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Thank You for Signing up for Updates from the Center for World Philosophy and Religion2022-07-24T05:54:12-07:00

First Values, First Principles

The core of CosmoErotic Humanism is a set of First Principles and First Values, from which a New Story of Value and humanity’s place in the Universe can be told. These First Principles and First Values are expressed at every level of evolution and move through each human as the core feature of our identities and relationships.

Explore First Values, First Principles

Obviously, there is some overlap between our different topics. While we are displaying some of our content under more than one of the topics, most of the times, we decided to put the different papers, videos, and audios under one topic only, so you have a unique experience on each of our topics pages. In order to get a full sense of the topic you are most interested in, we invite you to explore the other topics as well.

Our new book can be pre-ordered from the US and Canada (we are working on creating direct ordering from Europe and other countries – please stand by!):


Forty-Two Propositions on CosmoErotic Humanism, the Meta-Crisis, and the World to Come

by David J. Temple


First Principles and First Values is the tip of the spear in the fight for a humane future. Establishing frameworks for a new school of thought called CosmoErotic Humanism, the book is built around forty-two propositions that provide new source code for the future of planetary culture.

Like Europe in the early Renaissance, humanity is in a time between worlds, at a time between stories. First Principles and First Values contains blueprints for the bridge needed to cross from this world to the next.

“The position argued for in this book is of vital importance . . . it needs urgently to be read.”
IAIN McGILCHRIST, author of The Master and His Emissary

Pre-Order Here

Stacks & Archives

On our main topics pages, you get a direct experience of our ongoing work at the Center for World Philosophy and Religion – the Great Library of CosmoErotic Humanism. We invite you to explore our books, papers, podcasts, etc.

You Want Even More?

Take the next step with us and access our Stacks & Archives with our Free Great Library Card.

First Values, First Principles Stacks & Archives

First Values, First Principles2024-01-03T06:12:32-08:00


A worldview is only as good as the means it has to validate the claims it makes about what is good, true, and beautiful. Anthro-Ontology is the methodology of CosmoErotic Humanism. Grounded in the great traditions and refined through engagement with modern philosophy and science, Anthro-Ontology works as a refinement of the human mind’s evolved capacities to know. Ultimately, the claims made by CosmoErotic Humanism are the result of repeatable, reflective social processes, as used by humans for decades or centuries – and sometimes millennia, for exploring the deepest truths of the Cosmos.

Explore Anthro-Ontology

Obviously, there is some overlap between our different topics. While we are displaying some of our content under more than one of the topics, most of the times, we decided to put the different papers, videos, and audios under one topic only, so you have a unique experience on each of our topics pages. In order to get a full sense of the topic you are most interested in, we invite you to explore the other topics as well.


White Papers, Essays, Book Excerpts, & Book Reviews


Video Podcasts, Lectures, Thought Leader Dialogues, & Interviews


Audio Podcasts, Lectures, Thought Leader Dialogues, & Interviews

Stacks & Archives

On our main topics pages, you get a direct experience of our ongoing work at the Center for World Philosophy and Religion – the Great Library of CosmoErotic Humanism. We invite you to explore our books, papers, podcasts, etc.

You Want Even More?

Take the next step with us and access our Stacks & Archives with our Free Great Library Card.

Anthro-Ontology Stacks & Archives


The New Human: From Homo Sapiens to Homo Amor

Part of the New Universe Story that can be told today is a new story about what the future of evolution has in store for humanity. Foreshadowed in all the wisdom traditions is an image of humanity fully expressing the plotlines of the universe, manifesting beyond ego as expression of Evolutionary Love in Action. This is Homo amor, the New Human and the New Humanity, emerging from the final crises of Homo sapiens, and ushering in the next stage of evolution.

Explore Homo Amor

Obviously, there is some overlap between our different topics. While we are displaying some of our content under more than one of the topics, most of the times, we decided to put the different papers, videos, and audios under one topic only, so you have a unique experience on each of our topics pages. In order to get a full sense of the topic you are most interested in, we invite you to explore the other topics as well.

Stacks & Archives

On our main topics pages, you get a direct experience of our ongoing work at the Center for World Philosophy and Religion – the Great Library of CosmoErotic Humanism. We invite you to explore our books, papers, podcasts, etc.

You Want Even More?

Take the next step with us and access our Stacks & Archives with our Free Great Library Card.

Homo Amor Stacks & Archives

The New Human: From Homo Sapiens to Homo Amor2023-09-07T08:04:19-07:00

Universe Story

Modernity told a story about the universe as a material clockwork that has been discredited. Science and philosophy have moved past the meaningless and reductive universe stories that have dominated the public culture during the last century. A New Universe Story can now be told – and telling it is one of the task of CosmoErotic Humanism – integrating advanced science with new readings from the depths of religious cosmologies.

Explore the New Universe Story

Obviously, there is some overlap between our different topics. While we are displaying some of our content under more than one of the topics, most of the times, we decided to put the different papers, videos, and audios under one topic only, so you have a unique experience on each of our topics pages. In order to get a full sense of the topic you are most interested in, we invite you to explore the other topics as well.

Universe Story Books Published

More Universe Story Books Forthcoming, e.g., The Universe: A Love Story—First Meditations on CosmoErotic Humanism—In Response to the Meta-Crisis Volume 1-5 by Dr. Marc Gafni & Barbara Marx Hubbard with Dr. Zachary Stein (Forthcoming)

A Return to Eros

by Dr. Marc Gafni & Kristina Kincaid

The Mystery of Love

by Dr. Marc Gafni (Available)

Universe Story Books Published by Our Partners

Conscious Evolution

by Barbara Marx Hubbard (Former Chair of the Think Tank)

Evolution: The Great Synthesis

by Ervin Laszlo (Senior Fellow of the Think Tank)

The God Problem

by Howard Bloom (Senior Fellow of the Think Tank)

The Relevance of General Systems Theory

Edited by Ervin Laszlo (Senior Fellow of the Think Tank)

Sex, Ecology, Spirituality

by Ken Wilber (Co-Founder of the Think Tank)


White Papers, Essays, Book Excerpts, & Book Reviews


Video Podcasts, Lectures, Thought Leader Dialogues, & Interviews


Audio Podcasts, Lectures, Thought Leader Dialogues, & Interviews

Stacks & Archives

On our main topics pages, you get a direct experience of our ongoing work at the Center for World Philosophy and Religion – the Great Library of CosmoErotic Humanism. We invite you to explore our books, papers, podcasts, etc.

You Want Even More?

Take the next step with us and access our Stacks & Archives with our Free Great Library Card.

Universe Story Stacks & Archives

Universe Story2023-09-18T09:53:17-07:00

Video Podcasts 2

Most Recent Video Podcast, Thought Leader Dialogue, Or Lecture In Video Format On CosmoErotic Humanism

Parallax Video & Audio Podcast: Unique Self 2.0. with Marc Gafni

Portal 1: Intimacy, Eros, and Evolutionary Love

Unique Self 2.0?

What is Unique?

What is Self?

What is 2.0?

Dr. Marc Gafni argues that the Enlightenment traditions made the big mistake of denying identity and selfhood. He attempts to rectify this mistake and celebrate human uniqueness as the only way to survive the meta-crisis.

More Video Podcasts, Thought Leader Dialogues, Or Lectures In Video Format On CosmoErotic Humanism

Video Podcasts 22023-09-22T06:37:20-07:00

Politics and Society

We live in a time of tremendous social and political upheaval, and CosmoErotic Humanism attempts to address these issues at their root. The political implications of New Stories of Universe, Identity, Power, and Eros are profound. The global threat of existential risk must be addressed at the level of cultural and religious innovation. This is part of the task of the Center of World Philosophy and Religion.

Explorations on Politics & Society

Obviously, there is some overlap between our different topics. While we are displaying some of our content under more than one of the topics, most of the times, we decided to put the different papers, videos, and audios under one topic only, so you have a unique experience on each of our topics pages. In order to get a full sense of the topic you are most interested in, we invite you to explore the other topics as well.

Politics & Society Books Published

Conscious Evolution

by Barbara Marx Hubbard (Former Chair of the Think Tank)

Education in a Time Between Worlds

by Dr. Zachary Stein (Co-President of the Think Tank)

Social Justice and Educational Measurement

by Dr. Zachary Stein (Co-President of the Think Tank)

Stacks & Archives

On our main topics pages, you get a direct experience of our ongoing work at the Center for World Philosophy and Religion – the Great Library of CosmoErotic Humanism. We invite you to explore our books, papers, podcasts, etc.

You Want Even More?

Take the next step with us and access our Stacks & Archives with our Free Great Library Card.

Politics & Society Stacks & Archives

Politics and Society2023-07-18T11:59:08-07:00

Education and Psychology

The processes of psychological growth and healing, as well as the processes of intergenerational transmission and learning, are essential to the work that humanity must undertake today. CosmoErotic Humanism offers frameworks in both psychology and education, which seek to change the sense of what is possible in these realms.

Education & Psychology Books Published

Education in a Time Between Worlds

by Dr. Zachary Stein (Co-President of the Think Tank)

Integral Psychology

by Ken Wilber (Co-Founder of the Think Tank)

Social Justice and Educational Measurement

by Dr. Zachary Stein (Co-President of the Think Tank)

Explore Education & Psychology

Stacks & Archives

On our main topics pages, you get a direct experience of our ongoing work at the Center for World Philosophy and Religion – the Great Library of CosmoErotic Humanism. We invite you to explore our books, papers, podcasts, etc.

You Want Even More?

Take the next step with us and access our Stacks & Archives with our Free Great Library Card.

Education and Psychology Stacks & Archives

Education and Psychology2023-06-29T09:59:20-07:00

Activist Think Tank, Leadership, & Partners

The Leadership of the Center

There are different groups of individuals who provide leadership or vision for the organization in different capacities.

Each organization [Center for World Philosophy & Religion, Office for the Future, and Foundation for Conscious Evolution] has a distinct legal board, which makes its decisions. All the decisions are made collectively by the appropriate board and board leadership. The listing below includes present and former board members, research fellows, faculty, and officers of the organization.

We have intentionally not broken them out by designation, as all of these people contribute equally needed value to the overall missions of these distinct organizations. 

We are in the process of changing the name of The Center for Integral Wisdom to Center for World Philosophy and Religion.

The Center is a 501C3.

Our Activist Think Tank

The Center for World Philosophy and Religion is an Activist Think Tank.

It is a group of people who think about the structure of the way things work and how we can make it better.

We are engaging the deep structural issues that affect how society works, how love flows, how compassion unfolds, the way politics unfolds, the way economics are structured.

We are inspiring action.

We are engaged in medicine, secondary school education, business, psychology, the recovery movement, and more…

The vision of the Center is a world united in and through diversity by a New Story of Value that dignifies humanity and welcomes us home to the Universe. We imagine a world that keeps the sacred covenant between generations guided by a memory of the future. Our hope is that our writings and teachings will serve to catalyze a now necessary reweaving of the human story. We call this New Story CosmoErotic Humanism.

CosmoErotic Humanism is a world philosophical movement aimed at reconstructing the collapse of value at the core of global culture. Much like Romanticism or Existentialism, CosmoErotic Humanism is not merely a theory but a movement that changes the very mood of Reality. It is an invitation to participate in evolving the source code of consciousness and culture towards a cosmocentric ethos for a planetary civilization.

CosmoErotic Humanism addresses three core questions: Who? Where? What?

  • Who am I? Who are we? [Narrative of identity]
  • Where are we? [Universe Story]
  • What is there to do? What do we want? What is our deepest heart’s desire—both personally and collectively? [Eros and ethos]

This movement is a strong, fluid, and emergent response to the meta-crisis, fundamentally understanding that existential and catastrophic risks are not just rooted in flawed infrastructure (technological and other systems), social structure (law, education, politics), but primarily in failed superstructurespecifically the collapse of an implicit, shared worldview, what we call a shared Story of Value rooted in evolving First Principles and First Values as a context for our diversity.

The core of CosmoErotic Humanism is therefore a new Story of Value rooted in First Principles and First Values that integrates the validated insights of the interior and exterior sciencesacross premodern, modern, and postmodern thoughtultimately recasting cosmic evolution as a Story of Value, in which our stories are understood to be chapter and verse in the larger narrative arc of Realitythe CosmoErotic Evolutionary Love Story of the Intimate Universe.

These evolving First Principles and First Values embedded in a Story of Value are grounded in a comprehensive set of meta-theories, encompassing psychology (and a theory of self), epistemology, scientific metaphysics, education, ethics, theology, mysticism, sexuality, Eros, and ethos.

CosmoErotic Humanism offers some of the first words on the possible emergence of world philosophies and world religions adequate to our time of civilizational crisis and transformationrooted in a universal grammar of value as a context for our diversity, weaving humanity into a shared story of inherent yet evolving Cosmic Value.

A core set of frameworks guide this work, including:

  • Integral Theory (Wilber)
  • Unique Self Theory (Gafni)
  • meta-psychology (Stein, Gafni)
  • educational theory, developmental theory, and metrics (Stein)
  • classical sciences (Bloom)
  • anthro-ontological value theory (Gafni, Stein, Wilber),
  • metaphysics of Eros (Gafni, Kincaid, Stein)
  • and Conscious Evolution (Hubbard, Gafni)
  • among others.

From these emerge a New Story of Value rooted in First Principles of Cosmos.

It is our mission to offer this New Story into the world during this critical junction of history. The Center is dedicated to the creation of an integral planetary culture, capable of guiding humanity through the current evolutionary crisis. The publication of the Great Library of CosmoErotic Humanism in the coming decades serves this mission by advancing an integral worldview that is truly inclusive of premodern, modern, and postmodern truths.

Make a Donation to the Center for World Philosophy and Religion

The Founders of the Center

The Center was founded in 2011 under its first name, The Center for World Spirituality by Dr. Marc Gafni, Ken Wilber, and Sally Kempton – later joined by Lori Galperin. Later, the name was changed to The Center for Integral Wisdom. Currently, we are in the process of changing the name again to Center for World Philosophy and Religion.

Dr. Marc Gafni serves as its President. Together with co-president Dr. Zak Stein, they are co-leading a team of thinkers, articulating a new vision of meaning for the world.

Previous Chairs of the Board of Advisors of the Center include Barbara Marx Hubbard, Lori Galperin, John P. Mackey, Kate Maloney, Adam Bellow, Shareef Malnik, and Gabrielle Anwar. Our current chair is Carrie Kish.

More about Each of the Founders:

Ken Wilber is a leading voice in Integral Wisdom and the author of more than 25 books which have explored the frontiers of enlightened living in the 21st century. He is also the most widely translated academic writer in America, with some 25 books translated into some 30 foreign languages. His works have been the most influential in defining Integral Theory, which is an emerging discourse striving for the coherent organization, coordination, and harmonization of all of the relevant practices, methodologies, and experiences available to human beings. His latest work is The Religion of Tomorrow: A Vision for the Future of the Great Traditions, which is provocative examination of how the great religious traditions can remain relevant in modern times by incorporating scientific truths learned about human nature over the last century. Ken Wilber is–next to Marc Gafni–the initiating Thought Leader and Co-Founder of the Center for Integral Wisdom. He has served as the Leading Voice on the Wisdom Council of the Center and has helped to shape the emerging Activist Think Tank.

Sally Kempton is one of the great teachers of meditation, who developed a system called Awakened Heart Meditation. One of her books is Meditation for the Love of It, about which her publisher, Tami Simon, said, it was the best meditation book she ever read. A more recent book, Awakening Shakti, carries the deep lineage energies of her main tradition, Kashmir Shaivism. Sally has been a central key co-conspirator to animate the Eros of this vision.

Lori Galperin is one of the leading trauma therapists in the world. Together with her colleague Mark Schwartz, she has done deep work in the field of sex therapy, eating disorders, and other areas. They have taught about 75,000 therapists and started a trauma clinic. Mark and Lori are masters of several interdisciplinary areas that they have integrated. Lori has been the Co-Chair of the Board of Advisors. She is also joining with Marc and others in writing about the new field of Unique Self Recovery.

Explore the Great Library of CosmoErotic Humanism

The core mission of the Center for World Philosophy & Religion is the research, articulation, and writing of the Great Library, a collection of books and media projects to function as a strange attractor toward our memory of the future.

The Great Library is made up of two kinds of books, Foundational books and Impact books. The synergistic introduction of these books into public culture is aimed directly at catalyzing a crucial, pivotal evolution of today’s consciousness and culture. At this phase-shift inflection in human history, without this conscious ’evolving the source code’ of consciousness and culture, humanity will likely not survive the existential risks now threatening our civilization.

The Great Library is an expression of our mission at the Center to evolve the source code of culture and to participate in the evolution of love.

Through writing and publishing, we create what we are calling the Great Library, a body of work written as our response to the question: What do we need to give “our children” so they can prosper and grow into their highest potential—even though we don’t know what kind of challenges they will face in their lives?

That Great Library provides us with a shared language, a framework, or a context, from which we can co-create together a world that works for everyone. To have shared values, a shared framework, or what we call shared memetic structures is one of these conditions.

Learn More About Our Great Library of CosmoErotic Humanism

Our Partners

Our Events Are Our Dharma Labs

At the Center for World Philosophy and Religion, we are mainly focused on writing the Great Library of CosmoErotic Humanism. Our Events are a place where these new source-code-changing First Values and First Principles get clarified by being spoken into our shared Evolutionary We-Space. That is one way how we each participate in the creation of this New Story of Value.

Our partners participate with our think tank in evolving a global ethics for a global civilization. Together, they are gathered under the umbrella of the Office for the Future.

Last but not least, our events foster our Live Community by offering a beautiful and caring environment for us to meet, study together, celebrate, and practice. As one participant put it, they give us “a taste of an enlightened society.”

Learn More about Our Featured Broadcasts & Live Events

Activist Think Tank, Leadership, & Partners2024-11-01T06:28:30-07:00

Featured Broadcasts & Live Events

Our Events Are Our Dharma Labs

At the Center for Global Philosophy & Religion, we are mainly focused on writing the Great Library of CosmoErotic Humanism. Our Events are a place where these new source code changing First Values and First Principles get clarified by being spoken into our shared Evolutionary We-Space. That is how we each participate in the creation of this New Story of Value.

Our partners participate with our think tank in evolving a global ethics for a global civilization. Together, they are gathered under the umbrella of the Office for the Future. Last but not least, they foster our Live Community by offering a beautiful and caring environment for us to meet, study together, celebrate, and practice. As one participant put it, they give us “a taste of an enlightened society.”

Eros Mystery School

We are coming together to experience the future…

We live in a world of outrageous pain, and the only response to outrageous pain is Outrageous Love.

At Eros Mystery School, you learn how to become an Outrageous Lover, live from your Unique Self, and contribute to a better world, evolving the source code of culture. Become a world innovator and serve the emergence of a new humanity. Prepare for a radical shift. Change your life. Change our world.

Mystery School: 21 – 25 August 2023

Mystery School at the royal castle in Belgium in 2023: a live five-day sacred retreat to taste, know and embody Eros as the experience of radical aliveness!

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This year’s theme:

The Erotic and the Holy

The Twelve Faces of Eros

The Twelve Gates of the Erotic and the Holy


Become the CosmoErotic Universe in person!

Both an online international community as an in-person retreat at the royal castle in Belgium, Europe

Experience the pulsing heart of Kosmos in this alive, passionate Band of Outrageous Lovers, a community of pioneering likeminded souls ready to participate in the evolution of love!

A group of powerful people coming together to take their seats at the table of history and make the radical shift to awaken as Homo amor, the fulfilment of Homo sapiens.

We offer both an offline in-person retreat, as well as a hybrid online experience. If you are unable to travel to Europe, the online experience will provide you with the same deep, radical field of connection and Outrageous Love.

The offline in-person retreat will be held at our Belgium Castle De Heerlijckyt!

The Mystery School is an evolutionary educational platform, that acts as a source of both renewal and inspiration, as we combine our individual transformation with taking an active stand in the world, for the healing and transformation of the collective whole. It is intellectually challenging and spiritually incorrect. It stands out from the spiritual clichés and speaks truth to power with laughter, delight, integrity, and “Outrageous Love”, a core term in Unique Self Theory and in CosmoErotic Humanism as developed by Dr. Marc Gafni.

Learn More and Register for Eros Mystery School

Watch a Featured Clip from Our Weekly Podcast One Mountain, Many Paths:

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One Mountain, Many Paths is a weekly transmission of timeless and evolutionary wisdom, aggregated through the ages, distilled for today’s great, and terrible realities.

We must drink deeply from the most relevant sacred insights about our human and spiritual nature in order to wake up and grow up into our own maturation and greatness as individuals. From here we can show up collectively to embody the new era of humanity and unlock our most thriving future.

Dr. Marc Gafni and the late Barbara Marx Hubbard have devoted their lives to articulating the most precise, impactful integrations of sacred teachings throughout history so we can each show up to One Mountain and leave enthralled by our oneness, purpose and potential!

While there are many paths up ‘the Mountain’, ‘One Mountain, Many Paths’ is devoted to revealing the mountain itself, and this leads to profound, transformational insights that will leave you more empowered to step into your personal purpose as a creator.

That’s why we always say in our services:

We are a church, a synagogue, a mosque, a temple, a zendo…we’re all of it. No one is excluded, everyone is included… and we come together to attune to the evolutionary impulse awakening within us… WELCOME HOME!!

Your first step of engagement is to opt-in with your name and email to receive access to join our interactive One Mountain LIVE broadcast weekly, as well as receive the weekly message by email when you are not able to attend live.

Every ​SUNDAY 10:00 AM PT

Register to receive the Zoom link and the replays afterwards.

Learn More About Our Weekly Sensemaking Podcasts on One Mountain, Many Paths
Evolutionary Spirituality: Towards an Engaged Evolutionary Mysticism
Watch the Replays of the First Episodes HERE

Evolutionary Spirituality: Towards an Engaged Evolutionary Mysticism

Arguably our most significant interpretive framework for the nature of reality is the modern scientific discovery that the world and the universe are not, as the ancients believed, static or cyclical. The universe, and everything in it, is evolving. Cosmic and biological evolution are foundational truths of existence, and the implications are profound and multi-dimensional, extending outwards in every direction. In the 21st century, the context for any path or practice of enlightenment must surely embrace this knowledge and perspective. It is perhaps the most important shift in our understanding of enlightenment in the 2500 years since the Buddha first attained it.

Andrew Cohen and Dr. Marc Gafni are pioneers in the field of evolutionary spirituality, each with their own unique perspective on this newly emergent tradition. They share a strong foundation in an evolutionary approach to spiritual awakening, while emphasising distinctly different but intersecting dimensions of the path and practice. Both Marc and Andrew have produced pioneering bodies of work in this field, and formulated many of its core tenets. Their teachings uphold and demystify the foundational principles of traditional, modern and postmodern wisdom streams, weaving them together into an integral whole, and ultimately pointing toward a new evolutionary mysticism – what might even be considered a “religion of tomorrow”.

The aim of these dialogues is to celebrate the creative and dynamic evolutionary tension between these two perspectives – to catalyse awakening to higher states and stages of consciousness, giving rise to liberating insights and life-affirming perspectives in a unique tapestry of coherence and meaning, and an inspiring example of emergent spirituality in action.

Featured Broadcasts & Live Events2023-11-02T06:10:32-07:00

Evolving Public Culture

How We Respond to Post Truth And Fake News Matters

We stand at a moment in time when the weaponizing of sex and the manufacturing of scandals is used to undermine leaders and manipulate politics, religion and culture via digital communications at a faster rate than any other time in history. The recent emergents of a post-truth society and fake or distorted news now generate more engagement than truth on social media and are having an enormous impact on the shaping people’s viewpoints and beliefs.

If you use the internet for any form of communication including…

  • Writing emails
  • Posting and commenting on social media
  • Sharing articles and blog posts
  • Creating or viewing videos
  • Participating in live broadcasts (FB Live, Google Hangouts etc..)
  • Reading the news

…then you are participating in digital culture.

The question is, does your participation contribute to the awakening and evolution of culture, or does your participation contribute to the perpetuation of false negative memes and distortions of the truth?

It’s not an easy question to answer, because most of us believe that our actions are well intentioned…. for instance:

  • You share an article with friends because you think it’s about an important topic and worthwhile read but you have not taken the time to see if the information in it is verified…
  • You make a critical comment on a social media post because you want to engage in a conversation that’s meaningful to you but you have made assumptions about what’s true in the story you are commenting on…
  • You sign a petition to take a stand against something such as sexual abuse, but are unaware that your own confirmation bias has lead you to believe the information being shared is fact…
  • You write a blog post or article about a cause or topic that you’re passionate about but you haven’t verified the information from both sides of the story before publishing it…

You see, if you don’t understand the basic tenets for discerning whether or not a post or an article is fact or simply opinion, stated as fact…and if you don’t take the time to weigh your opinions with basic moral and ethical standards before you press ‘publish’ or ‘post’, then you unconsciously become an instrument for the advancement of a post-truth society. In a post-truth America, justice, integrity, and basic goodness are sacrificed on the altar of click bait, political smear campaigns and corrupt grasping for profit or power.

Our response to post-truth and fake news was to create a series of blog-posts dedicated to restoring the fundamental principles of human dignity, fair process and integrity in the digital age. It’s called Evolving Public Culture.

The invitation of Evolving Public Culture is to become an activist for a planetary awakening by contributing to the conversation and choosing to take a bold stand for truth, integrity and justice.

Read some of our blog-posts below:

Evolving Public Culture2023-06-17T08:02:16-07:00

Unique Self Recovery

Unique Self Recovery2023-06-22T08:14:26-07:00

Spiritually Incorrect

Spiritually Incorrect2023-06-22T08:14:26-07:00

White House Council

White House Council2023-06-22T08:14:26-07:00

Integral Theory

Integral Theory2023-06-22T08:14:25-07:00

Integral Planet

Integral Planet2023-06-22T08:14:25-07:00

Foundation for Conscious Evolution

Foundation for Conscious Evolution2023-06-22T08:14:24-07:00


Eros is the deepest Reality of Cosmos, the pulse of evolution, the universal energy of emergence, intimacy, and wholeness. CosmoErotic Humanism unfolds a new evolutionary theory of Eros, a phenomenology of Eros, and re-imagines the ancient sacred mysteries of Eros. Eros and ethics are central to the possibilities for humanity in the coming century.

For a sub-set of teachings on Outrageous or Evolutionary Love, click HERE

Books on Eros Published

A Return to Eros

by Dr. Marc Gafni & Kristina Kincaid

Radical Kabbalah (2-Volume Set)

by Dr. Marc Gafni

The Mystery of Love

by Dr. Marc Gafni (Available)

Loving Your Way to Enlightenment

by Dr. Marc Gafni (Available)

Explore Eros

Obviously, there is some overlap between our different topics. While we are displaying some of our content under more than one of the topics, most of the times, we decided to put the different papers, videos, and audios under one topic only, so you have a unique experience on each of our topics pages. In order to get a full sense of the topic you are most interested in, we invite you to explore the other topics as well.

Stacks & Archives

On our main topics pages, you get a direct experience of our ongoing work at the Center for World Philosophy and Religion – the Great Library of CosmoErotic Humanism. We invite you to explore our books, papers, podcasts, etc.

You Want Even More?

Take the next step with us and access our Stacks & Archives with our Free Great Library Card.

Eros Stacks & Archives


Evolutionary Love or Outrageous Love

Evolutionary Love is the force that drives Reality forward and emerges through humanity as the outrageous capacity for self-transcendent love.

We also call it Outrageous Love:

“We live in a world of outrageous pain. The only response to outrageous pain is Outrageous Love.” – Dr. Marc Gafni

Out of the Outrageous Love teachings have also emerged the practices of Outrageous Love:

  • Committing Outrageous Acts of Love
  • Writing Outrageous Love Letters

Explore Evolutionary Love – Outrageous Love

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Evolutionary Love Stacks & Archives

Evolutionary Love or Outrageous Love2023-07-18T12:02:57-07:00

Outrageous Love Letters

Outrageous Love Letters2023-06-22T08:14:25-07:00
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