friday September 22nd from 9:30 am – 9:00 pm and Saturday September 23rd from 9:00 am – 4:00 pm
COST: $40.00, which includes snacks & lunch
RETREAT FACILITATOR: Barbara Alexander and a team of certified USE Facilitators
CIW Launches Full Response to Smear Campaign Against Marc Gafni
During the last couple of weeks, the CIW team has been busy preparing our full public response to the smear campaign against Marc Gafni that started just over a year ago on December 25th.
Last week we finally launched our new site WhoIsMarcGafni.com.
Please take a moment to check out this new site dedicated to setting the record straight on the smear campaign against Marc Gafni and to addressing the meta issues involved here.
Who Is Marc Gafni?
>> Check out WhoIsMarcGafni here <<
We also ask you to watch this video from our beloved Co-Chair Barbara Marx Hubbard sharing her story about the origins of the most recent smear campaign:
Wake Up, Grow Up, Show Up Video Series: The Pursuit of Happiness
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Wake Up, Grow Up, Show Up Video Series: What Does an Outrageous Lover Do?
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Wake Up, Grow Up, Show Up Video Series: Ordinary Love Versus Outrageous Love
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Wake Up, Grow Up, Show Up Video Series: What Is LoveIntelligence?
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Wake Up, Grow Up, Show Up Video Series: What Does It Mean to Live a Telerotic Life?
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Wake Up, Grow Up, Show Up Video Series 1: Who Are You?
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Outrageous Eros Training Program at The Institute of Integral Evolutionary Tantra
In October 2016, a powerful Unique Self Tantra Training Program starts at our CIW Partner – The Institute of Integral Evolutionary Tantra – that offers profound personal growth through an in-depth experiential and conceptual learning matrix.
The program is a combination of the ancient art of Tantric wisdom traditions, the best of Integral and Evolutionary Theory, along with cutting edge transformative embodiment practices.
Wake Up to your Outrageous Lover, become an Outrageous Eros Practitioner, and support others in full bodied erotic living.
The Institute of Integral Evolutionary Tantra in New York City is led by CIW Board Member Dr. Kristina Kincaid. IET teaches, coaches and mentors individuals to take the next step in self-transformation. IET was created to develop cutting edge Leaders, Projects and Initiatives of conscious collaboration in the world. IET understands that in order to respond to the challenges that face our planet today, it is imperative to create a WE-space, where we as individuals and individual systems realize that enlightened consciousness is beyond ego, and is the essential next stage of self-transformation.
For more information go to www.IntegralEvolutionaryTantra.com or call 1-917-734-2197
CIW Board Conclave
We are delighted to have just completed our 6th annual board meeting of the Center for Integral Wisdom. The meeting took place over three days in Mill Valley, CA.
It was particularly gratifying to have the participation of all of of the leading partners in the Center for the last six years.
The theme of the meeting was “Integrity and Intimacy”. Fifty leaders of the Center participated. There were over thirty distinct talks reporting on all the key projects and initiatives of the Center. Each project involves the articulation, writing or recording of a distinct meme of evolutionary thinking on topics ranging from economics, identity, medicine, education, relationships, and conflict, to the evolution of public culture. Many board leaders felt that this was one of the most powerful and poignant weekends of their life.
One of the topics that was emergent in the Center’s vision was a new commitment to the evolution of public culture. There was much conversation about an upcoming symposium the Center is hosting, entitled “Sociopaths, Scapegoats and the Madness of Crowds: Anatomy of a Smear Campaign – On the Evolution of Public Culture.”
The Center renewed its commitment to the core principles of fairness, justice, fact checking and restorative justice, which are core to the evolution of consciousness and culture.
Part of the annual agenda of the board is always to appreciate the outgoing board team which is completing their terms, and to welcome the new leadership team — both professionally and in terms of the board leadership who are beginning their tenure.
It was particularly special to thank John Mackey for his outstanding service as board co-chair. As is the tradition for outgoing board chairs when they conclude their terms of service, John gave his closing talk to the the board and welcomed Barbara Marx Hubbard as the new board co-chair who gave her first opening talk. This passing of the baton that takes place whenever a leader terms out and a new leader begins their term is a particularly moving moment of partnership and community. Both John’s and Barbara’s talks, which were about the nature of genuine integrity, were particularly powerful.
We look forward to our best year ever. We are fully committed to evolving the source code of culture and consciousness. We are fully committed to the evolution of love.
CIW Board Conclave – March 2016
We are delighted to have just completed our 6th annual board meeting of the Center for Integral Wisdom. The meeting took place over three days in Mill Valley, CA.
It was particularly gratifying to have the participation of all of of the leading partners in the Center for the last six years.
The theme of the meeting was “Integrity and Intimacy”. Fifty leaders of the Center participated. There were over thirty distinct talks reporting on all the key projects and initiatives of the Center. Each project involves the articulation, writing or recording of a distinct meme of evolutionary thinking on topics ranging from economics, identity, medicine, education, relationships, and conflict, to the evolution of public culture. Many board leaders felt that this was one of the most powerful and poignant weekends of their life.
One of the topics that was emergent in the Center’s vision was a new commitment to the evolution of public culture. There was much conversation about an upcoming symposium the Center is hosting, entitled “Sociopaths, Scapegoats and the Madness of Crowds: Anatomy of a Smear Campaign – On the Evolution of Public Culture.”
The Center renewed its commitment to the core principles of fairness, justice, fact checking and restorative justice, which are core to the evolution of consciousness and culture.
Part of the annual agenda of the board is always to appreciate the outgoing board team which is completing their terms, and to welcome the new leadership team — both professionally and in terms of the board leadership who are beginning their tenure.
It was particularly special to thank John Mackey for his outstanding service as board co-chair. As is the tradition for outgoing board chairs when they conclude their terms of service, John gave his closing talk to the the board and welcomed Barbara Marx Hubbard as the new board co-chair who gave her first opening talk. This passing of the baton that takes place whenever a leader terms out and a new leader begins their term is a particularly moving moment of partnership and community. Both John’s and Barbara’s talks, which were about the nature of genuine integrity, were particularly powerful.
We look forward to our best year ever. We are fully committed to evolving the source code of culture and consciousness. We are fully committed to the evolution of love.
Happy Thanksgiving 2015
The Center for Integral Wisdom team wishes you a Happy Thanksgiving!
There is so much that we at the Center are grateful for this year, from the many friendships around the world and the Outrageous Love we all share to the projects, large and small, that we have completed or are still in full swing:
Our WebPlex launch
The Pleasure Map course and its first live class with people engaging pleasure on whole new levels
An awesome board meeting in March
Books, courses, and activist projects in play
Talks and workshops given at conferences or churches, our in-depth Wisdom School at Shalom Mountain, and the 8-day Summer Festival of Love in Holland
- And so much more…
On a global level, the outrageous pain seems to grow more and more intense with millions of refugees fleeing from war, hunger, and violence, ongoing terror in many places around the world, as well as the quiet desperation of loneliness and disease. With that we are even more committed to fulfill on the mission of the Center: to articulate, evolve and deliver a new, Integral narrative for living – which transforms each individual, culture and life itself – creating a world of Outrageous Love, through Outrageous Love.
“The only response to outrageous pain is Outrageous Love,” as CIW Co-Founder Marc Gafni reminds us. This starts with resisting “the gravitational pull of UnLove” in our personal relationships and turning them into authentic Unique Self encounters.
“To enter a Unique Self encounter, you must resist the gravitational pull of UnLove. You must identify as part of the larger field of love. You experience yourself as part of the seamless coat of the Universe. This is the source of your authentic power. This will allow you to receive hurt inflicted by others as a wound of love and not as an insult. You wear your hurt as a battle scar in your struggle for love. You bear it with pride and dignity. You are freed from the compulsive need to inflict pain on the one who hurt you in order to prove you exist. You know you exist because you are in divine communion, that is to say, identified with the larger whole beyond your particular part nature.
The trance-ending of ego into Unique Self-realization is animated by the quality of love. Love motivates and manifests the spontaneous action of care and compassion. Egoic self-contraction is the quality of fear. Fear motivates and manifests the reactive rituals of egoity.
To live and act as love means to keep your heart open through the pain of heartache and hurt.
To live and act as fear means to allow the pain to close your heart. You can practice love by practicing opening your heart even when you feel hurt.
Rather than turning away, closing down, and striking out, you keep your heart open. This will help you act skillfully instead of reacting clumsily in these situations.
When you practice opening as love moment to moment in the face of the hurt, the power of the past weakens. Old wounds are in the past. If you open your heart in the present, time after time, the power of the past recedes.
You will probably always feel the pain when you meet UnLove in relationship. But you do not need to feel the closure, which deadens your heart and your life force. You can continually practice love rather than closing down into UnLove. You can feel your self-contraction and choose to change the way you react.
You are not a victim of your past. When you stop either ignoring or overdramatizing past events, you also stop unconsciously using life trauma from the past to avoid giving the depth of love that is yours to give in the present moment.
The pain of the past may have come to you through another. Your present reaction is yours. You are doing it. You must assume responsibility for your own complex of reactivity. Reactive emotion and reenactment do not need to be a fact of your nature. You can take your armor off. You can unguard your heart and trust yourself to live and love from an intense armorless vulnerability. This is the safest place from which to live.
For some people, especially those with fortunate childhood circumstances, opening through hurt is not so hard. For others, it may be the work of a lifetime. For all of us, it is perhaps the most important work we can do for our own love and freedom, and the love and freedom of the others in our lives.
To be weak in love is to exclusively identify with your separate self, which is always already insulted and empty with craving.
To love is to know that we are all lost and found in the same reality together. To love is to stay open in gratitude and joy even as you know that love breaks your heart.”
Marc Gafni, Your Unique Self
From our hearts to yours, we send you love and light this Thanksgiving season.
In deep gratitude and evolutionary partnership,
The CIW Team
Welcome to the New Face of MarcGafni.com
We are BEYOND THRILLED to announce the launch of our website: MarcGafni.com.
In this new design we have organized for you some of the best and most cutting-edge content you can find today on Evolutionary Spirituality Reloaded: Radical Teachings on Outrageous Love, Kabbalah, Integral Wisdom, Eros, and Unique Self–all of which are totally open.
You also have access to the older Hebrew Wisdom lineage teachings of Marc (including a lot of teachings in Hebrew).
Imagine what it would be like to source your life from the depth of your most potent creativity, aliveness and joy. Imagine what it would be like to have everyday access to that heightened experience of yourself, where you are wildly creative, purposeful and delighted with how you are showing up in life. Imagine having clarity about who you truly are and knowing the precise steps you need to fully become that person.
Who would you be? What would the impact be on the quality of your life, and everyone and everything you care about?
What would it mean to know that YOU are an irreducibly unique expression of the love-intelligence and love-beauty, the animating Eros of all of reality that at this very moment lives in you, as you and through you? That Your Unique Story has the potential to change the course of Humanity?
Welcome to a new ‘dharma,’ or meta-theory of meaning – a radical vision of Outrageous Love, that is paving the way for the evolution of consciousness that gives you a whole new access to living a life of passion, meaning and inspiration that you had always dreamed was possible.
Dr. Marc Gafni is not only the co-founder and president of the Center for Integral Wisdom but also a visionary thinker, social innovator, passionate philosopher, and author of ten books, including the award-winning Your Unique Self: The Radical Path to Personal Enlightenment, the two-volume Radical Kabbalah, and the recently published Self in Integral Evolutionary Mysticism: Two Models and Why They Matter and Tears: Reclaiming Ritual, Integral Religion, and Rosh Hashana.
Dr. Kristina Kincaid: The Awakened Sexuality Project
Next weekend Dr. Kristina Kincaid, Director of the Outrageous Love Project at CIW and Co-Founder (together with Dr. Marc Gafni) and Director of the Integral Evolutionary Tantra Institute, is going to teach a workshop on “MEETING YOUR DARK ATTRACTION AND AWAKENING TO THE DIVINE NATURE – AN EXPLORATION OF FANTASIES IN SEX AND LOVE” in New York City. The Integral Evolutionary Tantra Institute is a division of the Center for Integral Wisdom.
Bicyclist do it with ten speeds, Scuba Divers do an in depth exploration, Rock Climbers do it against the wall, Rockstars do it loud and Politicians do it to everyone. What exactly is this thing we do called Sex and why are we so obsessed with it? What makes it so pleasurable, titillating, frightening or shameful? Most of us think the other is satisfied, while we feel frustrated in our own desire and longing.
The primary processes of sexuality are energetic patterns, which are then mediated through the body. Most of us are not even aware of these energetic habits, such as the difference between being separate or merged or even our own preferences and those of our partners. Unencumbered from such habits, sex can become fresh, alive and open, an art form, a physical prayer, naked, unafraid and raw. Beyond self union, lies a greater union, a total orgasm with the whole, with the Universe, with Source.
This journey will be an exploration of how to gain a conscious choosing over what and how your sexual energy moves. From pleasure to sharing, to heightening the Spiritual embodiment of your sexuality, we will be in conscious exploration and discovery of these energies in you and how they affect your relationships. The Outrageous Eros, Awakened Sexuality Project is for participants who are longing for a deep spiritual journey and a strong willingness to venture where angels fear to tread. We will be working in the deep unconscious, uncovering where you turn away from some of your greatest gifts by delving into what has been deemed unspeakable and taboo. Through exploration of sexual fantasies, untamed passions, conscious play, body work, breath work, movement, intimacy, connection, respectful service and a deep honoring of our unique and individual way of loving.
Sunday August 30th, 2015 10:00am-5:00pm at 150 W 28th St. #1803, NYC
TAKE A RISK: SEX – An Interactive Workshop in Embodied Eros with Dr. Kristina Kincaid
When we experience ourselves as sexual beings, open to our full flow, with energy pulsing through our bodies, we become more creative and feel more deeply connected to ourselves and to others. In this dynamic, interactive evening combining individual work with group process, you will learn techniques to liberate this energy and access more pleasure in your life. These techniques will be demonstrated through individual body readings with select participants who choose to take the risk of revealing a sexual issue and are willing to work through it in a supportive environment with expert guidance.
Dr. Kincaid uses the teachings of Dr. Marc Gafni, Integral Evolutionary Tantra, and the principles of Core Energetics to open up physical blocks and places where life energy doesn’t move. In Core Energetics — a powerful body-based process — sexual energy and life force energy are one and the same. Join us with Core Energetics techniques, body readings, deep truth, wild goodness, radical personal transformation and, if you dare, the evolution of your own personal enlightenment.
Dr. Kincaid is the Director of The Institute of Integral Evolutionary Tantra, New York City. Kristina is on faculty at The Institute of Core Energetics and holds an M.A. in Energy Medicine and a Doctorate in Theology from Holos University. A graduate of the Institute of Core Energetics and the Barbara Brennan School of Healing, she also holds a B.A. in Anthropology from the University of Texas, Austin.
7:00-9:00 PM
Marc Gafni at FreedomFest 2015
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